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Pay in banking vs. consulting vs. tech vs. medicine vs. law


We've been here before (many times), but a new and significant discussion point has been added to the perennial debate about which career is best if your principal objective is earning money, and so we are addressing the issue again. Which career will best set you up financially in the first 10 years of your working life?

mysterious spreadsheet says that, yep, it's still banking. Circulated on forums like Wall Street Oasis and Blind just after Christmas, it suggests that over a 10-year period working in investment banking (ie. M&A and equity and debt capital markets roles, not banking tech and not quant roles) for a top tier bank you can earn a cumulative $3.7m. This apparently compares to: $1.3m in medicine; $3.5m in software engineering at a FAANG company; $2.3m in management consulting at a McKinsey, Bain or BCG; and $2.1m in big law at a Cravath Swaine and Moore or Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom.

Created by someone who describes himself as a first-year analyst in an investment bank, the figures are for high achievers only. This is purportedly how much you can earn as a top performer at the top firms in each industry - not how much you can earn as a middling employee at a non-elite-household name. Validation isn't easy, particular for senior roles where variations between individuals can be enormous.

We've added the figures underpinning the conclusion that you're still financially best off in banking so that you can see them in the chart below. We've also added a screenshot given that our charts don't always seem to work on mobile (we're looking into this). 

Needless to say, earnings alone don't take into consideration the number of hours worked or hourly pay. With junior bankers still complaining about working weeks of 80 hours+ banking may be seem less lucrative when you factor-in the amount of life sacrificed for the $3.7m.


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 事业工作 / 有谁家的牛娃在咨询和投行都做过的?分享下? 想问下在工资,分红,签约奖金,工作压力和work life balance 等等方面是否有很大的区别? 是否有机会到公司在别的国家工作几年?
    • 我家孩子的同学在咨询业干过几年,后来转行去技术公司干PM了。咨询业做到后来,还是要与客户培养关系,一起吃喝玩乐,那孩子不喜欢。 +2
      • 这个要和我家姑娘传达一下。谢谢。不知道方便不方便告知一下孩子同学在那家咨询公司?
        • 美国的,大概是麦肯锡。
          • 那应该是咨询公司里面的老大啊。姑娘下周有麦肯锡的面试。她更倾向于咨询。
            • 家有牛娃,恭喜恭喜。我上面说的也是女孩。
            • 恭喜丫头!
              投行比咨询压力大 薪水也高不少 我知道的麦肯锡在多伦多的薪水今年是九万 咨询出差时间多 有时候要在客户所在国或者城市住几个月酒店 喜欢飞的孩子会觉得很享受 疫情期间不用出差 不过疫情以后还是会的 工作性质决定的 麦肯锡员工可以申请去别的国家别的公司呆半年再回来
              • 谢谢姐! 姑娘已经拿到BCG 的offer。 有了option 也有了烦恼。不知道该如何选择。不过最后是她的生活,那还是应该是她来定夺。 +1
                • 很历害啊. 恭喜.
                • 咨询行业 MBB 选哪家都错不了! 有了BCG 就可以轻松的和麦家谈条件了:)
                  • 听起来, 好熟练啊?
                    • 是的。姐家的几个娃都是牛娃啊!
                • 恭喜恭喜!
    • 至于投行, +3
      • 姑娘现在就在投行实习呢,感觉工作时间超长
        • 是的,把人当牲口使。毕业生往死里用三年,要么跳龙门,要么走人。 +1
          • 真的是啊。周六都要工作。赶上国内得996 了😅
          • 收入高,哪有不累的,成正比的,熬过前几年,都是收入进入另一个阶层的人。年轻的时候,不就该努力吗?!不管干啥,都是要干自己喜欢的,自己喜欢的行业,怎么累都不累。 +5
            • 是啊,又想收入高,又想轻松,天下哪有这样的好事,年轻时多闯闯,辛苦一点,只要是你自己愿意做的就好。年纪大了,有了家庭可以选择有平衡的工作。年轻时经验和财富的积累很重要,为以后人生打下基础。 +2
              • 是的是的。要看她如何选择了。咨询也一周要60-70 小时的。但是好像周末工作的机率很小。
                • 投行的工作好是i好, 但总飞来飞去, 这父母想见真人都难。
    • Pay in banking vs. consulting vs. tech vs. medicine vs. law +3


      We've been here before (many times), but a new and significant discussion point has been added to the perennial debate about which career is best if your principal objective is earning money, and so we are addressing the issue again. Which career will best set you up financially in the first 10 years of your working life?

      mysterious spreadsheet says that, yep, it's still banking. Circulated on forums like Wall Street Oasis and Blind just after Christmas, it suggests that over a 10-year period working in investment banking (ie. M&A and equity and debt capital markets roles, not banking tech and not quant roles) for a top tier bank you can earn a cumulative $3.7m. This apparently compares to: $1.3m in medicine; $3.5m in software engineering at a FAANG company; $2.3m in management consulting at a McKinsey, Bain or BCG; and $2.1m in big law at a Cravath Swaine and Moore or Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom.

