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The use of weapons or arms to defend oneself is still heavily debated in Canadian law. While some feel weapons do help protect individuals from attackers and can save lives, others feel that this carries substantial risk to others and can instead be used aggressively rather than defensively to endanger others.

No matter what weapon is used in self-defence, it must only be used to defend oneself against a very severe and probable threat. This is not just exclusive to firearms and does apply to other forms of weapons such as knives or baseball bats.

If an individual has used a weapon or firearm in an attempt to defend themselves against their attacker, they must inform their defence lawyer as soon as possible. Not disclosing this now could significantly affect the outcome of their investigation and could lead to an assault, murder, or manslaughter charge.


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 保安防身 / 没事儿在网上闲逛,看看短枪的价格。美国佬造真便宜,德国佬造,真贵!!! 哈哈。。个人喜好是个最浪费时间和银两的玩意



    • 保命还是保财?
      • 7 我只看到,不论多贵,好东西全卖光! 能装26颗子弹。想不明白那么小的尺寸,是如何做到的。 你去街头的店里,实地考察一下?
        • 双排加长弹夹
          • illegal in Canada. max 10 round in magazine plus 1 in chamber, that is the legal limit in Canada. And, very likely soon the entire hand gun will be banned if Trudeau stays on.
            • 加拿大人很反枪的,土豆是一个蠢货,但是他也不过是一个顺应某些愚蠢加拿大人的想法的蠢货。
              • Yea majority of Canadian is not in line with gun owner, which counts about 15% of population. But frankly shooting is fun! +1
                • 任何运动和爱好都可以这么说。比如只有15%的人认为玩帆船有意义
                  • yea, only difference is that the 85% don't usually want to ban the 15%, except for gun. Have to admire American's founding fathers, that wrote 2nd amendment, especially right now when Vaxx passport on the corner. +1
                • I agree
            • 讨厌土豆!
        • 装26颗子弹犯法喔
    • 前段时间有卖枪的冲动,可一了解加拿大枪法禁止拿枪自卫,又打消了积极性。光是那把枪去训练场过瘾,比较保管枪的麻烦,觉得兴趣寥寥
      • 禁止拿枪自卫, 可以他卫吧?比如保护狗狗?
        • 一个业余普通老百姓没什么专业训练,如果不能在遭遇歹徒时先拔枪在手先发制人,而是等歹徒动手威胁生命时再后发制人,恐怕自己的枪只会帮倒忙。这个枪法不合理
          • 绝大多数歹徒的技术水平和心理素质也不好。说实在的,技术好的歹徒也不会屑于抢劫普通人。 +2
            • 共产党技术水平和心理素质不好? 你瞎说
              • 加拿大共产党/马列党? +2
          • 我是说先放狗
      • 你的理解错误,没有禁止而是把裁定权给了法庭。加拿大可以拿枪自卫但是属不属于自卫要事后法院决定。 +1

        The use of weapons or arms to defend oneself is still heavily debated in Canadian law. While some feel weapons do help protect individuals from attackers and can save lives, others feel that this carries substantial risk to others and can instead be used aggressively rather than defensively to endanger others.

        No matter what weapon is used in self-defence, it must only be used to defend oneself against a very severe and probable threat. This is not just exclusive to firearms and does apply to other forms of weapons such as knives or baseball bats.

        If an individual has used a weapon or firearm in an attempt to defend themselves against their attacker, they must inform their defence lawyer as soon as possible. Not disclosing this now could significantly affect the outcome of their investigation and could lead to an assault, murder, or manslaughter charge.

        • 我买枪的动机主要是在遭遇匪徒入室抢劫时,持枪威慑吓退歹徒,但网友讨论的结果是,这好像是违法的,一不留神就可能犯法
          • 这是对的,买枪时千万不能说是自卫,有危险要先报警。如果意外发生你用枪用菜刀甚至木棒都是一样的。
          • yea, you can't do that. Show gun means threatening with gun, crime. What you can do is back to a room with one door, and shoot the invader when he enters. You have no way to retreat, thus justify your shooting.
            • 这只适合于保护自己。试想一下这样的common形势:高大强壮的歹徒在一楼或另一间屋侵犯你的家人,弱小的亚洲人男房主没有枪在手,如何出手解救家人?报警等警察?干等眼看着?
              • w/o gun you are doomed. w gun still not easy but I think in this situation you may show the gun and get away with it.
              • 抄起菜刀啊
                • 棒球棒比菜刀有用。要砍死一个不容易的。真往死里打,西瓜刀,刺。
            • do you really believe the burglar you threaten with a gun will report to the police saying you threaten him with a gun? +1
              • Good point. Still however, it is illegal, in canada. Will u be caught? Who knows, maybe your neighbor will report u. +1
                • well, if you don't open fire, neighbors don't know.
                  • 带瞄准器的枪可以连发吗?要是不可以,打一枪没打到不是要被灭了?
                    • 加拿大民枪没有连发的,最多半自动。家防最好是散弹枪。
                      • 10颗子弹弹夹那种?
                • 守法被歹徒干掉;违法把歹徒干掉。选哪个还用我说吗?LOL
                  • LOL, who said won't shot? the whole discussion here was whether it is legal to threaten invader? Pure technical. I bet you don't have PAL.
                    • LOL。Who cares legal or not? Just shoot! You loot, we shoot
          • better judged than carried, man. why is this so hard for people to understand.
      • 好好想想,没抢把命运交到歹徒手里;有枪把歹徒吓退大家相安无事,或者把歹徒干掉,把自己的命运交到法庭手里。你会选哪个?
    • 德国的价格是美国的二倍。
      • 关税高吧