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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

希望对大家有帮助。三十六计之一:生米煮成熟饭先。那些当上TEAM LEAD的都是自己PROMOTE自己。when the team hires one or two new members,

the old member will self promote himself to be team lead. He decided to stop doing hand-on work starting from that day and start to manage others.

Even though the project manager does not agree to give him the team lead authority. I noticed this in two situations, one is a white guy, another is a Indian guy. For that indian guy, it is bad. As soon as he promoted himself, he claimed TEAM LEAD title to external teams. He started to said bad words about those Chinese members to the project manager. For his own indian new team members, he always said they are very good even though they can not deliver work.
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  • 工作学习 / 事业工作 / 希望对大家有帮助。三十六计之一:生米煮成熟饭先。那些当上TEAM LEAD的都是自己PROMOTE自己。when the team hires one or two new members, +1
    the old member will self promote himself to be team lead. He decided to stop doing hand-on work starting from that day and start to manage others.

    Even though the project manager does not agree to give him the team lead authority. I noticed this in two situations, one is a white guy, another is a Indian guy. For that indian guy, it is bad. As soon as he promoted himself, he claimed TEAM LEAD title to external teams. He started to said bad words about those Chinese members to the project manager. For his own indian new team members, he always said they are very good even though they can not deliver work.
    • 对,想要的东西就要主动些,千万别装清高。 +2
    • 职场里是弱肉强食,你们这些老员工里如果有两个狠一点儿的角色,自封的team lead 会死得很难看。 +3
    • 没明白
    • 英文不好就受气啊。 +8
      • 吹毛求疵呀 我反正是看懂了
    • 既懂计策,何不按计行事?又有古人云,与其临渊恨鱼,不如退而结网。 +1
    • 生米煮成熟饭算哪门子36计?普通人还是审时度势,顺势而为比较好。不要弄得吃相太难看。能力有欠缺要先努力提高自己。广积粮,高筑墙,缓称王。 +7
    • 这啥地方啊,organizational structure 一团浆糊么。 +3
      • Mayflower corporation
    • 行不通的。不管是加拿大还是中国。做不做team lead,出了qualification等等,还有一个是眼界。越是高层越是如此。
      • 有这眼界干嘛不给自己干?踩人与被踩的区别。
        • 不是所有的工种都适合自己干的;
          • 既然给别人干就得准备被踩。
        • 记得看过一个trader的访谈,问的问题是你的交易记录那么好、为什么要回来为银行干。回答是做 whale 在市场上兴风作浪,呼风唤雨的感觉很爽
          • 这两天是trader的天下,做多做空都有赚。其实 trading 是基本功,是在最坏情况下,你还有可能不依靠别人至少填饱肚子。
            • 这几天方向错了哭起来也会很惨。股市里的故事,往往是辛辛苦苦几多年,一跤回到解放前。活下来的常胜将军不多。 +1
              • 这两天方向不大会错的。主要会防止入点不好被震出去。 +1
    • 基本可信。然后呢?