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  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / Canada2月至4月的数据出来了 +9




    • 患病者总比率: 219.82: 1982.35 (unvaxed:vaxed) +3

      入院者总比率: 24.45: 136.57

      死亡人数总比率: 2.08: 13.17

    • 分母是总人口,还是各个疫苗自己的总数,你这个没写清楚 +2
      • 我写很清楚了, 都是分子,每219个没打疫苗的人生病, 就相对有1982个打了疫苗的生病。分母自己去加, 这么简单的数学题, 还需要别人帮你加?😅😂 +5
        • 唉,唯一令人有点安慰的是,受害的也有支持强制的政府支持者,没准他们都打到四针了呢,助纣被虐。。。。 +7
    • 疫苗粉表示,只信政府嘴巴,不信政府数据,继续打针。。。。。 +11
    • 今年以来数据早已失真,安省官方一直告诫高峰时期每日有10万左右的发病率,只有不到1/20能进入记录系统,看是看老大提供的肉脸统计数据更加准确一些吧?
      • 死亡也失真吗? LOL。 +6
        • 从楼主提供的数据看,打加强针的(54400人/每10万人口))比不打针(13800人/每10万人口)的少死50%,如能知道这2个死亡群体平均年龄,你们会有更大的惊喜
          • Sorry, bur You didn't get the graphs correctly. +2
            • 如果把1针和2针的都等同于不打,这个不死率就更加可观了
              • According to the 3rd chart, for those died with COVID, unvaxxed: 2.08; tripple vaxxed: 5.45, per 100k ppl.
                • 10万是共同的分母.就是怕你们散光才列出了每10万人里的3针和0针各自的人数
                  • Nope. Your interpretation is wrong. +3
                    • 再帮你对一下眼,校正后的住院率数据是0针的是3针的2.3倍
                      • 图里面rate per 1000,000 都是针对各自接种群组。 +5
                        • 10万是普通人口,不是各自的群组
                          • Now this is an English issue. It's "per 100,000", not "among 100,000". +1
                            • 是吧,等我明天找公司里的老外工程师确认一下
                              • 等你的老外解答,不过就是用屁股想官方数据也不会自我矛盾,对O毒,抗病重的功效一直没改口过
                            • 还记得你们热捧过的英格兰/苏格兰数据吗?表格里面经常标注在每个群体的栏下,而不是用通栏标题统指
                          • 你理解不对。 +1

                            看清楚这些 Rate per 100,000 是怎么计算的。rate per 100,000 is
                            calculated by dividing the number of cases for a vaccination status, by the total number of
                            people with the same vaccination status, and then multiplying by 100,000.
                  • lol 你看图水平不行啊, 你的楼上人解读正确。 +3
                    • 我写很清楚了, 都是分子,每219个没打疫苗的人生病, 就相对有1982个打了疫苗的生病。分母自己去加, 这么简单的数学题, 还需要别人帮你加?😅😂 -wuxin123(小肥饭袋子);
        • 国外只要是测出阳性,不管是什么原因死亡的都算入。你去看最近国内的omincron数据,只有肺炎死亡的才算入,绝大部分死亡数据都是老年有急出病的。
    • 得病的真实数据应该比统计的高,住院和death不会漏掉。结论是打针防感染是骗人(以前不知道现在都知道了),防住院防死亡防了个空气。 +15
      • vaxx patients were turned away from testing during the peak of Omicron in BC. This is how accurate those infection rate is. +3
    • looks pro-vax is completely shut down in this forum. Truth is coming out, unpleasantly. We will keep bringing this up, in hope no one would blindly continue those shots. Obviously you may still take it if you want to. +7
      • I think the government is trashing the vaccinated people to push them to get another boosters. So the numbers look really bad and hard to dispute.
    • STUNNER: New Data from Walgreens Reveals Unvaccinated Have the Lowest Positivity Rate for COVID — Triple and Double Vaxxed Groups Have the Worst Rate +4
      The National Conservative posted some shocking numbers on the positivity rate of those Americans who are vaccinated compared with those who are not vaccinated. According to data from over 5,000 Wal…
    • 虽然回帖被删,但版主想清一色还是很难.LOL!
    • 疫苗粉丝可以参考一下哦…… +2


      • 真够扯的,一边不打疫苗不许干这个那个,一边说没有法律强制打疫苗,利益各方都被保护得好好的,除了这帮韭菜 +9
        • 韭菜不就是用来割的嘛…… +3
      • WTH. Taking COVID experimental vaccine = suicide. Such saying is too cruel. +3
        • Everybody has signed a agreement before take the jabs 🥶🥶🥶 +2