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  • 技多不压身,工到自然成:安省技工证书特训班,点击咨询报名!

阿拉伯语 has calligraphy just like Chinese.

Arabic calligraphy.


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 梦想天空 / 假如有一天世界上的书都没有了,也没有任何媒体记录存在,,只能剩最后一本书了。。你愿意是那一本书还保存?
    • 相册
    • 账本。 +1
      • 塞瓦罐里埋在歪脖树下的变天账?
      • 我希望第一个把帐本弄丢,欠的太多。
      • 提醒我了,快到那天的时候,赶快自己建立一个借条大典。
    • 字典...........字是书的源头、文化的骨灰,留得字典在,不怕没书来........ +3
      • 不留一本《怎样查字典》?
        • 再留一本《十万个不为什么》 +3
    • 诗经,或圣经,或金刚经,或数学原理。还是数学原理吧
    • 百科全书
    • 永乐大典
      • Heard about it, and know how important it is.
        • 《金瓶梅》。
    • 把最后一本也烧掉,~~ 知识越多越反动 ~~ LOL
    • 一般来说是圣经 信仰是文明的起源 文明是法治和民主的基础
    • 好像是一个什么电视里的情节?
    • 这种情况读书还有什么用?我会找一本尽量厚一点的,纸软一点的。
      • Sounds like you are preparing yourself a pillow.
        • 不是吧,我怎么觉得是当手纸用的
    • 只能一本啊,太殘酷了!
    • 没人对Kuran 有兴趣吗?
      • I don't understand the language, and still able to feel the beauty of it graphically speaking.




        • 你自己的藏书?厉害了,原来是研究外文书法的专家......
          • Scary. :) Of course not. I saw them in a museum.
        • 在youtube上听了听,跟国内的和尚念经差不多。
          • True. I don't like the sound and verbal version either.
    • 乞力马扎罗山的雪
    • 阿拉伯语版的古埃及文字解说。反正就一本了,来本够看几辈子的
      • 阿拉伯语 has calligraphy just like Chinese.

        Arabic calligraphy.

    • 妇产科学 +2
      • 妇科产科差别很大,选一个吧。 +1
        • 那就产科, 太%%重要了😂
          • 嗯,有道理!若世界文明已毁至连书都没了,只能先保住人的生存繁衍再说了......
            • 人类生死存亡就靠那本书了😂
              • 说不准人类就是靠世传的产科书才活到现在的呢,地球上的人类文明可能早已经历过“发展——毁灭——重新发展——毁灭”的N代轮回,现在只是第N+1而已.....
                • 当然
            • Isn't birth a natural process? No need to have a book over your head to teach you what to do, how to do and when to do while you are delivering. Instinct.
              • 光靠本能生产过程中成活率会打折扣,夭折风险大,而生产周期又太长,种粮种菜都好几茬了......
                • I am talking about birth, and you about fertility.
                  • 怎么消毒, 碰到难产怎么处理? 怎么剪脐带? 女人天生就会生孩子? 那产科医生不都是废物了?
                    • 产婆技能传帮带,未来最重要最热门的专业......
                      • Who was the first professional 产婆? Any record of that?
              • 只有男人才会像你这么想
                • 无意间鉴别出个蓝ID or 的马甲.........
                  • I am 100% sure you are a woman inside and out. I don't need to guess and just a few words of yours can successfully bring me to the conclusion, very solid one. A woman with children.. +1
                    • LOOOOOOL.......请指出有哪些few words.......
                      • Actually, a woman with at least 2 children. :)
                    • You're just fantastic! Thanks for making my day.
    • 愚蠢的问题 +1
    • 难道不是毛主席语录?
      • 习主席语录
    • Kuran in terms of delicate design, rich texture and colourful layers.
    • 说实在的,纸质的书比电子的介质保存更加困难,如果电子的媒体都留不住,纸书更没戏了。
      • Don't think so. Paper books are like sculptures which are part of our history never able to fade away.
    • Holy Bible!
    • 荷马史诗
      • Love it.
    • 手机