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1. This has nothing to do with personal credit. 2. Most likely the caller is from a collect agency, not a lawyer. If they call again, tell them go ahead to sue you. They have no case at all.

I went through this before. The management company asked me to pay $1700. They did file a law suit against me at the court. I sent a letter to the court saying that I will be at the court with them. That was a year ago. I never heard anything from anyone after that. I guess the company just wanted to threaten me. When they see that I am not afraid of them. They backed off.

My case was that we spent one day after moving to clean the unit and invited the super to check. We handed over the keys after she said "OK". 45 days after, we received a letter to claim so called damage.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 住房话题 / 从APARTMENT搬出后又碰到麻烦,有高人能指点一下吗?
    谁知今年4月份开始有个自称LAWER的人一直打电话给我们,叫我们赔偿那笔钱,不然就要上法庭告我们.我们不信任他所以告诉他,我们宁可上法庭.那个试图发律师信给我们,但是因为没有我们的地址, 所以也没有发成. 他现在三天两头地打电贺过来.
    我们如果不理他会有何后果. 我们现在应该责么做?
    • If I were you, I won't pay the money. But you might want to contact the credit agency to check your credit in case some guy did something on it.
      • 但是就凭他的一面之词,就能影响我的CTEADIT吗?我们不理他是否是好办法?
        • 你当然可以不理他,他当然也可以不管你理不理他而直接通知信用局。:)
          • 请问信用局在哪里?信用度又有何用?我现在按时付所以帐单,增加的信用度可以抵消吗?
            • 这句话你算问在点子上了。信用度其实没有什么用处,我也不明白为什么同志们那么看重这个。:)
              • 还有,如果他们真的给我们发了律师信,我们应该采取十么办法?
                • 你知道一封律师信多少钱?你又欠他们多少钱?他恐怕会得不偿失欧?
                  • 真的不知道一封律师信多少钱?他说我欠他100多元.你觉得那个LAWER是个冒牌的?
                    • 冒牌不冒牌的到不敢去说他,何不等他信来了再说?他的一封信绝不止一百刀,看看他们的决心喽?:)除非这个Lawyer也是一个新警察,等米下锅的那种。
                      • 开始是个男的LAWER,见我们不理他这两天又换了个女的LAWER,他们自称是TORONTO LAWER OFFICE 看着来头挺大,你听说过没有?
                  • 补充一点,那个房东是一家大楼管理公司不是私人,所以他们可能会花300元请律师去要100元的帐,反正公司出钱不用百不用.你觉得有这种可能性吗?
      • 1. This has nothing to do with personal credit. 2. Most likely the caller is from a collect agency, not a lawyer. If they call again, tell them go ahead to sue you. They have no case at all.
        I went through this before. The management company asked me to pay $1700. They did file a law suit against me at the court. I sent a letter to the court saying that I will be at the court with them. That was a year ago. I never heard anything from anyone after that. I guess the company just wanted to threaten me. When they see that I am not afraid of them. They backed off.

        My case was that we spent one day after moving to clean the unit and invited the super to check. We handed over the keys after she said "OK". 45 days after, we received a letter to claim so called damage.
        • Just curious,how could they know ue new addreee?
          • I asked super to pay me 6% interest on rent deposit. She said she will mail to me after I move out and asked me to leave a forwarding address. BTW, I always leave my new address. I didn't do anything wrong.
        • Thank you! I received the "Lawer"'s another call today, and she said our case will be sent to court this afternoon!
          I really confused that we didn't get even a letter from the court , how can the court begin the judgement without us?

          I think you are right.They must be the money collect agency,not the so called "LAWER".

          If they call us next time, can I say "we moved out" ? I really don't want to talk with them and I really don't want to waste my time with those people.Do you think it's a good idea?
          • If they did file a law suit against you, you will receive a letter from the court and you must reply. As far as I know, lawyer serves you letters, not phone calls. Lawyer's time worths $200 to $300 per hour.
            • The company don't have my collect address,because I just left an uncomplete one when I moved out.Will the letter from court being lost?
              • It is plantiff's responsibility to provide defendant's mailing address at filing. Without your address, they can not sue you. The court will not accept the case.
                The case like this will be processed at Small Claim Court. Go to the court house nearest to you and ask for an information package for plantiffs.

                You may also call police to stop their disturbing phone calls.
                • Thank you again!