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节日快乐,让我们一起云跳舞吧 【Save the Last Dance for Me】by Ingale

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节日本来是 party 和跳舞的日子,小小病毒全面改变了人们的生活方式,一切只能发生在云端。就连滑雪场也不能舞蹈了,赶在Christmas Eve,在圣山雪场 save 了 the last dance :)
祝各位安好,next year, we shall see the light at the end of the tunnel.
Save the Last Dance for Me 

written by Doc Pomus and Mort Shuman

You can dance,

Every dance with the girl who gives you the eye Let her hold you tight

You can smile

Every smile for the girl who'd like to treat you right be'Neath the pale moonlight

But don't forget who's takin' you home And in who's arms you're gonna be

Oh, darlin', save the last dance for me


Oh, I know

That the music's fine like sparklin' wine

Go and have your fun Dance and sing

But while we're apart Don't give your heart to anyone

And don't forget who's takin' you home And in who's arms you're gonna be

Oh, darlin', save the last dance for me


Baby, don't you know I love you so Can't you feel it when we touch

I will never, never let you go I love you oh so much


You can dance

Go and carry on till the night is gone And it's time to go

If she asks

If you're all alone, can she take you home

You must tell her no

And don't forget who's takin' you home And in who's arms you're gonna be

Oh, darlin', save the last dance for me

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  • 枫下拾英 / 枫下歌台 / 节日快乐,让我们一起云跳舞吧 【Save the Last Dance for Me】by Ingale +5

    Download this audio file

    节日本来是 party 和跳舞的日子,小小病毒全面改变了人们的生活方式,一切只能发生在云端。就连滑雪场也不能舞蹈了,赶在Christmas Eve,在圣山雪场 save 了 the last dance :)
    祝各位安好,next year, we shall see the light at the end of the tunnel.
    Save the Last Dance for Me 

    written by Doc Pomus and Mort Shuman

    You can dance,

    Every dance with the girl who gives you the eye Let her hold you tight

    You can smile

    Every smile for the girl who'd like to treat you right be'Neath the pale moonlight

