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The pope said that perhaps Putin reacted because of "NATO's barking at Russia's gate .. I wouldn't know if this provoked an ire but perhaps it facilitated it". 确实说了,人家引用的没算错

Pope Francis said in an interview published on Tuesday that he asked for a meeting in Moscow with Russian President Vladimir Putin to try to stop the war in Ukraine but had not received a reply.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 和平之路 / 乌西历史名城利沃夫遭到俄军轰炸,俄军巡航导弹轰炸利沃夫以及6个牵引变电站以及铁路,这次轰炸是自二月底开战以来最大规模轰炸 +2
    • 炸军事设施根本不心疼, 北约当时也是炸各种民用设施给塞尔维亚炸怕的, 现实情况, 塞尔维亚大幅之后, 各种坦克鱼贯而出, 很少损毁的. +2
    • 要打就撸起袖子赶紧打完, +3
      生与死随便了。。。这偷偷摸摸暗渡陈仓拖拉着把百姓榨干的行为,还被冠以为正义而战,真可恶!。。。By the way, 听到radio里政客们激情洋溢的竞选口号,觉得好倒胃口。不得不感叹,政客们脸皮真厚,啥事干不好,一次次地继续喊口号,一个个还摆出唯有选他们才能save US 的样子!
    • 方济教皇抵达莫斯科会见普京。教皇说战争是因为北约在俄罗斯家门口狂犬汪汪汪导致。这个说法有意思。 +3
      • 有链接么?教皇说这个好像有点意思么
      • 只有教宗要莫斯科東正教主教,不要做布丁的宗教打手(Putin's altar boy),你那個是你自個兒汪出來的吧 +3
        The Russian Orthodox Church scolded Pope Francis on Wednesday for using the wrong tone after he urged Patriarch Kirill not to become the Kremlin's "altar boy", cautioning the Vatican that such remarks would hurt dialogue between the churches.
        • 为啥要听他的? +1
          • The pope said that perhaps Putin reacted because of "NATO's barking at Russia's gate .. I wouldn't know if this provoked an ire but perhaps it facilitated it". 确实说了,人家引用的没算错 +1
            Pope Francis said in an interview published on Tuesday that he asked for a meeting in Moscow with Russian President Vladimir Putin to try to stop the war in Ukraine but had not received a reply.
    • 再次证明了,打仗打到最后就是打的补给。 +1
    • 这样子呀,需要引进以色列铁穹系统。建隔离墙 +2
      • 铁穹就是防巴勒斯坦土火箭还行。那个玩意我说过就是把肩扛防空导弹集中起来用三级系统管理一下。没什么神秘的。 +2