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ZT 为何集体冥想可以改变世界

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Spirit over Matter

When we look at the big picture spiritually, the Universe, all of creation, everything we are and we see and experience, is actually made of one thing, one substance, and that is the Light of Source, the Light of the One, the energy of Oneness that streams forth into creation and densifies into various dimensions.
Different dimensions and states of matter are actually the same thing. Higher dimensions are higher states of matter. These higher dimensions are what we call spirit, Higher Self, etc, and because they are higher states of matter, matter and spirit are one and the same thing. Matter is densified spirit, spirit is rarefied matter.
Creation is intended as a mirror of the Source, created by interaction between Source and its logical quantum opposite potential, that can be called contingency. Source is the deepest state of our being, it  is the state where everything and everyone is pure absolute Oneness in all regards, no time and space, no here and there, no then and now, no you and me, only One. Because of this, contingency or as it's also sometimes called, anomaly, is necessary as an opposite to pure Oneness, in order to create the Universe.
As the energy of the Source, of Oneness, streams into the Universe, creating it and giving it life, it densifies through dimensions/states of matter, thus becoming particles, which are actually waves popping out of the quantum field. The first particles created are tachyons :
Many other particles are then created as spirit-matter densifies. All of the particles are actually carriers of various proportions of the spectrum of Light, which is the energy of Source densified and split up by the contingency. We are Light, we are sitting on Light, we are eating Light, etc.
Living here on this planet, there has often been the illusion that the physical world is the most real thing, while our decisions, imagination, visualizations, thoughts, emotions, feelings, etc, are less real, or even not factual at all. This is opposite to the truth. All of the non-physical experiences are actually real factual 'objects' which exist in higher states of matter, higher dimensions, in the plasma, etheric, astral, mental, budhic, atmic, monadic and adi planes. We may become conscious of them in our physical body but they exist in higher bodies. And spirit-matter particles are always flowing between planes. Because the physical is the densest plane of spirit-matter, it is the most split up by contingency, therefore we could say that it is actually the less real. The physical world could be more accurately considered to be the dream while the higher bodies are more real, not the opposite, and the Higher Self is the real self.
It is important to understand that building a momentum is very important to manifest anything in the physical world, because of its heavy density, especially on this planet. Absolutely everything in creation has to come from highest plane first, and flow down through all planes/states of matter one by one, in order to reach the physical. The lower planes have no power of their own, they only receive from the higher, and then may re-qualify what they receive. The more we turn to our Soul/Higher Self/IAm Presence, the more we establish a link, the more we build a momentum of energy streaming from it into the lower bodies. If we are not aligned in our behavior with the Higher Self's Divine Plan magnetized by Cosmic Love, it will not stream forth as much energy. The intention and attention and obedience to the Higher Self is the key.
If we have built a habit, a momentum of a certain paradigm for many years, it is not going to change instantly unless we build a momentum of energy which is according to the change desired. No creation is ever automatic, it is always consciously intended somehow by somebody at some point, and it only appears faster sometimes because a momentum has been built by disciplined work. There are no miracles, only application of natural principles. What appears as a miracle is only the application of a principle not yet understood. The main key principle here is that everything always comes from higher planes.
Therefore, physical circumstances are always reflection of the higher planes, of the energy, of the alignment with Higher Self. It doesn't matter what the circumstance is, what the technology is, what the paradigm is, it can always be changed by Light energy work. It may take persistence to build a momentum, which requires us to not destroy the momentum while it is building and nothing has appeared physically yet. Still, Light energy work can always change anything if we make it so, because higher planes/states of matter always have power over the ones below. Our Higher Self is the highest plane for us to tune into, so that's where our biggest attention should be, not at the lower, mental emotional physical etc.
This is why mass meditation works to change the world :

And this is why we can turn our reality and this planet and all of Creation into an experience of pure Light and Love, anytime and anywhere we choose to.
Much Light 🌟

