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"Where a bike lane is marked with a skipped,

not solid, white line, drivers may enter or cross the bike lane to turn right,"
"Getting into that bike lane – when there's not a barrier or solid painted line – is something drivers should do – as long as it's clear"

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 我爱我车 / 我也提个问,有 carpool lane 的路口,右转车辆是可以提前进入的,但bicycle lane,是不是车辆完全不能占用,哪怕bicycle lane 有一车宽,机动车必须转个大弯垂直穿越 ? 因为右转车有时需要停下等待行人,好几次堵了后面自行车手的路,被人丢白眼了。 +1
    • 查了一下,交规没说不可以。但好几次看到自行车手扭头骂骂咧咧的,甚至还被人拍车门了(不是盲点没看,后面陆续上来的)。交规还说机动车要离自行车手一米远,可没规定自行车手要离机动车一米远啊,反正在当堂右转那个费劲。 +1
      Bike lanes are reserved for cyclists. They are typically marked by a solid white line. Sometimes you will need to enter or cross a bike lane to turn right at a corner or driveway. (See Diagram 2-12) Take extra care when you do this. Enter the bike lane only after ensuring that you can do so safely, and then make the turn.
    • 当然不可以进入。你的理解能力在哪里?“Bike lanes are reserved for cyclists” +2
      • 如何解读上帖正文里的官方文字?cross or enter...以及链接里的图示?
        • translate.google.com
          • Sometimes you will need to enter or cross a bike lane to turn right at a corner or driveway. (See Diagram 2-12)。你的理解力又在哪里? +1
            • that doesn't mean you can stop on the bike lane to wait for right turn +1
              • 在交通拥挤的时候,不可能存在一个完全安全的时刻你可以流水般地做完一个漂亮的右转全套动作,一定是边停边看边move的,让了上一个车手下一个又骑过来了,你上面这么说是空话,没有任何实际意义。 +1
              • By looking at diagram 2-12 and the paragraph beside it, I think you can enter into a bike lane and wait even behind a bike for the right turn. You can only turn when it is safe so of course you can stop on the bike lane wait for the right time to turn.
            • you can enter or cross a bike lane in order to turn, you cannot drive on the bike lane. >> “Bike lanes are reserved for cyclists”
              • 当然不是drive了,路口一两米的距离,见官方图例
    • 参考这个视频,BC的交规,应该差不多。右拐时不提前越过自行车线。

      • 谢谢,very informative,. 虚线时可以进入... +1
        • 呵呵这个路口,是虚线但是涂绿漆了,涂绿漆的地方,骑车的是大爷。
          • 还有这里,虚线但是涂绿漆了。。
        • 任何道路,不管汽车自行车,实线都不可以换线的。
          • What we focus on here is what you can do , not what you cannot do...
      • 这个其实非常危险,很多车提前换了,你迟疑在虚线处后车直接就撞上来。还是国内好,自行车道分开的。北京现在有自行车专用高速路。
    • 你车停在 bike lane,堵了后面自行车的路,自然被人丢白眼了
      • 一直等自行车,也会被后面的车嘀。总有一个时刻车是切进自行车道的,只要有过不完的行人和直行的自行车。
        • 我只能告诉你要停在机动车道上等右转,不能停在自行车道上等,尤其堵了后面自行车。我不认为这样后面的车会嘀你,如果他们嘀你也是他们错 +1
          • "Where a bike lane is marked with a skipped,
            not solid, white line, drivers may enter or cross the bike lane to turn right,"
            "Getting into that bike lane – when there's not a barrier or solid painted line – is something drivers should do – as long as it's clear"
            • 那你继续堵自行车吧,反正你的车比他们大,他们又不能把你怎么样
              • 是啊,不管怎么开,总有人乐意有人不乐意。就像我也不能把回帖的怎么样,看你贴了又删,删了又贴的,多么辛苦 :)
                • 是有点累,因为很多时人只想看他想要的答案,他不想要的你告诉他也不会接受
                  • 不相信的,白纸黑字写给你的也装瞎
                    • 好吧,我错了。我给的只是建议,不过你愿意继续和他们对抗就继续吧
    • 如果占用了,就一定要转。另外,切入点要在虚线处,不要太早。被人丢白眼不一定是你的问题。不管是否占理,丢白眼都是没有素质的行为。 +1
    • 看了法律,原来在多伦多,机动车右转,真能占用自行车道45米
      • 知错就改还是好同志。
        多谢信息 : )
      • 请给个连接,大家明白一下。
        • Toronto ByLaw 886-10.B +1
    • 借这贴问一下,右道为多人行驶专道,独自行驶右转肯定可以进入,我的问题是提前多少米进入不会被抓?如果故意违规,是不是看到警车就右拐就不会有事?或者是不是故意违规,在下一路口前回左道就不会被抓?
      • 要看警察心情。。。
      • 45 米,不是,不是