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I do not know anyone here, I do not even care who you are, how many agents you know here, but what you did before was really wrong. Please see inside.

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛<<<<甚至看不到ROLIA的帖子,并声明是希望买房者不到万不得已,一定保留CONDITION,硬颈第二天的帖子出来时,我不知道没转,后来在网友EMAL提醒下也转了过去,同样盖去了所有涉及姓名及来源的地方,明显的对事不对人.而你呢,却一直围着我叫来叫去,好在ROLIA不是我赚钱的地方,否则我还可以说是你想kill my business(借用你的话)。 人善被人欺,马善被人骑,怎么会有你这种东西?ROLIA的地产经纪不少,YIHAN,BONNIE,DAVID包括MQU有了什么问题,也都愿意和我讨论,我和LEON,OK,UU的关系也很好。我们还有自己的定期活动。我指导过考LICENCE的人也不算少。Ms Wang我从未见过,也从来没做过生意,更没有ROLIA搭过腔,我为什么要针对她?动机何在?所以污蔑人也要有点证据。 这是你一直对我狂吠不止的借口,但我相信绝不是根源,睁大你的眼睛看看吧。
Answer: If you are not a real estate agent, then I do not think what you did is a big deal; If the whole thing it is sure wangying was wrong, then what you did is also acceptable. But the truth is you are a real estate agent, the whole thing is unclear, and you should know you as a agent spread this thing means what, how much will hurt a guy's business. Do you even think about if she is innocent, now your agent's word could be really a big comfort to her, because you guys could have the same experience dealing with tough customers, but what you did is looks like warning customers do not deal with bad agent. this is what You called fair ??? From your post, you just want to show people how great agent you are by showing people how bad she is, I think you did that on purpose.
I know you are famous here ( this is why my posts were deleted all the time) and you might be good from knowledge side, but it does not mean what you did was right. I do not think you want to hurt wangying personly, or hate her, but the whole thing you want yourself look good, by the way, you hurt the others badly, and you dame did not even notice that.
You know what, I do not think this whole thing only hurt wangying's business, but every agents business too, it makes what you did is getting back to hurt yourself. Do you think after go through this, there are more people will buy house through agents? I do not think so.
You know why I do not let you go, because you never looks sorry about what you did. Can you show me where I can see from your post you support this poor girl in case she is innocent from your agent's point of view. If I miss something about your good points, then I am really sorry to bother you again.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 住房话题 / 做agent是一个很辛苦的职业,面对那么多的客户,总有几个伺候不周的.那么多买房的,很多人买好后都不满意.如果都像这样大动干戈.真的没必要.我真的觉得应该把这两天争论的贴子永远的删掉.没有人会从中受益.
    • support. 应该把帖子删掉。
      • 没搞错吧?“freespeech”是加拿大宪法赋予的基本权利。只要不煽动仇恨,连你是男是女都有的讨论。有人买房不满意了为什么不能说?被人骂了,为什么不能说?
    • 我不觉得啊, 大家应该是受益匪浅才对. 对客户, 对经纪都有好处. 大家知道了: 1. 没想好买房子就千万别下OFFER. 2. 别拿FINANCIAL CONDITION 乱玩.
      • 但不要涉及到真名实姓好不好?
        • 你是不是害怕了?别告诉我你没得罪过人.如果大家都这么效仿.大家都没饭吃,也挺好玩的不是?
          • 不是害怕,我是兔死狐悲。虽然不做亏心事,不怕鬼敲门。但有人这么来一家伙,也够恶心不是?谁相信你?好在我的客户上网的不多,:-)
        • You are really funny, you always pretend you are somnething
          • 你契而不舍骂我的帖子已经几次被斑竹删掉了,但正好我在这里,也都看到了,我也给了你回复。继续贴在这里,但对你继续的纠缠,我不会置评,请自重。
            本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛请不要混淆视听,我一直不愿搭你的腔,但你却象个幽灵一样阴魂不散,到底谁是bad guy?在这个事情里,我唯一做过的事情就是转贴了一个抹去了所有名字
            by fishlonely (奥罗拉的枪会真差!) at 2003.6.18 09:57

            甚至看不到ROLIA的帖子,并声明是希望买房者不到万不得已,一定保留CONDITION,硬颈第二天的帖子出来时,我不知道没转,后来在网友EMAL提醒下也转了过去,同样盖去了所有涉及姓名及来源的地方,明显的对事不对人。而你呢,却一直围着我叫来叫去,好在ROLIA不是我赚钱的地方,否则我还可以说是你想kill my business(借用你的话)。 人善被人欺,马善被人骑,怎么会有你这种东西?
