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大利好市年年有 (蓮藕豬利蠔豉湯)Pork Tongue Dried Oyster & Lotus Root Soup



蓮藕(Lotus Roots 1 ½ lbs) 1 1/2磅 蠔豉(Dried oyster 8 pieces) 8只 大鱆魚(Big Octopus 1 piece) 1只 陳皮 (Dried orange peel) 1塊 豬利(Pig Tongue) 2條 西施骨(Pork Shoulder Bone) 1 1/2磅 蜜棗 (Dates 8 pieces) 8粒 赤小豆(Red Bean) 2 oz 髮菜(Dried Blackmoss) 1/2 oz



蓮藕洗擦乾淨, 切厚片.

Wash and wipe the lotus roots, and cut them into thick pieces.

豬利拖拖熱水, 衝涷水挖去利胎, 連同西施骨一起氽水.

Boil the pig tongue in hot water, rinse with cold water and remove the coat. Boil the pig tongue together with Pork Shoulder Bone.

蠔豉, 鱆魚, 陳皮, 蜜棗, 赤小豆洗乾淨備用.

Wash Dried oyster, Big Octopus, Dried orange peel, dates and red beans.

將所有材料放進湯煲內, 加水, 大火燒開後, 轉小火煲2小時, 加鹽調味便可.

Put all ingredients into the stockpot and add water. Cook with high heat till it is boiled, then turn to low heat and cook for 2 hours. Add salt for seasoning.


* Chef’s Tips:

每到年尾團年, 都會做一些意頭好的湯水菜式, 一般會取其諧音, 而這菜是最好例子. 這時蓮藕是最佳季節, 也取其年年有的意思, 豬利是大利潤的意思, 此湯煲好時, 香味四溢, 濃郁, 非常可口.

Every year at the end of the year, some delicious soup dishes are made, and they are usually homophonic, and this dish is the best example.At this time, lotus root is in the best season. While pig tongue means “big fortune”. When this soup is done, the taste is very rich.

蓮藕的功效與作用: 益血生肌:藕的營養價值很高,富含鐵、鈣等微量元素,植物蛋白質、維生素以及澱粉含量也很豐富,有明顯的補益氣血,增強人體免疫力作用。故中醫稱其:“主補中養神,益氣力”。 止血散瘀:藕含有大量的單靈酸,有收縮血管作用,可用來止血。


老幼婦孺、體弱多病者尤宜,特別適宜高熱病人、吐血者、高血壓、肝病、食慾不振、缺鐵性貧血、營養不良者多食用. 藕性偏涼,產婦不宜過早食用;藕性寒,生吃清脆爽口,但礙脾胃。脾胃消化功能低下、大便溏泄者不宜生吃.

更多精彩請訪問: https://www.soundofhope.org/post/345367?lang=b5


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 美食天地 / 大利好市年年有 (蓮藕豬利蠔豉湯)Pork Tongue Dried Oyster & Lotus Root Soup


    蓮藕(Lotus Roots 1 ½ lbs) 1 1/2磅 蠔豉(Dried oyster 8 pieces) 8只 大鱆魚(Big Octopus 1 piece) 1只 陳皮 (Dried orange peel) 1塊 豬利(Pig Tongue) 2條 西施骨(Pork Shoulder Bone) 1 1/2磅 蜜棗 (Dates 8 pieces) 8粒 赤小豆(Red Bean) 2 oz 髮菜(Dried Blackmoss) 1/2 oz



    蓮藕洗擦乾淨, 切厚片.

    Wash and wipe the lotus roots, and cut them into thick pieces.

    豬利拖拖熱水, 衝涷水挖去利胎, 連同西施骨一起氽水.

    Boil the pig tongue in hot water, rinse with cold water and remove the coat. Boil the pig tongue together with Pork Shoulder Bone.

    蠔豉, 鱆魚, 陳皮, 蜜棗, 赤小豆洗乾淨備用.

    Wash Dried oyster, Big Octopus, Dried orange peel, dates and red beans.

    將所有材料放進湯煲內, 加水, 大火燒開後, 轉小火煲2小時, 加鹽調味便可.

    Put all ingredients into the stockpot and add water. Cook with high heat till it is boiled, then turn to low heat and cook for 2 hours. Add salt for seasoning.


    * Chef’s Tips:

    每到年尾團年, 都會做一些意頭好的湯水菜式, 一般會取其諧音, 而這菜是最好例子. 這時蓮藕是最佳季節, 也取其年年有的意思, 豬利是大利潤的意思, 此湯煲好時, 香味四溢, 濃郁, 非常可口.

    Every year at the end of the year, some delicious soup dishes are made, and they are usually homophonic, and this dish is the best example.At this time, lotus root is in the best season. While pig tongue means “big fortune”. When this soup is done, the taste is very rich.

    蓮藕的功效與作用: 益血生肌:藕的營養價值很高,富含鐵、鈣等微量元素,植物蛋白質、維生素以及澱粉含量也很豐富,有明顯的補益氣血,增強人體免疫力作用。故中醫稱其:“主補中養神,益氣力”。 止血散瘀:藕含有大量的單靈酸,有收縮血管作用,可用來止血。


    老幼婦孺、體弱多病者尤宜,特別適宜高熱病人、吐血者、高血壓、肝病、食慾不振、缺鐵性貧血、營養不良者多食用. 藕性偏涼,產婦不宜過早食用;藕性寒,生吃清脆爽口,但礙脾胃。脾胃消化功能低下、大便溏泄者不宜生吃.

    更多精彩請訪問: https://www.soundofhope.org/post/345367?lang=b5

    • 中文都没看懂,英文都懂了。木想到英文水平进步啦。 +2
      • 😇😇😇
    • 以前多伦多很多莲藕都是从湖北来的,现在华人超市卖的莲藕不知道是哪里的
    • 莲藕为什么只能炖猪肉,不能炖鸡肉?
      • 可以, 有莲藕炖鸡汤
        • 啊, 这么远运过来? 我以前一直就有这个疑问。
          • 马蹄(荸荠)和莲藕都是国内运来的,现在国内水域污染严重,这些东西都不太敢买了