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FM 144|来自昴宿星人的形势更新(2020年7月18日):每个人都可以用圣光来清理地球。另外,根据地表有灵视力的线人称,今年秋天可能会发生一场意外,这实际上可能会或者将使世界陷入停滞状态(因此,再次建议在家中储存物资)。






The Cabal are preparing for this at the moment,hence the lockdown.They don't want people travelling around anymore,they want people at home and they want them tracked,so they can be rounded up much easier.


上图:你戴上面具是这个样子 下图:这很讽刺不是吗?是电影中他们植入跟踪器的场景啊!?!


However,one problem is that Reptilians cannot stand high vibrational/positive energies.They cannot stand it in the presence of people with a high vibration,therefore they can only use people with low vibrational field as hostages on their ships.


This is also the reason for the ongoing lockdown,the burgeoning race war and the civil war-like conditions that the Cabal is trying to trigger.They need the people in fear and in hatred to ensure the lowest vibration possible,the Pleiadians would say they need the people"contaminated".


That's the Dark Ones'plan right now(which doesn't mean it has to happen this way).Needless to say,the Light Forces are aware it and,of course,have a counter plan.


Nevertheless,the Galactic Confederation is calling on humanity to stop the fighting,the racial hatred,the commentary battles on the internet,the quarrels,the negative thoughts,etc.


It is now more important than ever to keep his own vibration high in order to avoid being taken hostage by Reptilians.


Because the target group would be people who are still completely trapped in the matrix,who do not know anything about such things,who are involved in current conflicts and hatred,who eat meat(like the Reptilians themselves),who generally tend to live an unhealthy lifestyle,who are open to occupations by neg.beings,etc.


The Pleiadians state that this would also affect many people from poor or remote areas of the world,who are completely unaware of the situation,including the Amazon Rainforest(many Goddesses incarnated there+Reptilian stronghold),Africa(also Reptilian stronghold)and Asia(especially India).


The readers of blogs like this one(or generally awake and spiritually active people)would most likely not be affected by this,because their vibration is already high.


But it is still important maintain neutrality,peace,purity…to go into nature,to meditate,to retreat,to purify yourself,to chant,to purify chakras,to eat healthy,to practice yoga,to connect with the source and to pray for humanity.