            ROLIA的地产经纪不少,YIHAN,BONNIE,DAVID包括MQU有了什么问题,也都愿意和我讨论,我和LEON,OK,UU的关系也很好。我们还有自己的定期活动。我指导过考LICENCE的人也不算少。Ms Wang我从未见过,也从来没做过生意,更没有ROLIA搭过腔,我为什么要针对她?动机何在?所以污蔑人也要有点证据。

            我是BREADWINNER,还要出去工作,不能象你这样躲在角落里狂叫。恕不再回帖。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
            • I do not know anyone here, I do not even care who you are, how many agents you know here, but what you did before was really wrong. Please see inside.
              本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛<<<<甚至看不到ROLIA的帖子,并声明是希望买房者不到万不得已,一定保留CONDITION,硬颈第二天的帖子出来时,我不知道没转,后来在网友EMAL提醒下也转了过去,同样盖去了所有涉及姓名及来源的地方,明显的对事不对人.而你呢,却一直围着我叫来叫去,好在ROLIA不是我赚钱的地方,否则我还可以说是你想kill my business(借用你的话)。 人善被人欺,马善被人骑,怎么会有你这种东西?ROLIA的地产经纪不少,YIHAN,BONNIE,DAVID包括MQU有了什么问题,也都愿意和我讨论,我和LEON,OK,UU的关系也很好。我们还有自己的定期活动。我指导过考LICENCE的人也不算少。Ms Wang我从未见过,也从来没做过生意,更没有ROLIA搭过腔,我为什么要针对她?动机何在?所以污蔑人也要有点证据。 这是你一直对我狂吠不止的借口,但我相信绝不是根源,睁大你的眼睛看看吧。
              Answer: If you are not a real estate agent, then I do not think what you did is a big deal; If the whole thing it is sure wangying was wrong, then what you did is also acceptable. But the truth is you are a real estate agent, the whole thing is unclear, and you should know you as a agent spread this thing means what, how much will hurt a guy's business. Do you even think about if she is innocent, now your agent's word could be really a big comfort to her, because you guys could have the same experience dealing with tough customers, but what you did is looks like warning customers do not deal with bad agent. this is what You called fair ??? From your post, you just want to show people how great agent you are by showing people how bad she is, I think you did that on purpose.
              I know you are famous here ( this is why my posts were deleted all the time) and you might be good from knowledge side, but it does not mean what you did was right. I do not think you want to hurt wangying personly, or hate her, but the whole thing you want yourself look good, by the way, you hurt the others badly, and you dame did not even notice that.
              You know what, I do not think this whole thing only hurt wangying's business, but every agents business too, it makes what you did is getting back to hurt yourself. Do you think after go through this, there are more people will buy house through agents? I do not think so.
              You know why I do not let you go, because you never looks sorry about what you did. Can you show me where I can see from your post you support this poor girl in case she is innocent from your agent's point of view. If I miss something about your good points, then I am really sorry to bother you again.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
              • 为什么你认为WANG YING是POOR GIRL。我觉得最POOR的是ROLLOR。 好心介绍,结果由于王的工作过失,都算在ROLLOR头上。王不是POOR GIRL,她可以赚钱。
                • HaHa, this poor is not that poor. This poor is 'ke Lian'. Rollor is definitly innocent on this thing. But he has a sharp knife, he can cut things, right?
