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I feel so sorry about the deletion. Please allow me to clarify:

1, The deletion does NOT mean your words or opinions are right or wrong;

2, The deletion is topic-oriented. The whole thread, or branch of a certain topic may be deleted. Again, this does NOT mean your words are wrong.

3, Try to think over before you click the "submit" button when you post. Try to respect others and don't attempt to fight back to "bad" messages. Those "bad" messages will be deleted sooner or later.

4, This forum is a place for discussion, not for fighting. I hope every word can be kept forever and everyone is proud of what he/she has written in this forum. So, before your posting, think about it, "Will my such words be kept forever?"

5, Hope everybody enjoys this forum. Thank you for your co-op.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下拾英 / 心情随笔 / 刚才收到23封删贴的信,不知那里又做错了,以后一定会注意的。55555
      • 我的帖子里都骂我自己是猪了,还是给删了。后后!!油墨。老板板地那么把自己当回事。说实在的,我在这没少向rolia上的人到过歉。可我没见到rolia的人向我到过歉。你们一帮有知识有文化的人,这点头都不肯低,真不要怪我小看你们。删吧。后后!
        • I feel so sorry about the deletion. Please allow me to clarify:
          1, The deletion does NOT mean your words or opinions are right or wrong;

          2, The deletion is topic-oriented. The whole thread, or branch of a certain topic may be deleted. Again, this does NOT mean your words are wrong.

          3, Try to think over before you click the "submit" button when you post. Try to respect others and don't attempt to fight back to "bad" messages. Those "bad" messages will be deleted sooner or later.

          4, This forum is a place for discussion, not for fighting. I hope every word can be kept forever and everyone is proud of what he/she has written in this forum. So, before your posting, think about it, "Will my such words be kept forever?"

          5, Hope everybody enjoys this forum. Thank you for your co-op.
          • 谢谢,你说的很对,那我就没什么好说的了。
          • 删的好,有些人的嘴就应该堵一堵,不能信口开河,想说什么就说什么,比如象鱼。
            • 呵呵,别堵我的嘴,靠它吃饭呢。除了到处得巴,我已经什么都不会了。
              • 不吃饭也好,饿得没了力气也省得得巴了。
    • 不要那么在意嘛,可能是删了别人的,你的跟贴也被删了。
      • 唉唉!如果删一个帖子扣100分,发一个帖子加5分,我得分肯定是负的。
        • 自己检讨一下,有些地方你做的是不妥当的,我就犯过这样的错误,还央求斑竹帮我删呢。
    • 在被删之前,感慨一下,其实这就是游戏规则吧,大家都得遵守,在这制定游戏规则的大虾们,又不得不遵守更高一层的游戏规则,层层向上,这不是一个等级的塔吗,不论是现实还是虚拟,谁都逃不脱,我活着象个蚂蚁,郁闷
    • 什么样的帖子要被删掉?
      • 估计是会 使国内朋友访问不到本站 的帖子吧。
        • 有一些好像不是。
    • 如果你对某一话题进行激烈的讨论,而这一话题被删,你的所有的帖子就都被删了。
      • 好吧。:(
    • 好多"精彩"的帖子都删了, 其实稍微有点火药味也问题不大吗. 现在挨骂, 也不当回事了. 呵呵
      • 有人要决斗啊,真可怕:又要被别人说我们中国人窝里斗了。
        • 只是研究研究问题而矣嘛
    • 是把林彪那片给删了,我也有一大堆。还是在文学城或未明好,删了不关自己事。
    • 因为你是被管,而不是网管,所以被删,我的贴子也被删了。5555。
      • rolia上这么多帖子,斑竹怎么知道哪个好与不好呢,莫非有人专职在一个一个看帖子?要是我准累死了,恐怕这里有猫腻,没准是有人向斑竹求救要删的。
        • Yes, our moderators are reading the posts one by one. This is a very tiresome and boring job... So if we find the discussion goes too far, we'll delete it completely to avoid further trouble. Sorry about that.
    • 要不删贴以后别发电子邮件了,看到这么多自己帖子被删,实在装不出笑脸。
      • 我仍旧比较喜欢Sailor添加的提醒删除功能,毕竟网友有知情权,而且写过的贴子,也许自己在硬盘上没有保存。
        • 这个功能要是能自我定制就好了。:)
      • TAKE IT EASY. 删就删了吧, 只有当事人才很在意. SAILOR一帖一帖地读, 不见得有时间一个个斟酌. 如果你觉得你的帖子没问题, 只是因为跟帖才删, 你可以再POST,,,或者过一段时间再帖...
        • Thank you, agreed.