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  • 枫下家园 / 美食天地 / 这个印度的甜品,咬一口流蜜,让俺想起了小时候吃的点心,蜜三刀和蜜角。现在回国还会去超市买这两样传统点心,可就是吃不出来小时候的味道啦。😃


    • 印度的甜品都不好吃。
      • 就是喉甜
      • 它也有咸的油炸零食。
        • 买过,吃了有点上火🔥
          • 他们聚会是一把一把往嘴里扔。咔吧咔吧。
    • Every time I wanted to buy it, I always forced myself to think about how big their bellies are. 😊 It's quite helpful. A typical Indian guy in his mid-age has a waist doubling my size. 🤣🤣🤣
      • Are these Indian normal size in their own country? My ex-coworkers said they ate same types of food in India but got big belly here.
        • Haha,same things happened to Italians. Pizzas made them like balloons in NA while not in Italy.
          • Is it because that North Americans are less active physically, compared to Europeans?
            • Partially true, because we don't have many bike lanes like Europeans who're fortunate enough to bike to work or shopping if they choose to.
              • Apartments => bikes; Houses => cars.
                • Do you dare to bike to work if you live in an apartment of Toronto?
                  • I used to bike to work, from Dufferin Station to Yonge/King.
                    • Not risky ? How many years ago?
                      • That was around year 2000. I crashed once. My wheel was trapped by the streetcar rail on Queens Street.
                        • Thanks for sharing and a strong evidence of not biking in Toronto.
        • In India, women would dress with their waist exposed. However, you won't be able to see any fit abs that are exposed. I doubt they only expose it when it's big enough.
      • 好办法😁
      • Those you mentioned are their ancestors. Modern South Asians have healthy living and dieting in mind all the time. Your eyes may need to go extra miles to see that.
        • Young Indian men are usually fit, but when they turn 30+ the story is different. I "lived" in Mysore for 2.5 months. Even some yoga teachers have big bellies. 😊
          • It's the fault of ethnic genes perhaps.
            • I think it's the awareness of fitness. Only people in developed countries come to such awareness. Back in China, guys would be proud of their big bellies before 1990s. But now it's different.
              • Awareness has to go hand in hand with solid infrastructures,otherwise awareness won't go further. I dream to bike to work but it's extraordinarily risky in Toronto.
                • Agree. Actually I believe that if the majority of commuters switch to bikes, no matter where, it would be a mess. I still remember that when I was in middle school, there were hundreds of bikes in the bike shelters.
                  • Strikingly well-organized infrastructures won' t let the mess you mentioned happen. I haven't seen it happen in Netherlands before and I 'm pretty much sure it won't happen in that country in the future, near or far. Netherlands is a great example.
      • Go to any India temple. It's free
        • Good to know. :)
    • 这不就是咱们的江米条嘛。
      • 不是吧,江米条太硬
      • 这个是软的,空心细管子,里面是蜜糖。
    • 看着象排叉,广东早茶有类似的,名字不记得了
      • 排叉是啥?
        • 油炸面,很酥脆,也有甜口做法
          • 噢没吃过。多伦多哪儿有?
            • 很多自助餐都有这个甜品啊
              • Mandarin没见啊。
                • 龙珠应该有的,如果没记错的话
                  • 好。
            • 没有,鸿福酒楼有类似的,不过人太多
              • 哪儿?
                • midland/finch附近(东北?),有种小吃叫薄昌(音),是煎糯米卷儿加碎花生芝麻和糖,味道很不错,别家不做
                  • 好。吃不到找你算帐。
                  • 甜薄撑
      • 我不吃印度甜食因为太腻。除了这种,这种特别好吃。
        • 是的?放的是糖汁还是蜂蜜啊?
          • 蜂蜜成本高,你要人家破产。
          • 应该是有蜂蜜的,可能也加的有部分糖汁吧
            • If you make it by yourself, you can use honey.
              • Great point. Prices talk.
                • I used little white sugar, only for making kombucha.
                  • I'm bad at cooking but whenever I'm in that position, I always have honey instead of regular sugar, white or brown.
          • 不知道有没用蜂蜜。只吃不想,艾玛
    • 喜欢。没吃过后两个。Samosa也好吃。
    • 看上去很像沙琪玛
      • 你说的有道理啊
        • 好像沙其马更软更油没那么甜。
    • Jalebi,想起了小时候的糖耳朵
      • 我们叫蜜角,咬开里面一兜蜜。
        • 你说的这俩蜜我都没吃过, 都没听说过😊
          • 亏大发了
            • 真的😊
          • 排除你是俺们山东河南人的可能:)
            • 这么晚姑姑还在查水表, 要向你学习啊😆😂
              • 俺地里学的不好,这排除法能查出来吗,排除了两个地方以后,离答案还有多远?😂
                • 都是来自猩猩的你我😂一家人
                  • 你跟洗衣的是一家人。😂
                    • 不要嘛😂
                      • 哈哈。😂
            • 为啥只是这两个地方,俺那旮瘩也有的吃啊😊
              • 江苏?其实苏北和鲁南很难分得清,古代都属兖州,那儿是蜜三刀的发源地:)
                • 有学问。👍
        • 白色还是深色
          • 乳白色
            • 蜜豆儿或者叫梅豆角吧
    • 蜜三刀里面是酥的,感觉凉白开距离我老家不远似的
      • 老乡你好。😁
        • 对,你国内来的吧,我也是
    • 这个中东人的店里也有卖