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  • 枫下家园 / 房东 / 我在Blue Mountain有个Cottage, 大家一般都在哪个网站发招租的广告,谢谢
    • airbnb 看到很多cottage短租
    • 这个你人要在附近,便于管理
    • 我觉得你应该问大家去哪找Cottage度假,毕竟这里Cottage的租客比业主多多了,而且问客户当然比问竞争对手效果更好,不是吗?
    • Booking.com
    • 我一般是在kijiji上找
    • 多谢各位指点
    • Try this :
    • 我以前也有一个,到手后才知道前一年蓝山pass了一个30天内不许短租的zone, 当年算全国第一个类似的最严厉的STA by-law 正好把我家包进去。后来卖房时经纪说因为在zone里,至少差了20%的价钱。
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛我邻居乔治,在蓝山住了40年,人非常好,所有事情都门清,告诉我谁谁谁是警察,他老婆是地产经纪,正在翻建那个房子,有事找警察很容易;谁谁谁是哈密尔顿的牙医,有仨女儿,平时基本不来;谁谁谁是滑铁卢的教授,孩子夏天周末喝酒办party噪音很大,他上门警告过两次无效就被他叫了警察;谁谁谁是那个大豪宅的主人,唯利是图的意大利人,良心坏坏了,因为短租。

      老乔治非常勤奋的替镇里执行着这个by-law...我们附近那个大大的豪宅,周末租出去办活动,乔治就把邻居给告了,说违反了这个by law...于是蓝山政府和那个邻居之间打了好长的官司,因为涉及罚款数额很大,当年乔治,和豪宅主人,还有蓝山,都上了Toronto Star

      The Blue Mountains
      Short Term Accommodations

      The Town of Blue Mountains has an extensive Bylaw regarding short term accommodations (rentals of less than 30 days). Effective December 1, 2014, The Town of Blue Mountains Short Term Accommodation (STA) Licensing By-Law (By-law No. 2013-50), has been put in place and enforced across the entire town.

      The purpose of this STA licence is to offer safe, adequate and properly maintained short term accommodations for visitors to the area and prevents residents from complaining about noise issues, public disturbances, traffic safety, parking issues, etc.

      Under this by-law, homeowners wishing to rent their properties for less than 30 days at a time must apply for a licence which costs $2000 and renews bi-annually for $750.

      New licences will not be issued for low density residential areas unless it can be proven that the home has operated as an STA since before February 4th, 2008. In order to obtain a licence, a Responsible Person that neighbours may call to issue a complaint must be available to attend to the STA within one hour. This helps keep OPP available for more emergent calls throughout the town, rather than handling nuisance complaints.

      Home owners of condominiums in a commercial resort such as Mountain Springs or Chateau Ridge, do not require an STA licence if their unit is in a rental program that manages at least 10 other units within the commercial condo complex.

      When applying for a short term accommodation licence, an inspection is completed for electrical safety, interconnected smoke alarms in each bedroom, CO detectors, clearly marked exits, corridor lighting, proper egress in windows and a fire safety plan. Any failed part of the inspection must be remedied within 15 days.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 你买的时候没在合同里加一条zoning允许短租?
        • 没。买的时候只想着自己用。那会儿还不懂这些。