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  • 枫下家园 / 我爱我车 / 经过研究,我将买一辆“在家周围开的”电动车 +3
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛After research, I am going to buy a electric car for local driving
    发布: 2019年10月4日 |来源: Bob Mok


    This is the second part of the article on my quest for an electric vehicle or plug-in hybrid. For the first part, please click: http://chinesenewsgroup.com/news/667243


    So far, we have established that there are true “green benefits” with electric vehicles in Ontario with its electricity power generation accomplished under 10% of carbon fuels. Ontario has eliminated all coal firing plants after a ten year effort, replacing them with wind mills and solar power supplemented by natural gas along with existing nuclear power stations.


    With Level 2 charging stations installed within the parking areas of the condominium's underground garage, there is motivation for me and my wife to consider getting either an electric vehicle or plug-in hybrid vehicle as replacement for our current gas guzzling “second” vehicle.


    The choice between getting an electric vehicle fuelled by charging only or a plug-in hybrid (charging as well as having a regular gasoline tank) is very simple. To own an electric vehicle, we must have a charger available for use at home. Ideally, there should be access to an electrical charger at work although not essential. It is also important that if the vehicle is needed for regular long trips then that range must be covered by a single charging each way so stoppages to charge the vehicle are not necessary.


    When I look at the list of electric vehicles available for sale in Canada for 2019, I notice that they have electric ranges of 92 kilometres to 595 kilometres. Prices for models on this list range from $29,050 to $141,690. The federal incentive (rebate) of $5,000 is still there for the models that carry a manufacturer's suggested retail price (MSRP) of less than $60,000.

    插电式混合动力车可以在电用完后用汽油继续行驶。在无法立即充电的情况下,尤其是长途旅行时,这中混合动力车是理想的选择。但我遗憾地发现,插电式混合动力车的用电行驶的公路数不高。这些车大多数每次充电后仅能跑25公里至45公里,而能跑200公里的车型只有两个。显然,对我来说,插电式混合动力车的电力续航公路数太低,除了2款昂贵的车型外,它们现在对我都没有吸引力。而且其中一些车型也只能得到$ 2,500的政府补贴,只有五个车型有资格获得$ 5,000元的政府补贴。许多人根本没有资格获得政府补贴。

    A plug-in hybrid will allow the use of gasoline when the electrical charge is expended. This would be ideal in situation where charging is not immediately available, especially on long trips. On the list of plug-in hybrids, I was disappointed to see the very low electric ranges. A majority of these models will only provide 25 kilometres to 45 kilometres per electrical charge with only 2 models over the 200 kilometres range. It is clear to me that the plug-in hybrids do not have the extended electric range that would make them attractive at this time except for 2 expensive models. Some of these models receive a federal incentive of $2,500 and five of these are eligible for $5,000. Many are not qualified to receive the federal incentive at all.

    由于正在寻找第二辆可以在多伦多周围开的车,因此,我可以考虑200公里范围内的纯电动汽车,其价格在$ 38,000以下,而且可以享受联邦政府的$ 5,000元的购车补贴。这样,每周我只需要花6元电费就可以用这辆车跑来跑去。与同类汽油车相比,虽然我每年为此节省的燃料成本仅为500元。但是,我可以让全世界知道我已经减少了碳排放量!

    Since I am looking for a second car to drive around town, I can consider the pure electric vehicle in the 200 kilometres range for under $38,000 with a federal incentive of $5,000 to further reduce the cost. That way, I can charge the vehicle for roughly $6 to cover my weekly trips. When compared to a similar gasoline vehicle, the fuel cost saving is only $500 per year. However, I can then let the world know that I have saved on carbon emissions!

    如果我必须购买插电式混合动力车来应付偶尔的长途旅行,那意味着我只有2种车型可供选择(电动里程超过200公里),并且两种车型的价格都在$ 55,000左右。当然,这两种车都有$ 5,000的政府补贴。我目前不准备花那笔钱。值得注意的是,这两款车的汽油续航公里数都只有116公里,因此不适合长途旅行,因为我不得不每小时去找加油站!

