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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

Dr. Joseph Varon是休斯顿联合总医院重症监护主任,从去年年初开始就一直在亲手治疗新冠病人。链接是新闻报道。

The Texas doctor captured in a photo cradling a distraught Covid-19 patient on Thanksgiving has spoken of the sad isolation of his elderly patients and pleaded with people to "do the basic things" to avoid infection and stay out of hospital.
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  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / 得了新冠的,可以拿这封信给你的医生,请求开伊维菌素或氟伏沙明的处方。 +18
    • 谢谢blueskygg(Grass)! +8
    • 非常感谢 +6
    • 如果真的不幸得了新冠,请以医生的建议为准。在网上看的各种所谓的医疗建议,一定要慎重考虑。说实话,看病万一出了事情,还可以有机会去找找医生的责任,网上不知哪来的人的乱七八糟偏方哪儿去追究责任啊 +8
      • 打了疫苗的出了事情更沒有地方/人追究責任! +10
        • FDA批准的瑞德西韦仅仅上市一年多就致死很多很多人了,没人负责的。 +5
          • 听上去兽药有人负责了? +2
            • 都没人负责,所以千万不要吃兽药。 +5
        • Government of Canada announced that it was creating the Vaccine Injury Support Program....provide financial support to you if it is determined that you have experienced a serious and permanent injury after receiving a Health Canada-approved vaccine +1
          • support又不是赔偿,也没人负责任。加拿大任何人其它原因受伤弄残疾了也有政府support。 +4
            • Vaccine Injury Support Program,显然是疫苗专用的,不取代其他的support。 +1

    • 非常感谢 +4
    • 有备无患,非常感谢! +4
    • 如果医生不给开怎么办? +2
      • 没办法,只能换个医生试试。 +2
    • 非常感谢 +3
    • 提個醒,如果希望安省醫生開立”人類使用”的ivermectin處方籤,不能用Covid-19 做為處方理由,必須是以體內除蟲做為病因.致於是不是有醫生和藥房願意配合,就不知道了 +6
      • 是不是政府不许医生开IVM用于新冠?
        • 找那250医生就行了 +3
          • 最恨那些医生的就是医药公司,挡了他们的财路么,怎么能容忍几毛钱的药跟他们几百几千块的药竞争?你又不是医药公司的,恨那些医生干啥? +6
            • 找那250个医生就行了 +1
    • 伊维菌素有效证据总结 +1
    • 这位推广伊维菌素的医生,发表过830篇peer-reviewed论文。Dr. Varon has contributed more than 830 peer-reviewed journal articles, 10 full textbooks, and 15 dozen book chapters to the medical literature. +3
      • 非常感谢! +2
        • 不客气。我每天补充Zinc, VC, VD, Quercetin, B12来预防。缺乏这些元素的人比较容易得新冠,得了的话病情会比较重。有些人看似健康,没啥病,其实并不健康,长期缺乏这些元素而自己并不知道。 +1
    • Dr. Joseph Varon是休斯顿联合总医院重症监护主任,从去年年初开始就一直在亲手治疗新冠病人。链接是新闻报道。 +1
      The Texas doctor captured in a photo cradling a distraught Covid-19 patient on Thanksgiving has spoken of the sad isolation of his elderly patients and pleaded with people to "do the basic things" to avoid infection and stay out of hospital.
    • 伊维菌素有很强的副作用的,小心谨慎呀 +1
      • Really? Could you share the link? Thanks in advance. +1
      • "I have used Ivermectin in a few thousand patients," he said. "I cannot tell you the exact number, but I know that it's been quite a large number of patients and I have not seen a single significant side-effect. Not one," said Varon.
        The FDA is currently specifically cautioning against it, but one Houston doctor says he uses Ivermectin to treat COVID-19 patients.
    • 这篇报道提到Dr. Varon用伊维菌素治疗新冠病人。护士说,他对病人就象家人一样,亲手治疗每一个病人。 +2
    • 推广伊维菌素的医生们的网站,FLCCC指导世界各国的医生们治疗新冠,海量信息。 +2
      The 'I-MASK+ Prophylaxis and Early Outpatient Treatment Protocol for COVID-19' and the 'MATH+ Hospital Treatment Protocol for COVID-19' are physiologic-based combination treatment regimen created by the FLCCC Alliance, a group of leaders in critical care medicine. All component medicines in our protocols are well approved, inexpensive, readily available and have been used for decades with well-established safety profiles.
    • 要查药物副作用请去这个网站,可以把Ivermectin和vitamin C以及任何一种你知道的药物比较一下。 +3