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Once in a while,

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛we all like a good lobster. However, not all eating establishments are created equally. This review has a series of some unfortunate events that I would not wish on anyone, when all you wanted was to just go and enjoy a good lobster at what you thought was a great place. You would never think that going to a restaurant who's specialty is lobster, that you would have such a horrible dining experience.

It all started when my friends and I walked into the restaurant. The dirty looks I was getting from not only the servers but the other customers who were probably wondering why we were there in the first place. We were the only non Asian individuals in the restaurant at the time. It was the dinner hour and we didn't feel welcome. My friends felt so unwelcome there that I had to beg them to give the restaurant a chance. We were seated and then waited almost 30 minutes for a server to come to the table. We then all asked for water which took almost 25 minutes. It DOES NOT take 25 minutes for a server to bring glasses of water to the table. The communication between us and the server was a nightmare as he didn't speak English and we don't speak Cantonese or Mandarin. We seemed to be at a loss from the beginning. We had to have the manager come to take our order as he did speak English and we were starving.

After we ordered we then waited over 45 minutes for our meal to arrive which turned out to be a mountain of lobster and crab which looked like the cook just dumped onto the plate from the sky. It looked like a big mess. A few of us then had to use the washroom and had to run out, as not only was the washroom dirty, there was a toilet that was overflowing. When we advised the staff they told us "we know, we fix later". I was so disgusted by their response, I went outside the restaurant to call 311 and made a formal complaint to the health inspector. When I came back to the table, we decided to order some tea. After waiting almost 20 minutes for a pot of hot water to arrive at the table we finally had our tea served in lovely chipped tea cups with beautiful stained rims. When I told the manager, he so rudely told me "you use that one, we no have more". Most of us just sat there in true disbelief as we have never had such a horrible dining experience. We were all hoping that all of the events that happened before the tea was the end, we were mistaken as a few cockroaches ran across the table. We all got up and walked out. We were absolutely horrified.

They told us they would be calling the Police which we had a big problem with, as the restaurant should have offered not only an apology to us, but they also should have never dared give us a bill after our experience. It was a slap in the face to say the least.

The Lobster King has spent more money and effort towards its interior design, than focus on things such as keeping their washrooms clean and in proper working order, training their staff to be polite, hiring staff for the most part who do not speak English. Customers should NOT have to have the manager take their order.

In conclusion, we parked at the back where the staff park and once again, we we shocked to see a cook smoking inside the kitchen at the back doorway. We screamed at him and said "what are you doing??? No smoking in the kitchen!!!"

He looked at us with once again another dirty look and threw the cigarette on the ground and slammed the back door shut.

The manager also told us before we all stormed out of the restaurant that they will be opening a new location in Scarborough around Finch and Kennedy. Based on our dining experience, they are wasting their time and money opening another location. The menu is very expensive and the area is low income. A new location won't last.

We are NEVER returning to The Lobster King and we highly recommend others as well to have caution if you decide to eat here.

Dining at The Lobster King was one of the most disappointing dining experiences my friends and myself have ever had. This restaurant has failed their customers.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 美食天地 / 这个龙虾皇真坑爹! +1

    上个月跟朋友们,一起去了一次这个龙虾皇,被坑到郁闷,银子花了不少不说,龙虾很小还不新鲜。那个女的满脸黑线似乎我们上辈子欠她一个亿!  这样的餐馆居然能生存下来。我们也是醉了!呵呵。

    • 是在Midland和Steeles的那家吗?
      • 是。怕不干净我们很少出去吃饭。几个月前去鱼乐轩,龙虾还好。但是我朋友马卡龙还没有吃完,waitress 就收走了盘子,那天是她的生日而且我们定的是4pm, 吃甜点时是5pm, 没有什么人啊。所以这次聚会换到龙虾皇,结果.... +1
        • 支持 share experience. Add one more : 峨眉海鲜酒家. Many HK media boast some so so restaurants. +2
    • 这也需要穿马甲说话,不是仇家吧
      • 可惜了那天我本来的好心情。我是绝对不会再去受虐了。
      • 什么叫穿马甲? 很少上网。但是心里实在不吐不快,把负面情绪释放出来,才心理平衡了。阿Q一下:俺至少没有上吐下泄,安慰自己一下。
    • Once in a while, +1
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛we all like a good lobster. However, not all eating establishments are created equally. This review has a series of some unfortunate events that I would not wish on anyone, when all you wanted was to just go and enjoy a good lobster at what you thought was a great place. You would never think that going to a restaurant who's specialty is lobster, that you would have such a horrible dining experience.

      It all started when my friends and I walked into the restaurant. The dirty looks I was getting from not only the servers but the other customers who were probably wondering why we were there in the first place. We were the only non Asian individuals in the restaurant at the time. It was the dinner hour and we didn't feel welcome. My friends felt so unwelcome there that I had to beg them to give the restaurant a chance. We were seated and then waited almost 30 minutes for a server to come to the table. We then all asked for water which took almost 25 minutes. It DOES NOT take 25 minutes for a server to bring glasses of water to the table. The communication between us and the server was a nightmare as he didn't speak English and we don't speak Cantonese or Mandarin. We seemed to be at a loss from the beginning. We had to have the manager come to take our order as he did speak English and we were starving.

