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The following is my experience: a few years ago I rent a room from a Chinese lady. Because her father would came over from China to visit her, she asked me to move out (nicely).

I told her that I could not find a place within short time, I have to stay untill I would find one (nicely ofcourse). However, since I did not find a place within a few days, she started to give all trouble/push and wanted me to leave as soon as possible. On behalf of myself, I called police and told me situation, the police told me that since I did not have a lease, if the loadlady called police for help, police will force me to move out. The police told me that it was up me to go to court if I thought not fair. Bottom line, if the owner of house called police for help, police would do so because I did not have lease and was not protected by rental laws.

Regarding to oral agreement, spouse can not be witness.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 住房话题 / 才来两个月,却遇到这样的房东,我们应该怎么?
    连日以来,我们都受到房东的威迫和滋扰, 不断地威胁我们,要在7月31日半夜前搬出, 并呵着说要来拆我们的门锁.恨我先生一向善良,想不通为什么有人竟用这样的方式来对待我们, 一场恶劣的唇枪舌剑之后, 竟然高烧不退.我真是又气又恨,又着急, 7月31日晚我们的新住处还没不能入住, 难道我们要在街上住一宿?
    房东说这段时间有人来看房子,(我们的租期到7月底) 勒令我们外出不要锁房门. 我们最直接的反应是: 这不合情理, 因为谁能保障我们财物的安全, (这房子里还有其他租客), 我要求房东和我们约时间,我们可以安排. 但是接下来就成了暴风骤雨, 房东骂骂咧咧地说要我们7月31日半夜前搬出,还申称锁是他们的,他们现在要拆锁... 后来的事情可想而知

    各位DX, 我们应该怎么办?士嘉堡有没有Shelter, 给我们过一晚?(气愤难当,心有不忿)
    • 千万别生气,不要用别人的错误惩罚自己。不过就你说的,房东的所作所为是合法的,一般搬家都是月底最后一天啊,如果是apartment,原则上房间是不能上锁的,以防火灾啥的。看看能不能找个移民之家
      • r u out of your mind? Who told you you cannot lock the apt??? GEEZE!!!!
        • geeze! you don't know?! ask your superintendent.
        • 忘了问,你指的是不是apt的一个unit的总门?俺指的是一个unit内各个房间的门.
          • 门是可以锁的,但房东要有一套备用钥匙。但没有征得同意之前不得随意进入。
            • 俺们以前住的apt的super就不让锁门.有时修什么东西也没有经同意就进apt了.听过别的一些apt也是这样啊,知道有的super还让把原来的锁卸了的.也许是要求不一样?:P
    • 联系个附近的移民接待站/家庭旅馆,3、40块钱住一个晚上。//凡事都好商量啦,为这么个事情气病自己真的不值得。其实看房房门还是要锁的,因为人多杂乱,但可以考虑给房东留一套备用钥匙,这样有什么问题房东负责就好了。
    • 与人方便,与己方便。
    • 唉, 出门在外大家都不容易. 取决于个人性格了. 有时候各让一步就没事了. 比如我以前住house的时候, 房东被勒令他房子所有房间的锁不能外面锁(我以前讲过这故事). 结果我们一个house里5-6户人家全部变成不上锁了. 因为大家
      性格都比较随和, 也没计较很多. 过得还开心. 也没出啥事. 最多注意贵重东西放好, 做秘密事情时门反锁好就行了.

      有钱当然是独住各大屋好了. 既然share了, 就难免要迁就一点的.

