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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

在加拿大,Amber alert是用Alert Ready System发出,所以法律上规定了Amber alert应被当做emergency alert一样对待。

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛The National Public Alerting System (French: Système national d'alertes à la population),[1] branded as Alert Ready (French: En Alerte), is the national warning system in Canada. The system consists of infrastructure and standards for the presentation and distribution of public alerts issued by government authorities (including Environment and Climate Change Canada and other provincial public safety agencies), such as weather emergencies, AMBER Alerts, and other emergency notifications, by all broadcasters and Last mile distributors in the affected region, including television stations, radio stations, television providers, and LTE mobile networks in the affected region.

The system is based upon the Common Alerting Protocol, and uses the National Alert Aggregation and Dissemination system (NAAD) operated by Pelmorex Media as its backend for distributing alerts to broadcasters, in consort with a style guide that dictates when and how alerts are to be broadcast.

In development since 2010, the system officially launched on March 31, 2015; the system is legally backed by the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC), who enacted a mandate in August 2014 for all broadcasters and broadcast distribution undertakings in Canada to relay emergency messages that are distributed through NAAD as of that date. As of April 2018, wireless providers are also required to participate (Wireless Public Alerting System), utilizing a Canadian variant of the Wireless Emergency Alerts framework utilized in the United States. This service is also promoted by Pelmorex as part of the Alert Ready service.

那些抱怨被amber alert打扰到睡觉的,是不是也不愿意在洪水,地震,飓风来的时候被打扰睡觉?还是说觉得被绑架的孩子的警报不应该如自然灾害警报那么重要?

如果是前者,可以要求警方把自己的电话号码从所有警报系统中删除,以后不接听任何警报。如果是后者,给你所在区的议员写信,通过法律修改把Amber alert从Alert Ready系统中去除。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / 在加拿大,Amber alert是用Alert Ready System发出,所以法律上规定了Amber alert应被当做emergency alert一样对待。 +1
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛The National Public Alerting System (French: Système national d'alertes à la population),[1] branded as Alert Ready (French: En Alerte), is the national warning system in Canada. The system consists of infrastructure and standards for the presentation and distribution of public alerts issued by government authorities (including Environment and Climate Change Canada and other provincial public safety agencies), such as weather emergencies, AMBER Alerts, and other emergency notifications, by all broadcasters and Last mile distributors in the affected region, including television stations, radio stations, television providers, and LTE mobile networks in the affected region.

    The system is based upon the Common Alerting Protocol, and uses the National Alert Aggregation and Dissemination system (NAAD) operated by Pelmorex Media as its backend for distributing alerts to broadcasters, in consort with a style guide that dictates when and how alerts are to be broadcast.

    In development since 2010, the system officially launched on March 31, 2015; the system is legally backed by the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC), who enacted a mandate in August 2014 for all broadcasters and broadcast distribution undertakings in Canada to relay emergency messages that are distributed through NAAD as of that date. As of April 2018, wireless providers are also required to participate (Wireless Public Alerting System), utilizing a Canadian variant of the Wireless Emergency Alerts framework utilized in the United States. This service is also promoted by Pelmorex as part of the Alert Ready service.

    那些抱怨被amber alert打扰到睡觉的,是不是也不愿意在洪水,地震,飓风来的时候被打扰睡觉?还是说觉得被绑架的孩子的警报不应该如自然灾害警报那么重要?

