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长白山人蔘乾鲍炖鹧鸪Changbai Mountain Ginsang Abalone Partridge Soup


长白山人蔘1安士 (Changbai Mountain Ginsang 1 oz),

小乾鲍鱼两安士 (Small dried abalone 2 oz),

鹧鸪一只 (Partridge 1),

龙眼肉乾一安士 (Dried Longan 1 oz),

姜三 片 (Ginger 3 slices)。



1. 长白山人蔘清洗乾净,用水浸泡两小时后备用。 乾鲍鱼清洗乾净后, 用清水浸 泡一晚, 再用姜片加水煮十分钟后, 关火浸泡两小时备用。

Clean the Changbai Mountain ginseng, soak it in water for two hours and set aside. After the dried abalone is cleaned, soak it in clear water for one night, and then cook with ginger slices and water for ten minutes, turn off the fire and soak it for two hours.

2. 鹧鸪一只清洗乾净后, 切开两边, 用姜汁酒飞水, 再清洗乾净。 龙眼肉清洗 一下。

Clean the Partridge and cut it up. Boil with ginger wine, and clean it. Clean the Dried Longan.

3. 准备一个炖盅 。烧滚热水四杯, 把所有材料放入炖盅内,加入开水,盖上盅盖 .,放入蒸锅,中大火炖三小时后便可食用, 加盐调味, 炖完的材料也可捞 出来沾点酱油吃。

Prepare a stew pot. Boil four cups of hot water, put all the ingredients in a stew pot, add boiling water, cover the lid. Put it in a steamer, and simmer for 3 hours at medium high heat. Season with salt. You can also dip it with soy sauce.

• 梁师傅小贴士

* Chef’s Tips:

• 吉林长白山人蔘, 吉林省特产,中国国家地理标志产品

• Jilin Changbai Mountain Ginseng, a special product of Jilin Province, China's National Geographical Indication Product

• 人蔘爲五加科,人蔘属植物,通常所说的人蔘是指其乾燥根。 吉林长白山人蔘以其形美、质坚硬,断麪皮部显裂隙,形成层明显,气微香,味微苦且甘被誉爲人蔘中珍品。

• Panax ginseng is a plant of the genus Ginseng, which is commonly referred to as its dried roots. Jilin Changbai Mountain Ginseng With its beautiful shape and hard quality, there are cracks in the cross section of the skin, and the formation layer is obvious. The gas is slightly fragrant, the taste is bitter and sweet. Known as the treasure of ginseng.

• 吉林长白山人蔘以其“补五脏、安精神、定魂魄、除邪气、止惊悸,明目开心益志,久服轻身延年”的神奇功效,被誉爲百草之王,稀世珍宝,民间称人蔘爲长白山上三宝之首.

• Jilin Changbai Mountain ginseng is known for its "tonicating the five internal organs, reassuring the spirit, calming the soul, removing evil spirits, stopping surprise, and keeping eyes open." Chi, Jiufu light weight and longevity ", known as the king of herbs, rare treasure, folk called ginseng It is the first of the three treasures on Changbai Mountain.

• 鹧鸪肉厚骨细,风味独特,营养丰富,含有丰富的蛋白质、脂肪含有人体必需的18种氨基酸和较高的锌、锶等微量元素,具有壮阳补肾、强身健体的功效。味甘咸、性微温。 功能健脑、利水、健脾、固肺、化痰、敛汗、补而不燥。

• The carcass is thick and thin, with unique flavor and rich nutrition. It is rich in protein and fat. 18 kinds of amino acids and higher trace elements such as zinc and strontium have the effects of strengthening the kidneys and strengthening the body. Sweet and salty, slightly warm. Functional brain, water, spleen, lungs, phlegm, sweating, nourishing

• 鹧鸪是治理脾虚久咳、痰多的食疗品。

• Scallion is a food therapy that treats spleen deficiency and long cough and sputum.

• 一般人均可食用,特别适合虚火盛、虚不受补人士; 但感冒发热、脾虚湿盛者不宜。

• It can be eaten by ordinary people, especially suitable for people with deficiency of fire and deficiency, but those with cold and fever and spleen deficiency and dampness are not suitable.

本食谱及照片由 [ 梁厨美食] 烹饪节目梁师傅提供

Recipe and Photo developed by Master Chef James Leung

长白山人蔘, 乾鲍

• 材料赞助商

* Sponsor of Changbai Mountain Ginsang and dried abalone:

天天集团(Tian Tian Trading Co.)

1222 Stockton St., S.F. CA94133

