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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 科技杂谈 / 俺说的每年向塔克拉玛干沙漠推进100米,这目标太大了点儿,实际上,只要你每年能向前推进一米,那就算成功的不得了。 +5

    • 老中治理沙漠不容易,几十年来,失败多于成功,但这不代表说就没有希望治理好沙漠。人一天到晚盯着自个儿民族的失败之处的话,活着还有什么意思呢? +9
    • 这一片绿地太神奇了。 +2
    • Israel probably is the most successful country on desert farming. They're experts in water production and management. +1
      • Are you a Jew? +3
        • 呵呵,晕啦。。。
          • 你这俩字儿用英语咋说?呵呵。
          • 啥时候有空咱俩用英语在这嘎达聊两句儿?呵呵。
        • I've been to Israel. BTW, Israel reuses 80% of its waste water, the best in the world, 800% better than the second best country, which reuses 10%.
          • What do you mean by waste water, and what kind of waste water are they using? Which desert of China is this method applicable to?
      • 以色列用地下水,将来也是问题。巴勒斯坦那一地区没有雪山啥的,可以提供水源。 +1
        • 以色列的经验老中早就知道,没啥用。这类人一天天的幻想、神话自己不熟悉不理解的东东,实在是奴才的很呐。 +3
        • Nope... Israel has developed the best desalination technology. Check +4660@4096. It's exporting fresh water to neighbouring countries.
          • 海水淡化主要是作为饮用水,以色列每年需要20亿立方米水源,其中1/3是海水淡化。现在以色列一直做地下水的补给,因为之前过量消耗地下水。 +1
            • Did you watch the video? +1
              • 看了,数据没有任何问题。主要水源还是天然水,加利利湖和地下水。节约用水做的很好,污水作为农业用水。墨西哥也这样做的,食物有没有污染难说。 +1
          • yeah yeah yeah, another fancy hi-tech, ha ? is it affordable for the peasants in China ?
    • 没有全球暖化,啥也没用。 +3