      After we ordered we then waited over 45 minutes for our meal to arrive which turned out to be a mountain of lobster and crab which looked like the cook just dumped onto the plate from the sky. It looked like a big mess. A few of us then had to use the washroom and had to run out, as not only was the washroom dirty, there was a toilet that was overflowing. When we advised the staff they told us "we know, we fix later". I was so disgusted by their response, I went outside the restaurant to call 311 and made a formal complaint to the health inspector. When I came back to the table, we decided to order some tea. After waiting almost 20 minutes for a pot of hot water to arrive at the table we finally had our tea served in lovely chipped tea cups with beautiful stained rims. When I told the manager, he so rudely told me "you use that one, we no have more". Most of us just sat there in true disbelief as we have never had such a horrible dining experience. We were all hoping that all of the events that happened before the tea was the end, we were mistaken as a few cockroaches ran across the table. We all got up and walked out. We were absolutely horrified.

      They told us they would be calling the Police which we had a big problem with, as the restaurant should have offered not only an apology to us, but they also should have never dared give us a bill after our experience. It was a slap in the face to say the least.

      The Lobster King has spent more money and effort towards its interior design, than focus on things such as keeping their washrooms clean and in proper working order, training their staff to be polite, hiring staff for the most part who do not speak English. Customers should NOT have to have the manager take their order.

      In conclusion, we parked at the back where the staff park and once again, we we shocked to see a cook smoking inside the kitchen at the back doorway. We screamed at him and said "what are you doing??? No smoking in the kitchen!!!"

      He looked at us with once again another dirty look and threw the cigarette on the ground and slammed the back door shut.

      The manager also told us before we all stormed out of the restaurant that they will be opening a new location in Scarborough around Finch and Kennedy. Based on our dining experience, they are wasting their time and money opening another location. The menu is very expensive and the area is low income. A new location won't last.

      We are NEVER returning to The Lobster King and we highly recommend others as well to have caution if you decide to eat here.

      Dining at The Lobster King was one of the most disappointing dining experiences my friends and myself have ever had. This restaurant has failed their customers.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 我们如果之前看到这个评论,肯定不会去龙虾皇。
      • 这篇文章一看就知是几个人渣去搞事,想吃霸王餐,威胁写差评上网。 +1
    • 你是大陆人吧?有些香港餐厅对大陆顾客羡慕嫉妒恨,潜意识里没法接受大陆人也能吃得起龙虾了,所以各种看不顺眼
      • 嗯,分析的有道理
      • 卫生也是一个问题。我一进去就觉得好脏。但是怕影响朋友的心情,我什么都没有说。她建议的这个餐厅说排名不错。 +1
        • 排名?太幼稚了吧?
      • 这个现象肯定存在,但不会太普遍。况且多伦多大陆客很多很多。
      • 这家不是香港人开的吧? +1
      • 在加拿大如果还认为龙虾是多高端的菜品吗?
    • 昨天晚上注冊的账号,马上就发那么大火 ?不就是一顿饭而已 +2
      • 同意,多大点儿事!根本不算事儿,好像有点太玻璃心了。但是那顿饭的确是为了庆祝我们人生中一个非常重要的时刻。好了,此事就此打住。不回帖了。各位周末愉快。 +1
      • 本来想用以前的账号,结果因为太久太久没来rolia.找不到以前的账号了。又想venting. ..LOL +1
        • 记得以前邮箱吗?
    • 我去过几次,觉得东西做的挺好呀,皇帝蟹套餐最好。环境确是简陋一些,但是味道正宗呀。价格贵一些人均70+。只是个人观点。 +1
      • 是不是你说广东话?
        • 普通话。很多香港人经营的饭店都是这样,店面狭小而简陋。服务员因忙得焦头烂额总有冷淡的感觉。我比较理解小本生意怎么样难处。港人的生意精打细算,做事认真负责。他一定会有的挣,客人也不会亏,不会骗人。他家菜品地道,勾起我在香港珠海的岁月回忆。
          • 一般来说香港生意人比较讲信用,但是确实很有一部分香港人对大陆人有种莫名其妙的优越感。 +1
            • 自己足够强大了,你就可以扛过对方的优越感。LOL +2
              • 👍👍 +1
            • 本贴莫名其妙骂香港人一顿,有没有人替香港人辩护一下?
              • 他说的是有一部分香港人。不是所有
                • 替一部分有优越感的香港人辩护一下吧?
              • 不要这么敏感。
      • 嗯,店面简陋,味道不错 +1
    • 从不去吃龙虾,也不吃活鱼,也不吃螃蟹。 反正不去吃一切还活着的动物。
      • 「凡自死的,你們都不可吃,可以給你城裡寄居的吃,或賣於外人吃
      • 点赞👍 +1
    • 我去过两次,觉得还不错啊。不过餐馆有时水准不稳定也有可能,你去的那天是不是刚好大厨闹罢工了。 +1
    • 交友不慎,我朋友请吃饭都提前试吃过。。
    • 龙虾大小按你给的钱算的吧?去过二次这家,基本满意。人不多服务贴身。环境简陋了些,请客不怎么拿得出手 +1
    • 最近几次去味香村觉得服务也是没法给好评的。今天改去一下韩版餐厅试试。 +1