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  • 技多不压身,工到自然成:安省技工证书特训班,点击咨询报名!



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  • 枫下沙龙 / 时尚 / 定了一双传说中的Boot 第一品牌,Viberg,为加拿大经济做微薄贡献。


    • 很像一战二战时候的军靴,很复古很帅气,这价位,手工做的吧?~~男鞋吧7号半,脚这么小?🤣🤣~
    • 对了,为啥没有税?~
      • 现在流行男鞋女穿,米国某些州是没有税的
      • ship from Canada to US, if US custom won't charge tariff, then it's tax free for me.
    • 美国经济贡献吧
    • 看清价格后,我决定还是闭嘴吧 +3
    • Viberg is one of the best anywhere
      There are too few companies that still make their shoes and boots in the US—which means employing American workers. Because of that, all of these are worth your consideration.
      • 所以这么莫名其妙的贵
    • 你们都穿这么贵的鞋啊?动不动就七八百?
      • 我没穿过,曾经心动过5050,可惜放不进去了~
        • 我以前最贵的鞋是500多,但现在最贵的也就300吧....
          • 300美元也不便宜啊~
            • 我现在不买靴子了,我这用不到,船鞋最多了,都是减价时候买,几十块,穿一阵子就扔了 +1
        • 我有一双5050,穿过几回,跟再高点就好了
      • YOLO, Viberg provides refurbish service, many customers send back for refurbish after wearing over 15 years.....
        We see a lot of well worn workboots come through the factory for servicing, but every once in a while a pair will make us stop and take a closer look. These Smoke Jumpers recently made their way back into our possession and we couldn’t help but admire our customer’s DIY repair job. Out in the field and away from civilization our customer was forced to get creative when the outsole of his boot started to separate from the midsole. Using a spare shoelace he was able secure the sole for the duration of his fire-fighting stint, until safely returning the boots back to us for a full refurbishment.  Click through for more photos.
        • 一双鞋要穿这么久啊?早已经过时了吧?:)
        • 我穿不了这么些年
        • 这鞋穿的是个讲究和怀旧的调调~~
    • 向支援国家经济的大侠敬仰一下
      • 还支援了皇军,哈哈,只要不是MIC,国内的一个朋友晒日本酒,在美国只大约1/3的价格



        • 纯逻辑。对made in china这么深恶痛绝的华人,一定对自己产自中国也非常不满 +5
          • 这么样偷梁换柱的洗地也真是醉了,共党中国制造充斥着假冒伪劣,共党政府质量监察等同橡皮图章一心只管捞钱早已证明是个玩笑,共党国人制造出来烂七八糟的东西互相坑害,跑路出来的海外华人不知道避害远离,才是悲催 +1
            • 楼上真是说鞋的质量吗?更老更大的品牌red wing都是made in china的了。这中国制造里的中国二字才是心头刺吧
              • 不要装糊涂,玩字面的游戏是很低幼的事情。你家猪头说的中国制造2025肯定不是说给外国代工的意思。 +1
              • Red Wing 不入流好伐,你咋不说Timberland,代购大牌,哈哈。
    • 这啥破商店,这样价格的鞋居然收运费。
    • 我现在已经不穿皮鞋了
      • 一色儿的高级
        • 🤑🤑🤑