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我是生活在高压下(生活压力大), 但我没胡说, 给你摘一段:

the typical maximum power radiated by a power line would be less than 0.0001 microwatts/cm^2, compared to the 0.2 microwatts/cm^2 that a full moon delivers to the Earth's surface on a clear night.

This is not to say that there is no loss of power during transmission. There are sources of loss in transmission lines that have nothing to do with "radiation" (in the sense as it is used in electromagnetic theory). Much of the loss of energy is a result of resistive heating; this is in sharp contrast to radiofrequency and microwave antennas, which "lose" energy to space by radiation. Likewise, there are many ways of transmitting energy that do not involve radiation; electric circuits do it all the time.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 住房话题 / 总听说高压线不好,谁能告诉我高压线在NORTH YORK 附近的走向?先谢了。。。
    • 你也不怕RCMP对你二十四小时的监控?
      • 这个还保密吗?我只是正在附近找房子,想避开高压线区,能告诉我吗?另外,高压线是在地上还是地下呀?别见笑,什么都不知道:)
        • 在york uiversity 附近,finch以北就有高压线,是地上的
          • 谢谢!离高压线大约多少米,是安全的?
            • 离高压线近对正在发育的孩子影响比较大。
              • 能说说理由吗?
                • 强电磁场
                  • 请问有多强呢?
                    • 你是不知道,还是明知故问,考考我?
                      • #1455234
    • 一个朋友说,在高压线旁住,人的神经紧张,对心理健康有影响。
    • 请不要相信高压线电磁辐射强的传说, 这样的谣传甚至影响到房地产价格, 有必要在这里澄清事实, 电力线的辐射能量是0.0001 microwatts/cm^2, 晴朗夜空下的月光辐射能量是0.2 microwatts/cm^2, 我们有什么可恐惧的?
      • 你这么一说,大家不就都知道你住在高压线下了吗?
        • 住在高压线附近怕别人知道吗?
        • 我是生活在高压下(生活压力大), 但我没胡说, 给你摘一段:
          the typical maximum power radiated by a power line would be less than 0.0001 microwatts/cm^2, compared to the 0.2 microwatts/cm^2 that a full moon delivers to the Earth's surface on a clear night.

          This is not to say that there is no loss of power during transmission. There are sources of loss in transmission lines that have nothing to do with "radiation" (in the sense as it is used in electromagnetic theory). Much of the loss of energy is a result of resistive heating; this is in sharp contrast to radiofrequency and microwave antennas, which "lose" energy to space by radiation. Likewise, there are many ways of transmitting energy that do not involve radiation; electric circuits do it all the time.
      • 俺对什么数据或甚嘛分析不感兴趣。反正住高压线旁时,经常性偏头痛,抽筋似的疼痛感记忆犹新。但住高压线旁之前和之后都没有这种现象。原来不知道什么原因,后来得知“谣传”,才恍然大悟。
    • look at your map legend,u will find out ,it is one the map ,thin colour line(i don't remember its colour ) ,looks like railway
    • 我住在高压线附近,晚上就睡不好觉。干扰脑电波。
    • 以前讨论过这个问题,我记得国内不少电力职工就住在高压线附近,因为他们把10kv架空线改成走电缆,空出来的地皮就让他们盖成他们的宿舍了,住的人都是老职工了,所以即便有问题,问题也不大.
      • 不知道谁说得对。电力职工是没有别的选择吧,否则他们会选更好的地点。核电站、高压线等特殊的地点,感觉总不大好。生物受到的影响不是几个简单的物理数据就能说清的。
      • 那只是心理作用而已,核电站和高压线都配备了很好的安全设备,不会对人造成危害。
      • 再好的安全设备也有出故障的时候,谁能想到居然会发生大停电呢?如果高压线掉下来是不是很恐怖?
      • 发生这种事的几率和被车撞死的几率差不多,难道每天要在提心吊胆中生活?
      • 对车祸的发生我们无能为力,可是我们可以选择一个安全的居住地点,对核电站和高压线这些具有潜在危的东西避而远之,不只是为了自己,更是为了孩子!
      • 你觉得争论这个问题很好玩吗?我可没有时间,你自己玩吧。
      • 你以为我愿意和你争?还不是你先开始的?无聊!
      • 终于把这个问题变成缩头乌龟了,现在你满意了?
        • 这个问题到此为止。居住地点的选择,如人饮水,冷暧自知。别人意见只是参考,最后仍需自行抉择。