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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Here is now I saved over $6000:
my old morgage:
247k 6% 5 years. (too high for now, signed it two years ago, not expecting rate will keep going down. but 6% is a VERY good rate 2 years ago.)
After 2 years, the priciple goes down to 238k now.
if I cancel it, the panelty will be $10100.00 !!!
it is calculated out from rate difference.

Here is the trick how I save money:
I pay down around 20% (not exactly 20%, I paid down a little less.) of 247k without penalty.
48K from credit line. I will pay it back from my new mortgage in several days.
then the cancelation penalty dropped to less than $8000, because the principle goes down to 190k
Now I own the bank:
190k in mortgage
48k in credit line
total debt: still 238k

Got a new mortgage 238k 3 year 5.1% with 8500 cash back.
190k of this new morgage goes to the old mortgage
48k goes to the credit line.
$8000 goes to the penalty.

Now my debt: 238k only in the new mortgage.
the 48k in credit line is paid back with the new mortgage.
I just use the credit line for transaction to save 20% penalty.

now the new mortgage 238k 3 years 5.1%
So, I saved 6% - 5.1% = 0.9% * 238k for the next 3 years!!!
that is over $6000.00 !!
if you convert the 0.9% to APR, it will be less , so the total saving will be ...???
some smart guy can help me to calculate it? hehe更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 住房话题 / I saved over $6000 from mortgage interest!
    So exiting,
    I am going to sign a new mortgage this afternoon!, canceled the old last week.

    Here is now I saved over $6000:
    my old morgage:
    240k 6% 5 years. (too high for now, signed it two years ago, not expecting rate will keep going down. but 6% is a VERY good rate 2 years ago.)
    if I cancel it, the panelty will be $10100.00 !!!
    it is calculated out from rate difference.

    Here is the trick how I save money:
    I pay down 20% of 240k without penalty.
    then the cancelation penalty dropped to less than $8000.

    Got a new mortgage 3 year 5.1% with 8500 cash back.
    So, I saved 6% - 5.1% = 0.9% for the next 3 years!!!
    that is over $6000.00 !!

    Feels so good.

    What I learned from this:
    BE VERY CAREFUL when you choose the mortgage.
    Because I choosed 6% 5 years mortgage 2 years ago, I LOST over $15000 in interest and penalty in it!!

    if I don't do the tricks above to cancel it, I will loss another $6000 in the next 3 years.

    Experience from blood!!
    • 首先,你的计算似乎有些问题,其次,你的罚款付得太高,估计你没和按揭银行说清楚,再其次,省回点钱是好事,似乎也没必要那么兴奋和exiting吧?
      • 谢谢批评与打击,分享我的快乐吧,高兴一次容易吗!
        • 是是,是不容易,我只是想说你的计算不是6% - 5.1% = 0.9% =2160再乘三年那么简单。
          • 哈哈,碰上行家了! 你说的对,APR小于rate,principle 在降,... 好多细节我没说,20%5万哪来的,等等.
    • How did you get the saving of $6000. from 0.9% of next 3 years. Thanks.
    • Never play the games with the bank, truse me, you never win.
      • not me play game with bank. the bank helps me save money this time. I got a very good banker.
        • Bank would never help anybody if not for money. We live in the real world.
          • without helping me, the banker will lost me as a customer. banker alway help their long term client!
    • 再谈谈吧。罚款太高了。一些银行不会要罚款,如果你以前定的利率(6%)低于现在的公布利率(6.22%)。另外,三年 5。1% 的利率在现在来说很差!不知 8000cash back 相当于几的利率?
      • 一些计算细节:
        6% - 5.9%(还剩3年多,银行按4年利率算差价) + 1.5% (当时7.5%post rate,银行给我1.5%discount) 换算成APR * 238000 * 37月/12月
        2. 8500cash back for 238000 5.1% 3 years = 3.85% 3 years
    • Very simple, the money you paid down this time (48K) should bring you more than 6K in three years if you had invested on anything reasonablely.
      • 48K是从我的credit line 里出的. 我用新mortgage付清credit line 后,省$6000.00
        • Then you borrowed more. More principal to pay back, then definitely more than 6K in the future ....yada yada yada....As I said you never win a game with bankers.
      • Good point.
      • 人家是新旧两个MORTGAGE相比较,觉得省了钱。你在讨论该多付MORTGAGE省利息还是该投资增值。两码事。
        • 谢谢,我的帖子写的太粗,你看明白了. 谢谢帮我解释.
        • 如果你看明白的话, 他已经多借48K in this new mortgage. 不是吗?
          • 哈哈。你是明白人。
    • I changed my mortgage rate to 4.1/3years with 0 penalty. So I think you deal is not good.
      • No difference; He/She saved nothing this time if you read my message. I believe you did not save anything either( aroud couple of hundreds dollars, but you spent so much time involved in this whole thing).
      • 要看你旧的mortgage是什么term. 3.85% 3 years 是基础, 高于3.85% 的是用来cash back/penalty的. (4.1%-3.85%)*3 = 0.75% 是你的cash back/penalty.
    • 如果你还想帮助别人,就提醒一下大家,哪个银行会有这种罚款陷阱(两个利息之差)?
      • 所有银行. 只是利息降的不多,或mortgage所剩时间不长时,interest difference penalty很小, 所以绝大多数人面对的penalty是3个月interest. 我的case 特殊,赶上利息这两年大降.
        • 不是,大多数的Mortgage合同里都"明文"写好了毁约罚款2~3个月利息,好像只有两家银行会罚款差价。不同银行不一样。
          • 谢谢! 这个消息很有帮助! 我还以为所有银行都这样呢.两年前签的时候不懂,也没想到要cancel(主要是没想到利率还会继续降这么多.) 这个mortgage让我学会了好多.
    • 对不起,我的帖子写的太粗,重新细化一下:
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Here is now I saved over $6000:
      my old morgage:
      247k 6% 5 years. (too high for now, signed it two years ago, not expecting rate will keep going down. but 6% is a VERY good rate 2 years ago.)
      After 2 years, the priciple goes down to 238k now.
      if I cancel it, the panelty will be $10100.00 !!!
      it is calculated out from rate difference.