    如果是前者,可以要求警方把自己的电话号码从所有警报系统中删除,以后不接听任何警报。如果是后者,给你所在区的议员写信,通过法律修改把Amber alert从Alert Ready系统中去除。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 随意一看,这一段说的是实现方法而已。
      • The system consists of infrastructure and standards for the presentation and distribution of public alerts issued by government authorities
        • 和村广播喇叭,穆斯林宣礼塔,村口防鬼子大锣,县衙鸣冤鼓一样效果。华人应该早就习惯了。一个小小Amber没什么打紧,自己对付了就完了。不要被西方人权平等隐私制度惯坏了。 +1
      • the system is legally backed by the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC)
        • 无数野电台也是有这个资格。 +3
          • 有啥资格?
            • crtc
              • The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission is a public organization in Canada with mandate as a regulatory agency for broadcasting and telecommunications.
                相当于加拿大的广电局。野电台播出广博也得符合crct的相应规定,不代表野电台就能随意播emergency alert。
                • 真是拿鸡毛当令箭。crtc和地产协会一样,就是一个行业垄断协会,经济上和大电信商不清不楚,无论怎么说也不是正义的化身。 +3
                  • 你是不懂"mandate"这个词的英文意思?还是不懂“legally”这个词的英文意思? +1
                    • 这个世界上谁都是legally存在的。 +2
                      • 别偷换概念,你legally存在就代表你的所有行为都legally backed?
                        • 对,除非被法庭宣判illegal。 +2
                      • 说得好,神爱世人
                  • 你是真牛,Parliament of Canada设立的部门在你那儿成了行业垄断协会了,你干脆建议修宪算了,把加拿大国会也归入行业垄断协会得了。 +1
                    • 我发现你已经无法理喻了。一个独立机构仅仅被授权管理空气中的信号频段资源的分配,也被你赋予生杀大权,有权让警察惊吓平民。
                      • 别偷换概念,发emergency alert不是生杀大权,之所以有emergency alert的法律规定,说明有更多平民认为emergency alert不是惊吓,如果你认为就是惊吓,向你的议员反映吧。
                        • 打电话的都是本人或者家属身心受到伤害的,人吓人吓死人说生杀很合适,报警是因为惊吓本身,也是emergency,总不能有事当没事,因为怕你的法律来迫害我。 +1
          • 请看清楚,什么情况可以发emergency alert,什么范围播送,播送的方式,全都有法规规定的要求。
            • 警察国家?警察想做啥就做啥?即便如此,你做我受害者就可以报警,无论对方是谁。 +1
              • 别逗了,CRTC是政府授权的,把Amber alert纳入emergency alert也是法规通过的,法规是经过经过政府授权的部门已经议员讨论通过的。
                顶楼已经说了,如果你认为Amber alert纳入emergency alert是恶法,造成了更多的受害者,找你所在区的议员,说服他出议案修改法律吧。
                • 所有行业协会都是法律授权的,然并卵。crtc主要智能就是频段资源分配,商业公司对待消费者的行为规范。是贝尔罗杰斯等大企业养着的傀儡。你说的那些都是技术因素,不是说拿了执照就可以扰民了。 +1
                  • 已经说了,CRTC是加拿大国会设立的部门,向国会报告,如果你认为CRTC的法规扰民,希望你通过你所在区的议员通过国会整改CRTC。
                    • 如果你认为听证会就是报告,就是下属机构,那你比我想象的还要无知。 +2
                      • 建议你去查查CRTC是谁设立的,Minister of Canada Heritage的工作指责包括什么?还听证会?你不但无知,还把无知插上了臆想的翅膀。
                        • 独立两字不是白白说的,而且这个独立是双向的,同时也是非独裁非终裁的,任何个人组织都有挑战决定的权力。再说一遍crtc的权力仅仅是发执照和解决消费者和使用频段资源商业公司之间的纠纷。 +1
    • 这里没有人质疑警方发amber alert的合法性和必要性,看不惯的是一些人挥舞道德大棒裹挟所有人以示自己高尚,如下面这位: +3
      • 民主自由社会,只要不违法,都可以发声,各家个人具体情况不同,所处状态不一,有人第二天要考试面试,有人也许有决定自己命运的事情等等,抱怨不代表道德低下。道德是极其主观的东西,拿来约束自己就好,其他的,有法律 +6
      • 如果你不是其中一位,就别自己挑出来挡枪。这里很有几个认为amber alert应该静音发送不打扰他(她)休息的人。我已经说了,amber alert的发送范围以及发送方式是法律授权的,你认为反对法律的规定只是个道德问题?
        • 那你女儿也没被绑架,怎么你就可以囔囔?
          • 因为我认为amber alert就是emergency alert,我不希望收到被静音的emergency alert。
            • 照你上面的逻辑就算你愿意,你不是当事人也只能在心里默默祈祷多收几个。
              • 你的逻辑真奇葩,希望紧急事件发生时收到警报,就等于希望紧急事件多发生几次? +1
            • 放心吧,真有emergency 还是看肉联,要不加我们微信。警方自己的标准,报喜不报忧
    • 还有,过度解读和夸大事实,其实都是很可笑的诡辩伎俩。说说加拿大是火山地震高发区啊,还是海啸高发区?这个amber alert用于自然灾害的几率到底有多大 +3
      • 我上面已经说了,如果你认为amber alert不应该视同为自然灾害,请致信你所在区的议员,提案修改法规把amber alert从emergency alert中开除。
      • 民主国家人人平等,除非自愿放弃权利,谁都有不被警察非特定行为左右的权利。我不发声那是我的选择,别认为那是我的本分。
        • 你的权利是你可以ignore alert,谁给你权利要求emergency alert被静音?
          • 因为我有更高的自由权利可以选择不被滥用的职权侵害,我也有言论上的自由去质疑警方任何做法,除非法官判决我因此有罪或者不恰当。
            • 你真逗,你说你想杀人,法官不能因为你说你想杀人就判你有罪。别人还不能就你想杀人的言论批评你了?
            • 你可以买不叫的手机,而不必去尝试改变系统。