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Dr. Tanzib Hossain is working on the front lines of the COVID-19 outbreak in New York City. He is seeing first-hand the devastating impact it's having on patients and the monumental challenges facing the health-care system。
"This is ... the scary part for physicians in the emergency department. All of the patients that came in, a full five days in, they're all, to put it in the clearest way, they're dropping like flies," he said.
As of Wednesday night, he said, none of the patients who'd been put on a ventilator at the hospital had survived and recovered, though one was taken off Thursday morning and remains in care.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 金秋年华 / 我觉得,经过这次疫情,美国会变得更加强大,和很多国家的距离会拉开的更远。这次疫情,就像是生化战争的一次预演,美国从这次直接冲击中,被动发现了自己的一个弱点,一定会吸取经验教训,强化自己。 +3

    • 英文好的,听了白宫发言吗?是不是说可以去医生处测试,15分钟就出结果了?
    • 说是明天有个 Webnar 演示如何把麻醉师的什么仪器(没听懂,也没有 caption可以查字典)非常容易的转化成呼吸机。如果可以,那不是太好了,多了很多呼吸机了。希望加拿大的care worker也能转换。 +1
      • 没听到这个。倒是听到大夫说如果有必要就把呼吸器再接一条管子,可以两人用 +1
        • 副总统发言时说的。
        • 那真是同呼吸共命运了。
      • (1)converting anesthesia machines 转换麻醉仪为呼吸机(2)ventilator splitting technology两病人共用一台呼吸机。
        • 谢谢了。不过我倒是很好奇,这个麻醉仪怎么能轻易改装成呼吸机呢?不知道原理是什么。
          • 不用谢。这里有个video. Animation of the Universal Anaesthesia Machine and Ventilator

    • 为什么副总统的头发都全白了,眉毛却那么黑? +1
      • 看来,你需要再加一个夜宵了
    • 这个在中国,叫做病急乱投医。 +2
    • 美国的衰败在于庞大的垃圾人口,分裂的族群,被各种势力渗透的腐败政体 +1
      • 从墨西哥来的垃圾 +3
      • 从中国来的垃圾 +3
        • 包括文贵 +4
          • 应该是包括老家 +3
      • 从穆斯林国家来的垃圾 +2
      • 就是我一直说一直担心的。吃福利的人口超过一半,民主的一投票就把富人的财产分了。
      • 人类无权随意混乱基因,混乱文化,动的东西太多。没包皮的以为掌握了世界的本源,打算胡来。用基因武器给中国后背狠狠一刀,反手再指责中国。坏到一定程度就叫恶贯满盈,上天必聚而歼之
    • 美国的强大一是经济科技综合实力全球第一,二是强大的纠错能力,三是国民强悍的作风和幽默感,能化解任何悲痛为力量。。。 +3
      • 说的有水平。确实比俺小学水平强。 +1
      • 纠啥错了?2008年印钱8000亿救市,这次再印两万亿,就这么一招一以贯之。下次不知道还会不会有人承认这些绿纸了。 +2
        • 这也是美国强大的一点,它再怎么玩命印钱,稀释美元,美国债卷仍然是经济危机时最保值的。。。 +2
          • 美元只要不倒,这一招就屡试不爽。
            • 大家都知道美国的玩法,其他人都想取代美元,之前有欧元现在有人民币,但是都远远得不到市场的认可,这也是美国强大的方面之一。。。
    • 知道美国总统30天前说什么吗?“现在有15例新冠肺炎,明天少几例,再过几天就一例都没有了” +5
      • 不作为的下场就是今天股市大跌
    • 呼吸机其实没用,上呼吸机的基本都死掉,而插管对医护人员很危险期。
      Dr. Tanzib Hossain is working on the front lines of the COVID-19 outbreak in New York City. He is seeing first-hand the devastating impact it's having on patients and the monumental challenges facing the health-care system。
      "This is ... the scary part for physicians in the emergency department. All of the patients that came in, a full five days in, they're all, to put it in the clearest way, they're dropping like flies," he said.
      As of Wednesday night, he said, none of the patients who'd been put on a ventilator at the hospital had survived and recovered, though one was taken off Thursday morning and remains in care.