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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!



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  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / 去年的“阴谋论”,今年看看还有几个是真的“阴谋论”? +20


    • 更多的正在路上 +10
      • 第八个还没有在西方国家实施。不过中国的封门封小区比那个“第八条”差不多或更恶 +7
        • 集中营在澳大利亚实施了 +7
    • 地球上的很多人类社会政策都是在为全球一国的新世界秩序铺路,而新世界秩序和人口削减议程又在为ET的混血议程铺路,进一步ET绑架及混血议程又在为其背后的势力试图把人类生物机器人化的议程铺路。近些年来AI人工智能、通过人工网络进行万物交互的物联网、虚拟人工现实、 +7
      • 哎。。。想起一句话。。。人间不值得。。。 +1
        • :-)我们的3维地球人生就是一个非常好玩的游戏。很难,但很好玩,玩的好可以向上跳好几级。玩的不好可以选择退出游戏,也可以选择重新玩 LOL +1
          • 但是被政府逼的感觉没有时间了。。。都没有时间
            • 这是一个灵性论坛LAW OF ONE对疫苗对灵性成长的影响讨论贴(之一)。很多人和你有同样的感想。 +1

              Thread: any L&L(Love and Light) from covid, vax?

              #1 12-27-2021, 03:08 PM
              I see several threads about the vaccines. I'm also curious about where the L&L are in this pandemic. (If there's already a thread out there like this, feel free to point me in that direction.) 

              Something intuitively tells me that this virus has also enlightened humanity, and there is Love & Light - and unity - within our varied experiences. Our human tribe - all of us humans on this earth - are experiencing this pandemic together, collectively. A catalyst that unites all of us humans globally is, to me, perhaps unprecedented. 

              I certainly don't overlook the tragedy and strain as there is much of it. I am just also looking for unity and L&L herein. I recall that Ra told a story about a STS (Orion?) plan that was implemented to create separation and control over others, yet it surprisingly backfired due to love. And the outcome was not what the STS faction intended. 

              The pandemic is/has been a mixed bag for me personally; it included a healthy dose of suffering. Also, though, I broke free from my go, go, go schedule. I found Law of One and this forum in the midst of the pandemic. If I had not had my life shaken up so, I'm not sure when or if I would've stumbled upon Law of One material. 

              Do you see unity and L&L in this pandemic? If so, where?

              #2 12-27-2021, 03:41 PM
              this is what I wrote recently about L&L/catalyst of pandemic vaccine

              finally realized this C19 vaccine thing is a good catalyst. i used to think this thing took too much of time, affect my learning on high-dimension science etc. for a time I want to reduce time spend on this C19 vaccine thing, but doesn't work :-)

              now i realized somehow this is my spiritual development path. this whole thing helped my spiritual development, gave me a hands on experience to apply my knowledge, so i can have better understanding of the timeline, the 'void', even exposed some of my 'shadow', so i can take actions to light the shadow, accept it. and deal with some hidden fear.

              and through synchronicity, many good articles showed up. like the one below.

              also, from book 'the ascension papers' , i already know everything is right . if i can't see the beauty of picture, it's because i stand too close to it.

              through this vaccine thing, i have far better understanding of knowing why it's "right" ( at my current level of ignorance):

              1. it's not because this c19 vaccine is good for people. a lot of people are dead, got long term disability from it. so it is definitely hurting and killing people. but on the other hand, a lot of people wake up from their family member, friends' vaccine injury. a lot of people took 2 shots, and decided not to take 3rd shots.

              even more surprisingly, i am seeing more and more people start to have compassion, organized to help each other, at a faster pace i have never seen before.

              2. it's because some of those lower consciousness level people use this opportunity to exit the game, a lot of survived people began to wake up, so human being's group consciousness level actually went up. its like remove from weeds from grains. maybe this analogy is too harsh, but it's the truth

              again, all above is just understanding at my current level of ignorance. every moment, i am learning something new, building a new and more expanded viewpoints, and may having a slight different viewpoints than before.
              • 我知道是这样的。。。但是看到很多懵懂无辜的人死去很心痛,同时有看到很多人做畜生事又觉得他们不值得同情。。。很矛盾 +1
                • 是啊,接受二元性是很难的。所以我一直推荐‘扬升书’,尤其是第十章,什么是邪恶.很多东西,彻底懂了,就可以帮助保持平安,喜乐的心情,同时揭露阴暗,甚至是恐怖的现实。:-) +1
    • 你说的truth有几个是false。 +3
    • 前三条还是阴谋论。这种明显与事实不符的帖子能上精华?政治版果然一直是极端右倾的 +6

      • 你可以做极右克星。 +4
        • 克不了。就是看不惯造谣造得肆无忌惮的。这么说吧,个人有个人的喜爱(比如喜欢某某歌星或者讨厌某某歌星),这很正常;要是明显说假话(比如迈克尔杰克逊是白人),我是觉得这种造谣真恶心 +1
          • 比如有个男人(Rachel Levine)说自己是女人呢? +3
            • 要是有人造谣川扑不骗人呢? +1
              • 川扑说grab her by pussy,是骗人吗? +1
    • ZT 回头看看当初怎么说的"CDC director Rochelle Walensky said data suggests fully vaccinated people don't carry COVID-19";"the CDC released a study finding mRNA vaccines 90% effective at preventing infection".(2021年3月30日)