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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

2019 Rolia Gala 新年晚会 诚邀赞助

Rolia Cultural Association (RCA) 成立于2003年,为安省注册独立的非牟利性组织(Non-profit Organization, NPO) 。RCA 的宗旨是促进华人移民的事业发展和生活质量的提升,发展多元文化,丰富移民在加拿大的生活。其活动主要通过 Rolia 相约加拿大网上社区 rolia.net 网站展开。rolia.net网站是加拿大最受欢迎的中文社交网站, 其用户以事业有成的新一代独立移民为主, 在大多伦多地区的华人社区具有强大的市场影响力。

RCA的各项活动及日常运作完全由义工组成。RCA的活跃义工, 是Rolia网上社区的热心网友。RCA成立至今所有的活动, 都是社会公益性的, 非政治, 非商业性的 活动。活动服务对象包括儿童, 长者及其他各年龄层。活动内容涵盖郊游, 野营, 周末聚会, 例行舞蹈训练, 老人康乐活动, 职业辅导, 社区讲座, 儿童集体生日, 户外大型聚会, 舞台演出等形式。大家在友善的气氛中结识,并自发地组织各种活动。通过这些活动,丰富移民在加拿大的生活。

RCA在举办了大量社区活动的同时, 保持着最低的预算水平: 没有付酬雇员, 没有专用办公室, 没有任何官方的拨款或资助。 RCA的全部经费来源为个人及社会各界捐赠, 广告赞助以及活动门票盈余。

2019年ROLIA 新年晚会将是由RCA独家主办的连续第17届新年晚会。ROLIA 新年晚会不仅是每年大家相聚共庆节日的欢乐时刻,也已经成为大多伦多地区乃至安省庆祝农历新年的传统和品牌。2019年ROLIA 新年晚会已定于2019年1月19日(周六)在FLATO MARKHAM THEATRE隆重上演。演出分为下午和晚上共两场,届时将会吸引1,200位观众,数百名台前幕后演职人员和义工的现场参与,以及Rolia网络社区成员的全程关注,从历经数月的晚会筹备到演出结束后的热烈评论。


Milo Lu: 647-547-3933, email: milo.lu@rolia.org
Chen Zhou: 416-660-2960, email: chen.zhou@rolia.org


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 网友聚会 / 2019 Rolia Gala 新年晚会 诚邀赞助 +1

    Rolia Cultural Association (RCA) 成立于2003年,为安省注册独立的非牟利性组织(Non-profit Organization, NPO) 。RCA 的宗旨是促进华人移民的事业发展和生活质量的提升,发展多元文化,丰富移民在加拿大的生活。其活动主要通过 Rolia 相约加拿大网上社区 rolia.net 网站展开。rolia.net网站是加拿大最受欢迎的中文社交网站, 其用户以事业有成的新一代独立移民为主, 在大多伦多地区的华人社区具有强大的市场影响力。

    RCA的各项活动及日常运作完全由义工组成。RCA的活跃义工, 是Rolia网上社区的热心网友。RCA成立至今所有的活动, 都是社会公益性的, 非政治, 非商业性的 活动。活动服务对象包括儿童, 长者及其他各年龄层。活动内容涵盖郊游, 野营, 周末聚会, 例行舞蹈训练, 老人康乐活动, 职业辅导, 社区讲座, 儿童集体生日, 户外大型聚会, 舞台演出等形式。大家在友善的气氛中结识,并自发地组织各种活动。通过这些活动,丰富移民在加拿大的生活。

    RCA在举办了大量社区活动的同时, 保持着最低的预算水平: 没有付酬雇员, 没有专用办公室, 没有任何官方的拨款或资助。 RCA的全部经费来源为个人及社会各界捐赠, 广告赞助以及活动门票盈余。

    2019年ROLIA 新年晚会将是由RCA独家主办的连续第17届新年晚会。ROLIA 新年晚会不仅是每年大家相聚共庆节日的欢乐时刻,也已经成为大多伦多地区乃至安省庆祝农历新年的传统和品牌。2019年ROLIA 新年晚会已定于2019年1月19日(周六)在FLATO MARKHAM THEATRE隆重上演。演出分为下午和晚上共两场,届时将会吸引1,200位观众,数百名台前幕后演职人员和义工的现场参与,以及Rolia网络社区成员的全程关注,从历经数月的晚会筹备到演出结束后的热烈评论。


    Milo Lu: 647-547-3933, email: milo.lu@rolia.org
    Chen Zhou: 416-660-2960, email: chen.zhou@rolia.org

    • 赞助: 网站广告 +2

      1) 页面: 在 www.rolia.net 枫下论坛上由赞助商选定论坛页面
      2) 位置: 页面右部
      3) 形式: 静态 320 x 60px 图标广告, 固定显示,竖向排列。
      4) 商家可在广告期内自行更换广告图片。 
      5) 图形文件格式: JPG 或 PNG.
      6) 显示顺序: 以客户付款后广告期开始日期为序。
      7) 广告期: 以每三个月为一个单元。
      8) 广告费: CAD$1500.00/单元。
      9) 所有条款或未尽事宜,请按以下所附英文版 Terms and Conditions 为准。

      Milo Lu: 647-547-3933, email: milo.lu@rolia.org
      Chen Zhou: 416-660-2960, email: chen.zhou@rolia.org



      Agreeing with all provisions of this document is a condition of accepting sponsorship to 2019 Rolia Gala through online advertisement.

