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我的是芝加哥耐寒品种,在地里过冬上面的枝条总冻死了。 后放到地下室的小黑屋,一两个月干透了少量浇水




Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 花鸟虫鱼 / 哪位花友养三角梅?我家自从上个星期搬进屋总是掉叶子,叶子和花都快掉没了!有的都没发黄也一碰就掉,而且所有叶子都是耷拉的,是不是我的三角梅很难过冬?请问三角梅能在多伦多室内过冬吗?谢谢🙏
    • 冬天一定要放屋里,但是要放到屋里有阳光的地方。我家的去年冬天放屋里,夏天花照开不误,而且长得很快。三角梅需要阳光
      • 请问你的三角梅的叶子冬天是不是全部都掉了? +1
    • 季节转换,掉叶子正常,入室放在阳光好的地方,正常浇水,还会再长得,前两年我的都是入室以后掉了叶子开花,能开大半个冬天,今年一个月前在外面已经开了,我倒是希望它冬天室内开花呢
      • 谢谢你的回复。请问你是怎样冬天给三角梅浇水?我今年才买的,只知道是南方的花在多伦多这边过冬很困难。
        • 三角梅算是容易养的,干了浇水就是了,或者快干了浇
          • 可以剪枝吗?😄
            • 据说是可以,从来没试过
    • 去年冬天三角梅一片叶子都沒有了,放在家里,春天又发芽了,因今年春天有几天很热,搬到室外,因从阳光不足处突然进入很多阳光的环境,叶子又全部枯了,但以后又长出来,夏天开了很方花。
    • 我的现在正在室外盛开。 在室内浇水要注意,不要烂根
      • 谢谢🙏请问你一般什么时候才把三角梅搬进屋?
        • 7度左右怕冻坏了就搬进来。 我去年冬天放在室内向阳处,觉得占地方又长不好。 今年想试试让它冬眠,放在地下室的黑暗处, 目前还没有想好
        • 感觉是否是因为冬天在室内向阳处长徒了后修剪,今年开花一直不太多,直到 现在才花满枝头
          • 我认为三角梅肯定不能放到地下室,地下室没光,三角梅是喜光植物,你还是多问问这里的行家再作决定。
            • 放地下室的黑暗处是冬眠,来年花会开得更好。这个道理我相信
              • 严重表示怀疑。这种喜温喜光的植物需要冬眠吗?以前看它在南方一年四季几乎都有花开的。
                • here
              • 你试试,然后回来汇报
                • 我的无花果就这样过冬的,今年挂果早,收获多。 强阳的植物在室内长 不好,徒长,反而浪费了营养。 不如让他停止生长,集聚养分,来年开花更多
                  • 抓住问一下无花果是不是必须室内过冬的?冬天放地下室的话,还用不用浇水?
                    • 我的是芝加哥耐寒品种,在地里过冬上面的枝条总冻死了。 后放到地下室的小黑屋,一两个月干透了少量浇水



                      • 谢谢!
                • here
    • 这有很多链接
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Wintering Over Bougainvillea Indoors
      For bougainvillea in pots, they can be wintered over in basements, garages, or other cool and lower light areas. Under these conditions they go into a dormancy state and defoliate. Occasional watering during dormancy (once or twice a month) is needed until they start to grow again in the Spring where they once again need to be moved into high light. The other option is not to force them into a dormancy state, and place them indoors on a sunny south facing windowsill. You will have to water them more frequently – about as often as a houseplant – and they probably will not have any color. You may see a bract or two sporadically appear, but more likely than not, it will look like a common green houseplant until spring when you can place it outdoors into high light.

      If you have planted your bougainvillea in the soil outdoors and want to dig it up and move it indoors for the winter, expect the plant to go into dormancy sooner than if it had been in a container — the root damage as a result of digging will be the cause rather than the cool weather — but the plant should survive this kind of transplanting. Make sure to dig as far away from the root system as you possibly can. It’s important not to sever the roots; take care to dig up the entire root ball and especially in one piece.

      For both options, after you bring it back outdoors in the Spring, prune back any dead or damaged stems, and begin watering and fertilizing again. Gradually increase light levels by placing in partial shade for the first few days and working up to direct sunlight by the second week.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 今天晚上比较冷,三角梅要进家了
    • 也是啊,移进室内叶子都木有了,摆在那里不好看哎