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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛著名法律专家、前房东局听证官HARRY FINE先生起草了一份与租客沟通的模板,法律顾问于戎伟先生针对华人房东需求进行了修改,经过HARRY FINE先生认可批准,现转发给大家参考。


Phone: 647-970-6378 Fax: 416-638-6071


March 24th, 2020

Dear (tenant’s first name):

Both of us are in a difficult time. I sincerely hope you and your family stay positive and healthy. As your landlord, I am here to help as much as I can. Please remember that we keep lines of communication open.

I know that you may worry about your rent payment, which is due on _____ day of each month. This letter is to address about this issue.

Although the government declared that they will help landlords and tenants, so far, I cannot see anything materially happening. On the other hand, the news reports talk about mortgage relief, but the news is not accurate. Whatever so-called “relief” is available is just a deferral of payment at this point. And for landlords, our mortgage lender may not provide even a deferral, so all our expenses go on. Expenses include taxes, maintenance, insurance, mortgage payments (utilities, condo fees if applicable).

The government has told tenants they will not be evicted if they don’t pay rent. That is true on the surface, but again not fully accurate. My advice to you is to keep paying whatever amount you can continuously, and let’s have a talk if you have any difficulties. If you feel a deferral is necessary because of a change in your employment status, please contact me as early as possible.

(I have post-dated cheques from you. Unless I hear from you, I will cash them as I normally do. Please let me know if you don’t have enough balance in your account.)

If your rent is not paid (in full), I will have no other choice but to serve you with an N4 notice based on the unpaid rent, and I may file an application to the Landlord Tenant Board based on the N4.

Please kindly understand that even if I do this, it’s NOT in order to evict you during this difficult time, or even after the pandemic is over. My goal is to get into the long line at the Board as they will be definitely backlogged when this is all over and they are back in operation again.

You may also seek government assistance, for example, Employment Insurance, Rent Bank, community social assisting and etc. Any N4 Notice that I do have to serve you will be strong evidence for you to apply for this immediate help. Your local MPP’s office, community social work and government benefit sectors should be all helpful.

Please Remember, there are no hearings, the Sheriff is not enforcing eviction order. You will NOT lose your home before any Order issued against you. Any action I am taking now is merely to protect myself to avoid year-long waits for a Board decision if rent does not get paid. We both hope that doesn’t happen.

Please contact me via Email at xxxx@xxxxx, if you want to discuss any tenancy issues with me. I may not be able to receive your call from time to time.

Yours very truly,

(Your full name)更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 房东 / 就这两天,身边好几个房东朋友都收到房客来信,要求减免或延迟付租金。各位房东们是怎么回应的? +1
    • Government emergency benefit plan covers $2000/month for each person
      • 是说一点不给让步是吗?如果租客干脆就不交了呢?
        • 告诉考虑清楚后果,他会上租客黑名单,以后没人租房给他,更别提买房了 +1
          • 你这是书生意气,黑名单要是管用就不会有那么多的赖租。 +9
            • 那是很多房东为了省30块钱的rentcheck fee没有仔细审核,我相信经过这一波疫情,不会再有华人房东会在乎这点小钱了,审核工作一定会更加仔细。 +2
              • 我找了经纪出租房子,却被经纪骗了,他没有检查租客的信用报告,却骗我租客信用700分以上。我现在找他要租客资料才发现,他不认账,说没有说过租客信用700分以上的话
            • 为清理租客市场,还房东公平,坚决把官司和驱逐进行到最后。钱反正是亏了,不差那点。 +1
      • 谁都有吗? link
    • 看我帖子。
    • 告诉租客政府已发钱,没任何理由减免延迟 +2
      • 这个时候就算你能把租客赶着,恐怕房子得空上几个月,也是损失。 +2
        • 他赶不了。就嘴巴硬而已。现在政府停止发驱逐令了。没有驱逐令他赶敢人那是找死!铁定局子里抗瘟疫去了。哈哈 +10
          • Doug省长已经停止所有驱逐令。见链接。 +9
          • 赶不赶得了,房东都有损失,这股风一吹起来,平时安分守己的,胆小的都会跟着跑,我一个朋友的租客相安无事几年了,也开始探口风,抱怨日子不好过。 +4
            • 损失肯定有,难道便宜房客你就没损失了吗?告诫所有房东,租房前先看黑名单 +2
    • 房东网有一个模板教你怎么和房客沟通,链接不work,手动贴上了 +2
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛著名法律专家、前房东局听证官HARRY FINE先生起草了一份与租客沟通的模板,法律顾问于戎伟先生针对华人房东需求进行了修改,经过HARRY FINE先生认可批准,现转发给大家参考。


      Phone: 647-970-6378 Fax: 416-638-6071


      March 24th, 2020

      Dear (tenant’s first name):

      Both of us are in a difficult time. I sincerely hope you and your family stay positive and healthy. As your landlord, I am here to help as much as I can. Please remember that we keep lines of communication open.

      I know that you may worry about your rent payment, which is due on _____ day of each month. This letter is to address about this issue.