      而且, 拒我所知, 就算是正规的apartment物业管理, 如果你租期快满, super也会带人来看你的房子的. 就算你不在也看. 呵呵, 我就看过主人不再的房子.
      • 住那么多家呀, 房东的房子好大呀
        • 呵呵, 俺们那嘎沓没小屋的, 一色的大屋.
          反正不是我的. 呵呵.
      • When I rent a room in a Canadian house, on one even closed the door if we were not in home (including my landlady and my another roomate).
        Later, when I rent a 2 bed apartment with a new roomate, either my roomate nor I every closed the door when we were out. My oberservation is that when Canadian share a house, they do not lock their doors
        unless they are sleeping inside.
        • 刚来的人比较警觉吧。 去年刚判了一个案子, 一个白人住在一对母女出租的房子里, 把人家的首饰偷去卖了。
    • 这次就忍着拉, 好象房东占理。 我们住公寓的时候管理员也有时候不打招呼就跑来修阳台什么的。搬家的日期也合理。 下次有问题别弄的那么僵, 各退一步大家都快乐。
      • nod nod。我有切身体会,跟人打交道一定要灵活变通,不要认死理。有时候转过弯去了,发现一切都没事儿了。
    • Your landlord did not do anything wrong. The problem is that you do not quite know the rule here. Since your lease ends this month, you should move out unless your landlord likes you to stay.
    • 好像你的房东也没有太大的错误
      • 你房东是错误的,这在法律上写的很清楚,房东进房客房屋是必须要有房客本来在场
        • 误导,法律上这么说的???只要提前24小时书面通知征得房客同意即可,房客愿意的话,可以不在场。
          • Up to lease. But 24 hour notification is common.
            • 就我经验,要搬走前,公寓会很早给个书面通知,说他们会在合理时间内带人来看房.也就是说,他们每次带人来看房时是不会再什么24小时前通知.不信的话,你可以试试去租公寓,你都会在当场就被super领去看房.
    • 我的建议:大家相互配合,1是看房时,让房东提前2小时通知你,2是8月1号上午搬
    • 我就觉得房东也不对,哪有这样的无理要求:勒令我们外出不要锁房门。 通常房东都有一套备用钥匙的。 合理的要求应该是:征求你们的同意,在你们不在的时候也可以带人来看房子...哎,这世道,谁都不容易。和气生财,退一步海阔天空
    • After look through all the replies, I believe most of them are landlords themself, so you can not expect landlords can give you good ideas to fight again themself.
      • 不公平啊!我怎么觉得一半一半呢。这里是安省有关房屋出租的网站,你可以先看看在发表意见。
    • 我理解你的气愤心情,但加拿大就这规矩。你说的那些“威迫”、“勒令”具有强烈的感情色彩,可就是看不出房东的要求有什么不合理。矛盾,就是一个矛和一个盾的事。别生气了,赶快找个移民接待站吧。
      • 楼主贵夫人刚出国血气方刚,自命不凡。若与房东无LEASE,只CASH租房,房东可随时叫警察把她的东西仍到街上去。按加拿大的惯例,房东行为合情合理。楼主贵夫人应该检讨自己。
        • 即使是付现金和没有书面合同。强迫客人迁出要按安省条例申请和执行, 据说是很 麻烦的,没有你说得如此简单。
          • The following is my experience: a few years ago I rent a room from a Chinese lady. Because her father would came over from China to visit her, she asked me to move out (nicely).
            I told her that I could not find a place within short time, I have to stay untill I would find one (nicely ofcourse). However, since I did not find a place within a few days, she started to give all trouble/push and wanted me to leave as soon as possible. On behalf of myself, I called police and told me situation, the police told me that since I did not have a lease, if the loadlady called police for help, police will force me to move out. The police told me that it was up me to go to court if I thought not fair. Bottom line, if the owner of house called police for help, police would do so because I did not have lease and was not protected by rental laws.

            Regarding to oral agreement, spouse can not be witness.
            • why are you lying here? You receipt is the evidence!
            • 我听说,即使是警察强制房客离开,也要经过一定的法律程序,这个过程可能很长.就算没有合同,警察也不会马上就把房客行李往外扔.
              • In Canada, you better not to "talk" to police on the scene unless you show them lease. No matter if you will win in the court or not, police is on call by the landlord. Police is not part of judge system.
                • 没在讨论该不该和警察谈,而是警察是否当时就把房客扫地出门.警察不是judge system,但他们也不是不讲理,耍威风的,做事会有分寸.不会一个电话叫过来,就把行李往外扔的.太戏剧化了吧! 如果真有人亲身经历过,把细节说出来让顶贴的网友留意.
        • 口头lease也具法律效力。
        • 你简直胡说八道。不要威胁新移民。按法律,租客如无地方住,可继续住原地两个月。房主叫你搬家,也得经过法律程序。
    • 如果你觉得房东不对,可以上法庭告他。
      • 如果他没有官方手续强迫你搬出, 可以马上报警。
      • 我见过强行迁出都是警察来执行。房东是不可以参加的。
    • strange! You guys are all landlords? Landlord doesn't have the right to come into the tenent's room without permission.
      • You are partially right. Landlord should give notice in advance. Then, the landlord can enter your room regardless of if you think OK or not except for if you sleep or have pravicy.
        If you are not inside room, the landlord Can go into your room.
        • You are landlord, are you? Don't mislead people here. Landlord can not get into the tenant's room without permission! And you are laying all the time!
    • 还是住公寓吧,惹不起还躲不起,我也刚搬进公寓不久,以前一直住house,真的不一样。
      • 住公寓也一样,我们这里公寓你要搬出去前,super都是可以在合理的时间带人来看房的,也没有书面通知,也不必要求你在家.
        • 起码在很多方面不会象住house那么受气。
    • To make it clear, I just copy and paste the following from the official web site which 萝卜秧 porvided. It tells the termination date and privacy of the tenant. Hope it will help.
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Terminating a Tenancy

      A daily or weekly tenant must give at least 28 days notice, with the termination date for a weekly tenant being the final day of a weekly rent period.
      A month to month tenant must give at least 60 days notice, with the termination date being the final day of a monthly rent period.

      About privacy

      A landlord can enter a unit without written notice if:
      1. there is an emergency, like a fire,
      2. the tenant allows the landlord in,
      3. a care home tenant agreed in writing to let the landlord do " bed checks."
      A landlord can enter a rental unit without written notice, between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. if:
      1. the rental agreement requires the landlord to clean the unit – unless the agreement allows different hours for cleaning,
      2. a notice of termination has been given by either the landlord or tenant, or there is an agreement to terminate the tenancy, and the landlord wants to show the unit to a potential new tenant (although notice is not required, the landlord must try to tell the tenant before entering for this reason).更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • Last time when I moved out, and I asked the building management to give me 24 hrs notice before they enter my room. After I read the law, I gave up.
        • 在加拿大和房东作对,对于你没有任何好处,尤其是新移民,因为你每次租房子的时候,下任房东都会调查去你的前任房东里调查你的信用情况
          如果你现在的房东说你,不按时搬出,不按照规定让下任房客看房子(你去住住APT,都是在你搬走的60天之内,OFFICE HOUR 随便带人来看,看之前并不通知你,只是敲下门,然后就直接进去)