      Created by someone who describes himself as a first-year analyst in an investment bank, the figures are for high achievers only. This is purportedly how much you can earn as a top performer at the top firms in each industry - not how much you can earn as a middling employee at a non-elite-household name. Validation isn't easy, particular for senior roles where variations between individuals can be enormous.

      We've added the figures underpinning the conclusion that you're still financially best off in banking so that you can see them in the chart below. We've also added a screenshot given that our charts don't always seem to work on mobile (we're looking into this). 

      Needless to say, earnings alone don't take into consideration the number of hours worked or hourly pay. With junior bankers still complaining about working weeks of 80 hours+ banking may be seem less lucrative when you factor-in the amount of life sacrificed for the $3.7m.

      • 这个表有参考价值。找工作不光要看初始offer, 就是还得往后看十年才有意义。 +2
      • 谢谢,这个表要好好看下
      • 软件工程这一栏完全不靠谱.平均根本没那么高 +6
        • as a top performer at the top firms in each industry +4
          • 怎么定义top.既然给了一个表,就要明确定义.1%算top吗?1%里面算平均?如果算0.01%的话,你这表远远低估了.工作十年应该有千万富翁了.1%的话,医生和律师收入要更高.乱七八糟
            • 这个表里其他行业是说的全部平均还是top? 如果都是top 10也可以比较
        • 码工用的是FAANG的收入,除了医生以外,都是用Top公司的收入。it suggests that over a 10-year period working in investment banking (ie. M&A and equity and debt capital markets roles,
          not banking tech and not quant roles) for a top tier bank you can earn a cumulative $3.7m. This apparently compares to: $1.3m in medicine; $3.5m in software engineering at a FAANG company; $2.3m in management consulting at a McKinsey, Bain or BCG; and $2.1m in big law at a Cravath Swaine and Moore or Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom.
      • 投行一周工作80小时很常见,马工没这么累吧 +1
        • 医生不会是很top的吧
    • 咨询公司,我们小孩在四大之一做的coop,工资一般般 +3
      • 做会计的,就是四大工资不行,投行工资高,当然也累了,成正比的。 +2
    • 娃的工作都让家长疯了。。。。 +3
      • 别的家长怎么想的我不知道,我是为娃们感到高兴,管他谁家的娃呢 +4
    • 朋友的娃滑大AFM毕业然后去的四大,五年内做到经理,薪酬应该8万左右,工作基本996,又熬两年也没到十万去了大银行的投行,更忙,然后打算去纽约了。 +3
      • 这么惨啊 +2
        • 呵呵,四大的accounting 有名的薪水低,就赚个名声。 里面的咨询会好多了,但也比同行低。 +3
      • 前两天面试了一个在多伦多亚麻工作的,
        • 因为是面试么,这个底薪可能也有水分好跟下家谈钱,奖金就更不说了。不知道那些随便15万加奖金20万轻松的职位在哪里也没人给分享一下。
    • 今年毕业的新生 (CB) 80K+Bouns match salary,目前看来一周工作60小时,回办公室后不知道
      • 恭喜。
        • 谁知道能坚持多久😇😇
      • CB是什么? match salary 就是年底给80K奖金?不懂,认真的问
        • Corporate Banking, 奖金第一年和工资一样,以后的咱目前还不知道
          • 多谢!这个需要什么样的专业背景和学校排名?奖金和绩效挂钩吧?不是说一定拿到吧?
            • Western Ivey/没听说和效益挂钩,应该是公司如果今年倒闭就没有了吧☹️☹️
              • 恭喜孩子!好专业,学霸,起点高,拿到这样的offer是必然! 这应该是大银行一类的,怎么会倒闭呢,祝娃发展好更上一层楼!
                • 借你吉言,谢谢。我们已经没啥和娃在职业道路上能说的了,门外汉,啥也不懂,一切都只能靠她自己 +2
                  • 说明孩子聪明勤奋成器赶上超过父母也是好事是必然,父母的骄傲 👍
            • 商科 - 一届毕业生很多,只有几个出色的能拿到 +1
      • 都超过director的薪水了, life is good.