      Although the government declared that they will help landlords and tenants, so far, I cannot see anything materially happening. On the other hand, the news reports talk about mortgage relief, but the news is not accurate. Whatever so-called “relief” is available is just a deferral of payment at this point. And for landlords, our mortgage lender may not provide even a deferral, so all our expenses go on. Expenses include taxes, maintenance, insurance, mortgage payments (utilities, condo fees if applicable).

      The government has told tenants they will not be evicted if they don’t pay rent. That is true on the surface, but again not fully accurate. My advice to you is to keep paying whatever amount you can continuously, and let’s have a talk if you have any difficulties. If you feel a deferral is necessary because of a change in your employment status, please contact me as early as possible.

      (I have post-dated cheques from you. Unless I hear from you, I will cash them as I normally do. Please let me know if you don’t have enough balance in your account.)

      If your rent is not paid (in full), I will have no other choice but to serve you with an N4 notice based on the unpaid rent, and I may file an application to the Landlord Tenant Board based on the N4.

      Please kindly understand that even if I do this, it’s NOT in order to evict you during this difficult time, or even after the pandemic is over. My goal is to get into the long line at the Board as they will be definitely backlogged when this is all over and they are back in operation again.

      You may also seek government assistance, for example, Employment Insurance, Rent Bank, community social assisting and etc. Any N4 Notice that I do have to serve you will be strong evidence for you to apply for this immediate help. Your local MPP’s office, community social work and government benefit sectors should be all helpful.

      Please Remember, there are no hearings, the Sheriff is not enforcing eviction order. You will NOT lose your home before any Order issued against you. Any action I am taking now is merely to protect myself to avoid year-long waits for a Board decision if rent does not get paid. We both hope that doesn’t happen.

      Please contact me via Email at xxxx@xxxxx, if you want to discuss any tenancy issues with me. I may not be able to receive your call from time to time.

      Yours very truly,

      (Your full name)更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 信写得不错,问题是如果租客就是付不了或者不想付,房东们会同意减免吗? +1
        • 一切走程序,付不出就走人,找个律师啥都解决了,这里是诚信社会,老赖的结局总是悲剧收场 +2
          • 这法盲怎么当房东?这种事情律师乱用没有!要法庭发驱逐令!唯一的办法。没驱逐令你把房客赶出他家你就犯法!这种情况被捕的法盲房东可真不是一个两个了。哈哈 +12
            • sorry,我听律师的,法盲不法盲的你就别担心了,btw,我房子是管理公司管的,一个月收20per那种,大把人员对付不付钱的老赖 +2
              • 别动不动律师律师的,拽得258万似的。哈哈。私人房东和管理公司一样。不付房租你们可以发N4。但是赶房客走得靠法庭的驱逐令。没驱逐令啥人都不可能赶走房客。Period. +8
        • 看人不同,先协商,如果从来不欠租的真的失去收入遇到坎了,可以适当negotiate一下,比如租客如期打款,本月房租打8折,不发N4,收到2000块补贴后,恢复正常,但是需要提供ROE等证据,如果有钱还赖租,马上发N4。 +3
          • 嗯,是个折中的办法,不过发N4也是远水解不了近火。
            • 所以才说协商,毕竟能马上收到80%的钱又情有可原的话对双方都没坏处,而且有几个租客真有那个熊胆为省几千块租金愿意自己的名字上黑名单,几个月以后住shelter,买房买车都贷不到款。真是那样的人正好给你一个契机赶走烂租客。 +2
              • 就怕不付房租成风,到时候好房客都变成了坏房客。
                • 有理智的人都知道上黑名单的后果,就是直接把自己往地狱里扔了。 +4
    • 目前没啥办法,问题是房东有把租金交税吗?房东如果不工作就靠房租过日子,有去申请政府的$2000补助吗?房客也可以向税务局举报你的。 +4
      • 这样延展会跑题,我们现在假设房东守法报税,房客也不是老赖
        • 真的发生租客不给钱,那就走法律程序就好了。整套程序走下来也要好几个月。几个月之后还是不可以驱逐吗?就算是不可以驱逐的话,只要法庭判了对方败诉就行了,你直接拿着那个法庭的判决去找律师,他立马就可以把对方的记录搞死。 +3
          • 对付老赖可以,如果只是现在这种特殊情况下呢?
          • 1)法庭已经不开门了。2)已经发的驱逐令也暂停执行了,期限未定。 +1
        • 正常情况下应该都不会拖欠房租的吧,但是万一真有困难,收不到租金是一段时间内都没法驱逐的,房东要考虑自己贷款的风险。
          • 一年也就3,4万,先用LOC顶上、将来这些钱全都是出租房的亏损,卖房的时候抵扣capital gain
            • 报当年的房租亏损,不用等到卖房抵扣Capital gain
    • 既然政府这么慷慨地要帮助租客,那就政府直接替租客交了房租吧。
      • 刚才新闻里,有个省(哪个忘了)宣布将会补助房客500/月用来付房租。
        • 阿省。
    • 我有房就是不出租.钱没赚几个,烦都烦死了.钱买不来清静.