              • 怎么和你刚开始的口气不同了,你也知道骂人是会被删贴的?你不是口口声声说我是bad guy and wanna kill someone's business and judge by my appearance. 如果你开始就是这种态度,我会和你讨论一下,现在,
                • Ok, I do not think I am changed, I am still think you are not a nice guy. Also I do not care rollor cut my posts, ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Are you out of your mind? Read my post carefully if it still there.
                • From this post, you really do not know who you are. If you think I call you 'bad guy' is '骂人', then what you did is deserve that title.
                  • 你怎么这么不要脸呢?你自己说过什么心里清楚,帖子已经删了,你想说什么说什么吧!你难道就只有这么不要廉耻才能引起人的注意?自己慢慢意淫吧。
                    • You know what, before I think you are not a nice guy, but you are still a guy, so I still talk to you, now you are really nothing but a dirty wimp.
                    • I do not need '引起人的注意?' , I am a technical architect, I am here just because I want to relax, nothing else. What you did is really try to '引起人的注意', did you?
                      I have been here for a long time, but I did not involve in anyhting, I am not that type of active guy. But this time I felt it is really unfair to a poor lady. Especially this 'famous' dirty fishonly. Again, I do not need, and do not have any motives to '引起人的注意?' , but someone needs, right?
            • 从头到尾也看不懂你做错了什么。隐去隐私,只是提醒CONDITIONAL一事,这似乎比贴在 Rolia 的原帖更有价值。其实,你不必转应帖,因为你旨在提醒,而非争执。转了应帖也不错,因为隐去了隐私,只剩就事论事。
              • 也看了好几天了,鱼胸转那个贴子,只是为买房的人提个醒,我两年前买房时那个代理特意提醒了我那两点,王代理是怎么做的,俺不知道,不过别把鱼胸想的太复杂,看了他两三年的贴子,除了有时自满以外,还是很热心的,好象他还带了几个人入门的,
      • 严重同意。其实大家都想的简单点,反倒不容易出事。:)
    • 那怎么行,言论自由哦。可好久没有这么热闹了。如果ROLIA覆盖率够高,大多伦多地区的朋友应该都听说了吧,加上国内还没有来登陆的;我靠。我更愿意相信,清者自清;王莹这回可火了一把,名气大多了吧。
      • 相信她会吸收教训,客户自身水平也会提高。
        • 是不是我水平低你就不赚我的钱, 臭知识分子在老清高...
          • 主席复出江湖之后比以前尖锐嘛,有什么阅历可以和大家分享分享?
            • 一个人打份小工, 升了半天还是老板眼中的小职员, 要养车子房子女子,还有经常给我气受的老爷子老妈子, 再加上老说我40出头了还不成家的亲戚...生活艰苦呀...
              • 也是,主席挣着八万年薪,背靠CA这棵大招牌,要养宝马,毫宅和鬼妹,是挺辛苦的。:)
                • 做会计的4万快就到头了...
                  • 燕赤霞 <> 会计
              • :O 都四十出头了?看着也就二十许人嘛。:P //今天下午5点钟,在sheppard/birchmount路口看到一个人,白白slim slim,戴眼镜,长得好像猪主席,差点命令bingle上去拍他肩膀一下。:)) 老实交待下午有没有在那边出没?
          • 看不懂?我是说客户要自我保护。
          • 说得没错。赚谁的钱也要长眼。有的人掏他的腰包跟要他的命似的,这种人的钱不赚也。罢。
    • 民主投票 ---- 那两个帖子,暴露那么多买方和代理的私人信息, 该删不该删!我先投,该删!
      • 不能删。 本人正在考虑买房, 一定要找好的代理。宁信其有,不信其无。
        • 这里没有一个人是完全了解事件真相的, 你一句把人家搞臭(甚至仅是怀疑程度), 什么心态。
        • 你有点太自私了。自己想买房子,就报着“宁可错杀一千,绝不漏过一个”的心态。你怎么不想想如果代理是无辜的,对他多不公平。我同意将与此有关的所谓的公开信全部删除。