      Here is the trick how I save money:
      I pay down around 20% (not exactly 20%, I paid down a little less.) of 247k without penalty.
      48K from credit line. I will pay it back from my new mortgage in several days.
      then the cancelation penalty dropped to less than $8000, because the principle goes down to 190k
      Now I own the bank:
      190k in mortgage
      48k in credit line
      total debt: still 238k

      Got a new mortgage 238k 3 year 5.1% with 8500 cash back.
      190k of this new morgage goes to the old mortgage
      48k goes to the credit line.
      $8000 goes to the penalty.

      Now my debt: 238k only in the new mortgage.
      the 48k in credit line is paid back with the new mortgage.
      I just use the credit line for transaction to save 20% penalty.

      now the new mortgage 238k 3 years 5.1%
      So, I saved 6% - 5.1% = 0.9% * 238k for the next 3 years!!!
      that is over $6000.00 !!
      if you convert the 0.9% to APR, it will be less , so the total saving will be ...???
      some smart guy can help me to calculate it? hehe更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • Good for you. Now i know it is possible to save some money by this way. Thank you for letting us share this info with you.
      • 你的计算6% - 5.1% = 0.9% =0.9% * 238k * 3( years) = over $6000.00 saving. 似乎没那么简单. After 3 years, your old mortage and new mortage will be at the same rate. Here is a mortage calculator from RBC:
      • 再泼你点冷水。你的计算是完全不对的。mortgage是所谓的复利。按你的算法,好像你的238k 现在一分不还,然后在某个日子一下全还清。实际的偿还过程,本金是不断减少的,银行通常是每个月根据你本金的变化计算一次
        • 你和huimin说的都对,$6000只是估算.细算见内:
          old mortgage:
          247k 6% 5y
          monthly payment: $1580
          at the end of 2nd year: $237838 principle,
          at the end of 5th year if I don't cancel, $221896 principle

          new mortgage: 23 years instead of 25 years @ 5.1%, with 8500 cash back to pay the 8000 penalty. 500 cash goes to my pocket, good.
          beginning principle: $237838 (from above at the end of 2nd year).
          monthly payment $1458
          over pay $122/month so the monthly payment = 1580, the same as above
          3 years later
          principle: $215350

          so what I get:
          $500 cash now at the cancelation.
          $221896 - $215350 = $6546 saving in principle 3 years later.
          (and the payment of each month is the same, and I didn't pay any cash from my pocket. everything else is that same, just saved priciple.)

          what I lost :
          If I cancel the 3 year new mortgage, I need to pay back the 8500 cash back + the penalty.
          so I can NOT afford to cancel the new one.
          Use flexibility to change to money.
    • 你最大的失误是又借钱来还债。
      42000的利息钱,加上你的CASH BACK,你还多付34000,
      • 不同意。没看出有啥失误。请把中间过程忽略,他原来旧MORTGAGE就欠差不多24万,现在新的MORTGAGE也欠这么多,利息比原来低了。就这么简单。
        • 如果他借钱还了原来的本金而不是罚款,这个失误可能很小,如果增 大了本金,就大大错了。
        • 还有,他千万不要用了手里的现金来付罚款,因为这个现金本来可以 减小一部份本金的。减1块本金,都省15~20年利息。
          • 我的理解是:这个TRANSACTION结束时,他并没有动用自己一分钱,也没有另外欠债。本金和原来一样。利息比原来稍低。
            • 实际上是用一个新贷款一次还清老贷款同时还有CASHBACK,所以 关键看罚款的金额和CASHBACK的对比了。
    • 计算有问题
      if u get a mortgage with a 5-year term w/ 6% then the total interest u should pay is about 3,9000. and if u switch to a 3-year term w/5.1% rate ,the total interest u pay is around 1,5200 but u had to plus the penalty 8,000 and the first two years interest which u paid already 2,4000.so the total for now is much more bigger than the old one .by the way , u cannot use the sample rate to calculate the interest and principle.
      • bank paid $8000 penalty, not me. and the $39000 interest for 5 years is not right, it is much higher. look at this post above "你和huimin说的都对,$6000只是估算.细算见内:":
        Thanks for interesting with my post.
        from your way of calculating and comparing, you are an professional?
        • oh. i see. i got some wrong number because u didn't give me the exactly loan period.25 years. the number u showed me is right.
    • 这就是我为什么一贯强调要选浮动利率的原因。看这个固定利率的例子,费了这么大力气才有可能少赔6000元。如果早就选浮动,哪用着这个急呀。
      • 真是一针见血! 其实我跟本不是省了$6000, 而是象你说的,少赔了$6000而已! 我更喜欢一年一年的签fixed.比浮动要好些.