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  • 枫下沙龙 / 户外活动 / 4名遇难地质队员(曾经是军人)携带装备披露:有生火汽油,随身仍有若干零食



    • 不是饿死的,是冻死的 +3
      • 没有野外活动常识,野外吃不饱体温就保持不住。。。 +1
    • 食物没吃,为什么? +1
    • 啥都不如茶鸡蛋,1个鸡蛋,可以支撑5公里。4个鸡蛋,走20公里,不会饿。 +1
      • 高温潮湿,鸡蛋不易保存
    • 这是吃剩下的吧 +1
      • 不是吃剩下的,就带这么多食物。估计其它钱用来买酒了。。。
        • 这么说有点胡扯
    • 这也太少了,应该附近有补给站什么的吧
    • 数学太差
    • 中国地质局昆明中心这4人遗体前2天在云南镇沅县的哀牢山里被发现 实际上他们都装备有先进的个人定位设备RTK 遗憾……
      • 这完全是媒体误导,他们带的是RTK 测量仪。而RTK(Real - time kinematic)实时差分定位是一种能够在野外实时得到厘米级定位精度的测量方法,它的出现极大地提高了野外作业效率。根本就没有说这东西能定位。。。
    • See what a US soldier has for one meal outdoors +1

      So, what is an MRE? The MRE (Meal, Ready to Eat) is a totally self-contained complete meal. One MRE equals one meal. The packaging of an MRE is designed to withstand rough conditions and exposure to the elements. Inside each MRE bag is an entree and a variety of other food and drink items. MREs come packaged in cases with 12 MREs per case. There are currently 24 different “menus” or varieties of MREs. Menus 1-12 are packaged in a case designated Case A and menus 13-24 are packaged in Case B.

      MREs are the main operational food ration for the United States Armed Forces. You can check out the MRE History page for more a more in-depth history of how MREs came to be but the short version is that the c-rations and k-rations from World War II developed into the MCI (Meal, Combat, Individual) rations used in Korea and Vietnam. Then in 1980, the MRE was developed and became the primary ration for the US.

      What’s in an MRE?

      You can find a listing of the exact components of each MRE on the MRE Menus page . The military makes a few changes to the menus every year so you will find a different menu listing for each year. In general, though, each MRE contains the following:

      • Entree: the main course, such as Spaghetti or Beef Stew
      • Side dish: rice, corn, fruit, or mashed potatoes, etc.
      • Cracker or Bread
      • Spread: peanut butter, jelly, or cheese spread
      • Dessert: cookies or pound cakes
      • Candy: M&Ms, Skittles, or Tootsie Rolls
      • Beverages: Gatorade-like drink mixes, cocoa, dairy shakes, coffee, tea
      • Hot sauce or seasoning: in some MREs
      • Flameless Ration Heater: to heat up the entree
      • Accessories: spoon, matches, creamer, sugar, salt, chewing gum, toilet paper, etc.

      Each MRE provides an average of 1,250 calories (13% protein, 36% fat, and 51% carbohydrates) and 1/3 of the Military Recommended Daily Allowance of vitamins and minerals. A full day’s worth of meals would consist of three MREs.

      Here are some pictures of an MRE (2009 Menu #20) and its contents:

      MRE Bag and contents

      2009 MRE, Menu 20 2009 MRE, Menu 20 contents

      Spaghetti with Meat Sauce Entrée

      Spaghetti with Meat Sauce Entrée Spaghetti with Meat Sauce Entrée in bowl

      Chipotle Snack Bread and Cheese Spread

      Chipotle Snack Bread and Cheese Spread back Chipotle Snack Bread and Cheese Spread front

      Baked Snack Crackers (Hot & Spicy Flavor): Cheez-Its

      Baked Snack Crackers (Hot & Spicy Flavor): Cheez-Its back Baked Snack Crackers (Hot & Spicy Flavor): Cheez-Its front

      Cherry Blueberry Cobbler

      Cherry Blueberry Cobbler in retort package Cherry Blueberry Cobbler in bowl

      Spoon, Drink Mix, and Accessory Pack Contents

      Spoon, Drink Mix, and Accessory Pack Contents Spoon, Drink Mix, and Accessory Pack Contents

      How do you eat an MRE?

      True to its name, the MRE is “ready to eat” and everything can be consumed without cooking or heating (but the beverages are much better when water is added to the drink mixes). While the entrees and sides are fine to eat cold, they usually taste much better when heated up with the included Flameless Ration Heater or by boiling in water.

      How long do MREs last?

      Officially, MREs are designed to have a shelf life of three years when stored at 80 degree F. These times can be lengthened or shortened depending on their storage temperatures. Higher temperatures = shorter MRE lifespans. I’ve tried many MREs that were 10 or 15 years old and with the exception of a few parts that had darkened in color over time, they still tasted fine.

      Please see this page for more information on MRE Shelf Life.

      • 这是专业的,高热量+轻便。 +1
      • 高糖高脂实在不健康,但是野外生存必备,呵呵。
        • Yes. 😄Low fat low sugar is only for us who stay in the city everyday. When it's outdoor, the story is totally different.
    • 好像已经被熊吃了吧。
    • 带的这些太不专业,看上去是郊游用的。哪怕是有点压缩饼干、牛肉干和营养棒也好 +2
      • 带的东西不专业,不吃东西等的做法也不专业。这几个人还当过兵。堪忧啊。
        • 现在都是独生子,当兵也就是让人擦PG, 学不了什么。 +1
        • 当过兵只能说身体比常人好,不说明野外生存能力高 +1
          • 当兵的都多少受过野外生存训练吧,否则怎么拉练,模拟野战?
            • 看什么兵种了,看新闻他们更多的是武警,主要进行城市防暴训练? +1
              • 武警,平时吃香喝辣,有任务时对付手无寸铁的P民,没任务时拿钱替人当打手。 +2
    • 不可能是饿死的,可能是被蛇咬死的。 +2
    • 是失温死亡,与今年5月甘肃白银山马拉松20多名运动员都是失温死亡。失温死亡比冻死还惨 +2
      • 这比白银更不应该。那个是比赛,完全没吃没喝没衣服,这个是去工作,准备不到位。话说这个单位都是新兵蛋子么,野外工作就没个基本装备清单?
        • 你去查下什么是失温,基本就是温度骤变情况下才会发生,这四位地质人员进山里时候温度适宜,但后来气温骤降,始料不及 +1
          • 始料不及难道不是错误嘛。做野外工作对气温变化就不应该有始料不及 +3
    • 其实他们自己也有责任, 单位不给配发保护的产品, 自己不能花钱买吗? 命是自己的, 领导也有考虑不周全的时候, 发挥一下主观能动性, 很难吗?
      • 他们的在天之灵看到你的批评了。 下辈子一定改。 +2
    • 估计是GPS没电了,失去方向,迷路;其实野外生存,学会使用原始的地图和指南针很重要
    • 更可怜的是,不会点火烧草产生烟柱,让搜救大队发现其方位。光想着GPS,北斗导航,无鸟用! +1
    • 在野外失温才是最大的杀手,气温10几度风雨交加就可能失温。并不一定是零下几十度冻死。