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友情提醒楼上2位,我用了快递return服务,加了22刀,用canada post快递是免费递送过去的。邮局员工一点耐心,都没有不愿意看我邮件里打印出来的instruction。还让我花18块快递费。

我在边上放材料的时候读了一下instruction,是免邮费的。然后我highlighted了重点,她才把邮费退给我,结果我发现她没有输入instruction上的信息。那部分信息应该很重要,保证邮件可以准确到达美国大使馆。保险起见,我在信封上写了家庭地址,以免丢失。应该还会有一个tracking number打印给我们,这些都写在大使馆给邮局的instruction上了。


我刚才拿邮局给我的xpress tracking number查了查,还好已经递送到了。我是仔细查了所有的文件,保证没有遗漏,自己粗略看了一看,还让我老公看的。他告诉了我几句要点,我就记着,结果没想到到了那边工作人员居然不愿意读给他们的instruction。结果还是我自己仔细读了并highlight给她。友情提醒你们一下instruction一定要读懂读清楚。


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 护照签证 / 加拿大永久居民的US Visitor Visa申请是不是快停了2年了?我在帮我老妈续签美国10年签证,现在多伦多Visitor Visa约appointment需要505 Calendar Days? +2
    • 按以前的做法, 过期前后一个时间段内的续签大部分都免面。另外,中美关系这么僵,还能给10年有效吗
      • 我问的是现在。我爸妈是移民,应该可以拿到10年签证。关键是现在约不到appointment.
        • 请问你爸妈是否已经拿到了去美国的10年签证?谢谢!
    • 为父母也是排到明年7 月份。
      • 你哪里约的,我连交费的连接和约appointment的连接都找不到。看官网交的申请费还有过期时限?
    • 最近续签是过期四年内免面试。先填D160表,再进入多伦多领馆的网页,继续填表,选择投递地址,根据提示邮寄护照到领馆。
      • 我DS-160表早就填写完了,也submit了。有一个PDF发到有邮箱,内容都是网上预约和付费的指令。按照指令,我连付费链接和预约的链接都没有找到。很明显官网把原网页变成了一个FAQ的网页了。见内:

        以下是我收到的PDF中的instruction部分的内容,如果点击embassy or consult的hyperlink,我选多伦多,可以看到的页面是

        https://ca.usembassy.gov/embassy-consulates/toronto/ 的内容。没有任何邮递和付费的信息。

        如果选visa tab,可以看到Nonimmigrant Visas的选项。但是点击Click here to start your non-immigrant visa application 以后,只能看到:https://ais.usvisa-info.com/en-ca/niv 里面的内容。

        在:https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/us-visas/tourism-visit/visitor.html 这个网页可以看到中国公民需要支付的费用,可就是没看到支付的链接和选项。



        Note: Electronically submitting your DS-160 online application is the FIRST STEP in the visa
        application process. The next step is to review the internet page of the embassy or consulate
        where you plan to apply for your visa. Most visa applicants will need to schedule a visa
        interview, though some applicants may qualify for visa renewal. The embassy or consulate
        information may include specific local instructions about scheduling interviews, submitting your
        visa application, and other frequently asked questions.
        YOU MUST BRING the confirmation page and the following document(s) with you at all steps
        during the application process:
        You may also provide any additional documents you feel will support your case.

        YOU MUST SUBMIT the confirmation page with a clear and legible barcode at the time of your
        interview. If you do not have access to a printer at this time, select the option to email your
        confirmation page to an email address. You may print or email your application for your own
        records. YOU DO NOT need to submit the application at the time of the interview.
        Please note that you will be required to provide proof that you have paid the visa application fee and any other fees associated with your application. There may be other fees associated with the visa application process. Please check your country's Reciprocity Schedule for any other fees you may owe.
        If you have further questions, or to find out how to contact the Consular Post, please go to
        https://ca.usembassy.gov/visas/ or http://travel.state.gov.
        NOTE: Unless exempt from an interview, you will be required to sign your application by
        providing a biometric signature, i.e. your fingerprint before a consular officer. By providing this
        biometric signature you are certifying under penalty of perjury that you have read and
        understood the questions in your nonimmigrant visa application and that all statements that
        appear in your nonimmigrant visa application have been made by you and are true and
        complete to the best of your knowledge and belief. Furthermore at the time of your interview,
        you will be required to certify under penalty of perjury that all statements in your application and those made during your interview are true and compete to the best of your knowledge and
        You electronically signed your application on Date-Month-2022 hh:MM:ss (GMT-05:00). You were required to electronically sign your application yourself, unless otherwise exempt by regulation, even if the application was prepared by someone other than yourself. Your electronic signature certifies that you have read and understood the questions in this application and that your answers are true and correct to the best of your knowledge and belief. The submission of an application containing any false or misleading statements may result in the permanent refusal of a visa or the denial of entry into the United States. All declarations made in this application are unsworn declarations made under penalty of perjury. (28 U.S.C. 1746).
        You certified that you understand that you are required to submit your visa to the United States
        Immigration Officer at the port where you apply to enter the United States, and that possession
        of the visa does not entitle you to enter the United States if, upon your arrival, you are found to
        be inadmissible under U.S. immigration laws. You certified that you understand that any willfully
        false or misleading statement or willful concealment of a material fact made by you within the
        application may subject you to permanent exclusion from the United States and, if you are
        admitted to the United States, may subject you to criminal prosecution and/or deportation.

