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2007 K—W华人元宵晚会

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛2007 K—W华人元宵晚会

梅香凝雪 美酒千杯辞旧岁
柳绿含烟 银花万朵迎新春

亲爱的朋友,2007年新春佳节将至,滑铁卢大学中国学生学者联谊会给您拜个早年。不知道飘泊异乡,辛苦求学的您,有没有厌倦独自一人落寞思乡的时光呢?有没有怀念祖国隆重喜庆的节日气氛呢?为了给您一个放松的机会,希望能够与您共庆我们中国人的传统节日,经过多时的筹备与策划,2007 K—W华人元宵联欢晚会将于2007年3月2日晚上在滑铁卢大学的Federation Hall隆重推出。我们希望通过一台丰富精彩、喜庆热闹的元宵联欢晚会,用我们的真心为您送上节日的祝福。我们真诚地邀请您和您的朋友参加我们的晚会,让我们大家共享节日的温暖。

晚会7:00 PM 开始入场,7:30 PM至9:30 PM为节目表演和抽奖,9:30 PM至12:00 PM点为舞会。节目表演中我们将为您呈现优美的歌曲、优雅精致的乐曲、幽默活泼的小品及精彩的舞蹈和亚洲功夫表演。此次晚会中的节目表演,除了有活跃的青年学生自编自演的节目之外,我们还我们有幸邀请到了众多专业演出人员,其中包括原山西歌舞团著名歌唱家王林女士、原北京后勤部队文工团歌舞演员陈慧和加拿大国庆日青年奖获得者张新颖。晚会现场还设有幸运抽奖,我们为您准备了总价值高达800元的奖品,包括精美时尚的电子产品和由刘江先生提供的20个免费报税的机会,我希望可以把新一年的喜庆运气通过超级大奖带给各位朋友。



晚会时间: 2007年3月2号,星期五晚7:30-12:00。
晚会地点: Federation Hall, 滑铁卢大学


售 票 人:
丁弋川, MC6098A, 519-888-4567 ext. 36679, y7ding@math.uwaterloo.ca,
樊燕飞, EIT3123, 519-888-4567 ext. 37267, yanfei_fan@hotmail.com,
徐 智, DC 2551B, 519-888-4567 ext. 37864, z5xu@cs.uwaterloo.ca,
高 普, MC6224, 519-888-4567 ext. 36714, gao_pu@hotmail.com,
周 勇, DWE3512, 519-888-4567 ext. 36153, y10zhou@uwaterloo.ca,

2007年2月26号--2007年3月2号,SLC booth。
提前购票5元,现场购票6元,儿童(2-8岁,需家长陪同)票价 3元,两岁以下免费(不提供座位)。同时发售中国学生学者联谊会会员卡,10$/张,购买会员卡一张免费送晚会门票一张。
刘江,Investor group
姜英,RESP Sales Representative

更多信息,请见http://bbs.uwcssa.com 活动快递

2007 K-W Chinese Lantern Fest.
University of Waterloo Chinese Scholars and Students Association
March 2, 2007
Federation Hall, University of Waterloo

Dear all,

We would like to extend our warmest welcome to all of you to join us at the 2007 K-W Chinese Lantern Fest on March 2, at Federation Hall, UW campus.

From 7:30 to 9:30pm, there will be an On-Stage Production prepared by us. We will present you various fabulous songs, Chinese dances, instruments and talk shows. We are also very fortunate to have numerous professional singers and dancers performing at our Fest Party, including Ms. Lin Wang, Ms. Hui Chen and Ms. Xinying Zhang.

During the performance, we have a Raffle Draw along with numerous super give-away prizes. We have prepared gifts for you worth more than $800.00. In addition, the prizes include trendy Electronic Devices as well as 20 Free Personal Tax Return Preparations provided by Mr. Jiang Liu. It will be FUN, ENTERTAINING, and RELAXING, which will set an excellent start for the upcoming reading year.

As requested, Dance Floor will be open to everyone after the performances starting at 9:30pm. Cash bars will be available for food and drinks (fees not included in ticket price, please bring ID).

Ticket Price: $5 in advance, $6 at the door, $3 for Children (under the age of 8, accompanied with a parent/guardian)

Tickets can be purchased from Feb 16 to March 2 through the following locations:

Yichuan Ding, MC6098A, 519-888-4567 ext. 36679
Yanfei Fan, EIT3123, 519-888-4567 ext. 37267
Zhi Xu, DC 2551B, 519-888-4567 ext. 37864
Pu Gao, MC6224, 519-888-4567 ext. 36714
Yong Zhou, DWE3512, 519-888-4567 ext. 36153

Tickets also can be purchased at SLC Booth between Feb 26 and March 2.

UWCSSA Membership Card will also be available for $10 per card. A FREE ticket will be provided upon a purchase of the membership card.

More details can be found from the following link.


Once again, we extend our warmest welcome to all of you to come out and have fun. We hope to see you there!

University of Waterloo Chinese Scholars and Students Association更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net