      1. Definitions

      1.1. ROLIA refers to the website of rolia.net.

      1.2. The Sponsor refers to the party sponsoring 2019 Rolia Gala through online advertisement.

      1.3. The Ad refers to the online advertisement service on the web site of rolia.net.

      2. Details of the Ad

      2.1. Page: List of topic page of a forum category or sub-forum, with URL starting with “http://www.rolia.net/zh/list.php”.

      2.2. Location: Right column of specified pages.

      2.3. Image Dimension: 320px wide by 60px high.

      2.4. Image file format: .JPG or .PNG file

      2.5. Term: 3 months per advertising unit.

      2.6. Fees: $1,500/unit,

      3. When there are two or more ad banner images in a page, they will be ordered by the time their ad terms start.

      4. The Ad will only be displayed on computers or devices which browser window widths are of 768 pixels or higher.  Examples are desktop computers, laptop computers and large screen tablets such as iPad.

      6. The Sponsor shall design and create their own ad banner image file.

      7. The Sponsor shall create a Rolia forum user account through regular Sign Up process available on rolia.net.  Please mind and follow the rules regarding the wording of user ID, nick name, and profile introduction.

      8. The Sponsor shall be able to replace banner image file and linked URL through the User Console (http://www.rolia.net/mem/) as frequent as they need.

      9. The Sponsor is welcomed to participate in the discussions on the Rolia Forum.  There is no forum privilege on rolia.net associated with sponsorship.  All rolia.net users, including the Sponsor, shall follow the rules of Rolia Forum.

      10. The Sponsor shall not promote their services through forum discussion.

      11. The service and display of the Ad is subjected to technical availability of rolia.net.  In the event of website outage, rolia.net shall try every effort to resume services.

      12. ROLIA is not responsible for errors or omissions in the Ad provided by the Sponsor.

      13. The Ad shall not violate any Canadian law or infringe upon any right of any party.

      14. The Sponsor shall not transfer the Ad, in part or whole, to any third party.

      15. The Sponsor shall indemnify and save ROLIA harmless from and against any and all losses and expenses arising out of the appearance of the Ad, or on the Sponsor's website as linked through ROLIA, including without limitation, those arising from claims for suits for defamation, copyright or trademark infringement, misappropriation, obscenity, indecency, violation of statutory, common law or contractual rights including, without limitation, the rights of any guild or union or rights of privacy or publicity or from any and all similar claims now known or here after devised.

      16. The Sponsor acknowledges that ROLIA does not endorse any goods sold by or any service provided by the Sponsor. Other than the Ad, ROLIA shall not be involved in any business activities conducted by the Sponsor. The Sponsor agrees not to make promotional or merchandising reference to ROLIA in any way except with written permission from ROLIA in each instance.

      17. ROLIA shall not be subject to any liability whatsoever for any failure to provide the Ad due to systems failure, technological failure of ROLIA or the Internet, or any other cause outside its control. ROLIA will not be responsible for harm due to unauthorized use of the Ad by third parties, including without limitation, unauthorized reproduction and tampering by network "hackers."

      18. The agreement between ROLIA and the Sponsor shall be governed by the laws of Canada and the Province of British Columbia applicable to contracts executed and performed entirely in the Province of British Columbia.

      19. This Terms and Conditions document shall be sent to the Sponsor via email before payment for the Ad is made. Making a payment for the Ad means that the Sponsor fully agrees and accepts this Terms and Conditions. No hand signature is needed.

      This is the end of document.

    • 赞助: 节目书广告 +1


      • 冠名赞助:$15,000。所有晚会名字出现处均加上赞助商名字。节目单封面有不小于1" x 8" 广告位,节目书内页全版彩色广告1-2页;
      • 钻石赞助1名:$2,500,节目书封底全版彩色广告;
      • 白金赞助2名:$1,500,节目书封二或封三的全版彩色广告;
      • 黄金赞助2名:$1,000,节目书内页的全版彩色广告;
      • 白银赞助4名:$800,节目书内页的半版彩色广告;
      • 青铜赞助6名:$500,节目书内页的1/4版彩色广告。


      • 可以在剧院大厅获得专门的宣传展台;
      • 可以在展台发放内含本公司宣传品和样品的手提袋;
      • 可以在节目书的内页广告位范围内包含coupon;
      • 晚会的海报中将包含节目书赞助商的名字;
      • 可以获赠晚会VIP入场劵


      • 对于有限的赞助机会,如有两个或以上商家选择,授予首先完成付款的商家;
      • 赞助商将收到RCA开出赞助非营利组织的收据用于报税;
      • 广告图片和内容设计由赞助商自行负责,送交晚会赞助联系人。



      • Milo Lu: 647-547-3933, email: milo.lu@rolia.org
      • Chen Zhou: 416-660-2960, email: chen.zhou@rolia.org