    If I have to buy a plug-in hybrid to cover occasional long trips, it would mean that I only have 2 models to choose from (with electric range of over 200 kilometres) and both would cost around $55,000 with $5,000 federal incentives to help reduce the cost. I am not ready to pay that amount of money at this time. It is also noteworthy that both of these vehicles will only have a gasoline range of 116 kilometres, making them unsuitable for long trips as I then have to look for gasoline stations every hour!


    Unless I am content with my second vehicle as a “hometown bound” vehicle, my quest for a “green” vehicle will have to be placed on hold until the electric range and gasoline range of the plug-in hybrid are extended at the same time. An electric range of 200 kilometres and gasoline range of 500 kilometres will be an optimal combination to kick start the plug-in hybrid market and launch it into orbit. Until that day, plug-in vehicles will not be meeting the expectation of the consumers and cannot take on a larger market-share than what it has achieved so far.


    Automobile manufacturers, are you listening to your consumers?更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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          • 因为以前的那个帖子,在网上对Tesla的电池做了一些研究。Tesla model s的电池更换价格大概是车价的21~22%,大概是$25,000元。Model s是2012年上市,电池保8年,明年开始就应有自费更换电池的了,可以关注
            • model s本来就很贵啊,买x的时候,s只比x便宜几千块而已。相比之下,3真的算很便宜了。而且话说回来,开了10年的车了,应该换了,而且不要换那么大的即可
    • 他瞎掰。安省的绿色电力计划并没有让任何人得到好处。在自由党的领导下,过去10年的电费增加了50%。其中风力发电是最赔本的买卖,高价买入,低价卖出。 +5
    • 电动车就是玩具,玩具,有钱人的玩具而已了。就像当年互联网服务,没有几个人认可的,但是确实是发展方向!当时我有钱,非常多的钱,我可以先玩儿互联网。没有钱就不要听那些有钱人忽悠你了,老老实实开你的骚油车最安全
    • 怎么研究也没有烤肉划算。 +3
    • 再给你个信息吧。美国的价格。。。Tesla 3和Toyota Camry XLE V6 开5年之后的成本。。。实际上比Camry便宜,很多人都不知道。。。这几天tesla软件升级之后可以车上打游戏,可以spotify听音乐,全部LTE免费的
      • 白左骗傻瓜的文章 +2
      • 在车库开一个游戏厅兼ktv?这样车库以后也得按上暖气了。要不冬天连游戏都打不好,哦对了,不用,只要一直插着电就行 +1
    • 真图便宜的话,可以考虑上个奔驰的smart for two两座的,详情请看链接,两万多,能跑100km左右,而且才20度电不倒就满了,下面还有各个省的电油价格对比 +2
      • 不错,等torque 再加大,0-100百公里提速5秒时可以考虑买一个。
    • 安省安装容量,nuclear35%,gas/oil27%,hydro24%,wind12%,biofuel1%,solar1%,
      • 核动力最佳啊
    • 从环保的角度看,电池的生产到最后的废弃处理,都对环境有很大的污染。所以,电动车环保,就是个伪命题。 +7
      • 把垃圾扔到邻居家,一样的道理。 +1
      • 而且电从哪里来的,电也不都是清洁的,煤电,核电的污染一点也不少啊。。。 +1
    • 特斯拉紧急建议加州车主在大规模停电前为车辆充电
      • 建议而已。。。今年年初西雅图特别冷,几十年一遇,下雪了没有铲雪车,然后我停电了两天多,model x就完全没事,话说了,人家充电可以跑几百公里,试问加州哪个地方停电之后500km之内没有电? +1
        • 没明白 +2
          • 我也不明白啊,为啥呢?旧金山到三块馒头也就150km左右,停电的图你看了吗?


            • 你上面可说的500km之内,给你打个五折还不满意
        • 我的意思是发现了电动车的另一个risk,一个突然连续停电就家里连车全停了。经常有听说东边有暴风雪然后居民停几天电,若电动车的话万一停电前没充满电。。。连开车出门也成问题了 +1
          • 汽油车即使没油了一点也开不了,也可请邻居朋友带一罐汽油回来
        • 这下家里没电都在外面充电的话,是考验电动车主们耐心排队等充电(一车一小时?)的时候了吧。。。到时看看有没有报道,不了解加州的停电情况(一般只看新闻标题)