    But don't forget who's takin' you home And in who's arms you're gonna be

    Oh, darlin', save the last dance for me


    Oh, I know

    That the music's fine like sparklin' wine

    Go and have your fun Dance and sing

    But while we're apart Don't give your heart to anyone

    And don't forget who's takin' you home And in who's arms you're gonna be

    Oh, darlin', save the last dance for me


    Baby, don't you know I love you so Can't you feel it when we touch

    I will never, never let you go I love you oh so much


    You can dance

    Go and carry on till the night is gone And it's time to go

    If she asks

    If you're all alone, can she take you home

    You must tell her no

    And don't forget who's takin' you home And in who's arms you're gonna be

    Oh, darlin', save the last dance for me

    • 照片不错,挺像Power Rangers 的
      • 狗狗了一下 Power ranger, 晕,我这形象成了变形金刚😅 小疯节日好
    • 意外还有板凳,坐定了好享受。
      • 谢谢豹子兄捧场,坐前排太师椅🪑
    • 丝质音色,听得陶醉。也祝英姿飒爽的格格节日快乐,滑雪快乐。
      • 多谢牙斑(这称呼哪里不对好像😅),节日快乐🍾️
    • 👍 绕指柔啊!耳朵酥麻,心情荡漾,Shall we dance?
      • 谢谢林美人,你如跳舞,满场只见你飞舞的裙角和大长腿😊
    • 好听,MB的歌圣诞节唱准没错 +1
      • 姑姥爷明鉴,咱们都爱MB😊🎅
    • 歌美人靓,英姿飒爽!🌹🌹🌹
      • 谢谢胡兄,圣诞节都听什么音乐了?
        • 昨天老迷发起,我们乐韵书香的几个老朋友,一起听了法国音乐电台的《指环》第一集,准备接着听完...... 2020年11月录制的,不容易
          • 真好,这么多年的老乐友们还是那么情投意合
            • 谢谢格格,已经转达 🌹
              • 对了,还有马岛主😃
    • Happy New Year! BTW, the photos of the skiing girl are great!
      • 照片里的老阿姨向老大问好🎁😄
        • There is only one young girl in the photos. 🤣🤣🤣
    • 美妙歌聲,節日氣氛。👏 聖誕快樂!
      • 过客好,圣诞快乐🎄
    • darlin', save the last dance for me!
      • 123 蹦擦擦,舞起来😄🍾️
    • 格格节日快乐🌹🌹🌹,看照片好像是录像里截出来的吧?可以把歌做BGM会非常搭,否则伴着曼妙的歌声,两眼紧盯着照片,头脑里想象格格的飒飒风姿,我好难啊🤣
      • 格格好几套滑雪服啊,富婆一枚,你这滑的是黑蓝两道上滑的?
        • 逗儿行家啊!是黑道和蓝道,雪场关闭前狠狠地练了几天😄 滑雪服都是降价货啦。BGM 是啥?把歌做进视频里吗?
          • 对啊做视频里太搭了!!我好久没滑冰滑雪了,就喜欢飞的赶脚,降价也不便宜,我买的都是儿童最大号,当年打折还省一个税,现在都是hst咯
            • 儿童最大号,太可爱,你乐使我了😂 我现在用的滑雪手套也是儿童的,便宜。你是真北方人儿哈,喜欢在冰雪上飞。等雪场重开,一起去滑。滑冰我也喜欢,但水平有限
              • 穷学生一枚,先减肥后去买的儿童装。咱都是这里学的滑冰滑雪,国内去过后海,小时候划过狗撬:)
                • 你仍然是儿童,冰雪运动赶快捡起来👍
        • Two and half sets. One white, one pink, plus a pair of black pants.
          • wow,还以为是格格呢,最后一看不对,肿么是老大你啊?🤣
            • 老大观察力杠杠滴,不过,照片里的白色上衣有两件,略有不同😅
              • 小姑娘衣服可真不少!
                • 🤣
    • 美就一个字!
      • 彪叔好久不见,彪婶可好?握手吧,都是泡泡的粉🤝节日快乐🎁🍾️
        • 谢格格,婶厨艺有增,叔健身无望😅
          • 幸福的无望着😂
      • 最喜欢回家那首,这磨叽,从头磨叽到最后
        • 那首歌,这么多年了,每次听,还是磨叽得不行不行🥲
          • 赶紧回家吧,把人急死的感觉:)
        • 一听姑就是舞盲😋
          • last dance啊,感觉和从头跳到尾的浪叔的理解不太一样:)
        • 我也喜欢,刚来加拿大,一听这歌就激动,现在好多了
          • 歌为心声,后来那首haven‘t met u yet呢?这欢快
            • 那首甜度超标,MV里面他夫人美若天仙啊
    • 柔美的歌声和绚丽的美照,悦耳又养眼啊。幸福来得如此突然。🙂
      • 琳达节日快乐🎊 我是受了你圣诞歌的带动。你那首歌还在我脑海里回荡😊
    • 美啊格格!多少回忆都在这一曲中了
      • 是啊豆豆,他的歌串起了我们的情谊 🫂
    • 哎呀格亲发歌了,来晚了,这几天净追剧了😌😉这歌真好听,温情脉脉的表达,却让人有一点点伤感~~祈祷病毒快点结束🙏,让我们可以再次尽情起舞😘滑雪的片片真美,英姿飒爽👍🌹
      • 想象一下华华追起剧来的天昏地暗😆 谢谢亲,想念咱们的舞蹈教室,盼重归 🙏
    • 阳光美照!粉了粉了😄
      • 多谢猫猫,互粉互粉😄
    • 哦里,你这水平要高出一线啊,咋一开始,声音靓丽磁性,在有点乡村味的音乐下,鹅感觉到了FAITH HILL。。。 WELL DONE!
      • 多谢花鹅鼓励。这首歌很多版本,这版伴奏还真是乡村风格的。Faith Hill 也是我钟爱的歌手,嗓音浑厚,她的电影Pearl harbour 主题歌唱得荡气回肠呀!
    • 为曼妙歌声喝彩👏,为矫健身姿点赞👍,格格节日快乐!
      • 谢谢舰长,节日快乐🎉
    • 赞超凡战队!格格音色真是纯美极了!新年快乐
      • 谢谢后海,哪来的超凡,算低空吧😅新年快乐🎆
    • 格格对歌曲的轻松演绎,真像在皑皑白雪中轻快自如的滑翔,飒飒的、美美的,太棒了👏
      • 谢谢,苦中作乐,希望你我来年have more fun 🤩
    • 差点错过美嗓!格格新年好!
      • 快美快美,别来可好?祝你一切都好!
    • 哇!唱得太好听了,让人陶醉。照片好漂亮啊🌹🌹
      • 谢谢 Lucky, 节日好😁
    • 嗓音醉人,唱的真好听,👏 歌也好听,去网上查了一下居然Bruce Willis 也唱过这个cover :)
      • 谢谢新衣老友鼓励。 我也查了一下,他还真唱过,而且唱得很好听呢。没想到这位铁汉如此多情,不知道当时是唱给 Demi Moore 的吗?😄
        • 哈哈,好像是一部韩剧的OST, 真没想到他还是歌手,有Michael bolton的感觉。