        The information that you have provided in your application and other information submitted with your application may be accessible to other government agencies having statutory or other lawful authority to use such information, including for law enforcement and immigration law enforcement purposes. If fingerprints are collected as part of your application process, they may be used for the purpose of comparing them to other fingerprints in the FBI’s Next Generation Identification (NGI) fingerprint system or its successor systems (including civil, criminal, and latent fingerprint repositories). The photograph that you provide with your application may be used for employment verification or other U.S. law purposes.
        This site is managed by the Bureau of Consular Affairs, U.S. Department of State. External
        links to other Internet sites should not be construed as an endorsement of the views contained

        • 在领馆的网页创建一个账号: (一定要拉到网页底部才看得到),然后跟着指令填表,缴费,打印快递单,再选择护照邮寄到家或者自取。 +1
          • 多谢。这个网页我看过n次了,从来没有注意到居然底下还有一个账号登陆的地方。我让我老公看过,他也没看到还有账号这一部分。:(
            • 不客气!这个网页设计得很不友好,我也是找了很久才发现。
              • 特别感谢你的提醒,重新检查了我的申请表,有个选项填错了,改过来后就不用面试环节,直接邮寄材料了
          • 这护照一般多久会有状态更新?我现在看到的一直是send document。但是邮局那边早就显示签收了。你们是材料寄出以后多久收到签证加护照的? +1
            • 3.18寄出,3.22签证处收到,昨天取到签证。前后大概两周。

              应该很快,从“send document”一下子更新到签证通过很快的,没来得及反应就通知可以取了。
              • 多谢,那应该快了。我比你晚没几天寄出的。但是加了钱request了回邮,估计就算看到状态变化还得至少3-4天。我看寄过去就花了4天。
                • 不谢,good luck。
              • 恭喜。现在还是十年有效期么?
                • 谢谢,签的还是十年的。
          • 我也是付好了费,选好了邮局自己去取签证。我的问题是,去哪里可以邮寄材料去美在多伦多的签证中心呢?是我可以任意选择邮局,还是去我定好的取签证的邮局寄呢? 把你们讨论的帖子看了好几遍,对照网站,好像只是确认了取的邮局没提到送的邮局。请给我指点秘津。谢谢!
            • 用这个链接查离你家最近的接受 Courier-In Authorization Certificate 的邮局 +1
              • 谢谢雁子!!:)
            • 你付费后怎么还可以改设置?
      • 请问在哪里能看到四年内免面试的申请?我按照美国领馆的D160 表一路填下去,缴了费,约了6月30日面试,没有提免面试呢。要是能免就太完美了。
        • 你按照他给的3/13的link一步一步走下去就知道是不是免面试了。link里要求回答五个还是六个问题。然后后面有指令让你怎么做。
          • 谢谢,昨晚弄好了,不用面试,直接邮寄材料就好,简直喜出望外。要求的材料里有:申请表、护照、枫叶卡复印件等,有一项结婚证,不知道是否是必须上交的?
            • 友情提醒楼上2位,我用了快递return服务,加了22刀,用canada post快递是免费递送过去的。邮局员工一点耐心,都没有不愿意看我邮件里打印出来的instruction。还让我花18块快递费。

              我在边上放材料的时候读了一下instruction,是免邮费的。然后我highlighted了重点,她才把邮费退给我,结果我发现她没有输入instruction上的信息。那部分信息应该很重要,保证邮件可以准确到达美国大使馆。保险起见,我在信封上写了家庭地址,以免丢失。应该还会有一个tracking number打印给我们,这些都写在大使馆给邮局的instruction上了。


              我刚才拿邮局给我的xpress tracking number查了查,还好已经递送到了。我是仔细查了所有的文件,保证没有遗漏,自己粗略看了一看,还让我老公看的。他告诉了我几句要点,我就记着,结果没想到到了那边工作人员居然不愿意读给他们的instruction。结果还是我自己仔细读了并highlight给她。友情提醒你们一下instruction一定要读懂读清楚。

              • 他们需要的就是在RPS系统中打印一份Return Label。贴上就送出去了。
            • 结婚证marriage certificate 原件,,移民一般都没有。
          • 请问免面试的3/13的link 是哪个,找不到,能给一个链接吗?
        • 美签续签一直是过期几年内免面试,疫情之前就这样了。
    • 请问免面试的3/13的link 是什么?找不到
    • 我为父母申请,建立账号后把母亲的名字加进去,系统没有提那几个问题, 现在付费后父亲是寄材料,母亲是约面试,现在多伦多没有面试,请问有什么解决方案吗?
      • 单独给你母亲建个账号试试?
        • 钱已经在第一个帐户里付了
      • 请问您母亲的签证材料后来是单独申请了吗?我想在账户里取消一位申请人都找不到栏目取消。另外他们的结婚证也要一同邮寄到大使馆么?”谢谢 +1