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下拾英 / 心灵感悟 / ZT 【银河联邦】20180625译《分离的面纱已经升起》 今天是你余生的第一天
    • ZT【光之群体】20180624《相互交织的维度与实相》 +1
    • ZT 《远古的呼唤》你是来移山倒海的,你就是这么强大。不要再玩耍渺小,你是光之太空指挥官。你生来就是做这些事的。事实上是你创造的。现在发挥你的作用,指挥...你是在执行任务的爱,这是你最擅长的。抛开其他的一切。是时候降落母船,让银河意识成形
    • ZT 【重要信息汇总】2018.7.10《在扬升的飓风之眼中》
    • ALL IS ONE,所有事都是联系在一起的. 如果看不清画的全貌,那时因为离画太近 ---摘自 “扬升书”
    • ZT《是时候去显化你的梦想》是时候去飞翔。启动你的梦想,不要害怕飞翔,因为我们会接住你。跟随你的思想进程,让你自由地移动和述说---隐藏不再是你的真理,因为你从年轻的时候就在隐藏了。是时候站出来,让你真正的自我闪耀.好美---你准备好闪耀了吗?
    • ZT 意大利北部光之城的最后建设: 这两种光线现在被完全充能,应用并整合到你自身的个人体验中。你会对洋红和紫罗兰混合所产生的力量感到惊讶——享受这些火焰,对这种光的存在敞开心扉,你会证明世界的现实正在你的眼前改变。


      原创: 吴隽杰 启动EVENT 今天



















      ■ 译自:斯坦科夫宇宙法则出版社




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    • ZT 为何集体冥想可以改变世界

      Wednesday, August 1, 2018

      Spirit over Matter

      When we look at the big picture spiritually, the Universe, all of creation, everything we are and we see and experience, is actually made of one thing, one substance, and that is the Light of Source, the Light of the One, the energy of Oneness that streams forth into creation and densifies into various dimensions.
      Different dimensions and states of matter are actually the same thing. Higher dimensions are higher states of matter. These higher dimensions are what we call spirit, Higher Self, etc, and because they are higher states of matter, matter and spirit are one and the same thing. Matter is densified spirit, spirit is rarefied matter.
      Creation is intended as a mirror of the Source, created by interaction between Source and its logical quantum opposite potential, that can be called contingency. Source is the deepest state of our being, it  is the state where everything and everyone is pure absolute Oneness in all regards, no time and space, no here and there, no then and now, no you and me, only One. Because of this, contingency or as it's also sometimes called, anomaly, is necessary as an opposite to pure Oneness, in order to create the Universe.
      As the energy of the Source, of Oneness, streams into the Universe, creating it and giving it life, it densifies through dimensions/states of matter, thus becoming particles, which are actually waves popping out of the quantum field. The first particles created are tachyons :
      Many other particles are then created as spirit-matter densifies. All of the particles are actually carriers of various proportions of the spectrum of Light, which is the energy of Source densified and split up by the contingency. We are Light, we are sitting on Light, we are eating Light, etc.
      Living here on this planet, there has often been the illusion that the physical world is the most real thing, while our decisions, imagination, visualizations, thoughts, emotions, feelings, etc, are less real, or even not factual at all. This is opposite to the truth. All of the non-physical experiences are actually real factual 'objects' which exist in higher states of matter, higher dimensions, in the plasma, etheric, astral, mental, budhic, atmic, monadic and adi planes. We may become conscious of them in our physical body but they exist in higher bodies. And spirit-matter particles are always flowing between planes. Because the physical is the densest plane of spirit-matter, it is the most split up by contingency, therefore we could say that it is actually the less real. The physical world could be more accurately considered to be the dream while the higher bodies are more real, not the opposite, and the Higher Self is the real self.
      It is important to understand that building a momentum is very important to manifest anything in the physical world, because of its heavy density, especially on this planet. Absolutely everything in creation has to come from highest plane first, and flow down through all planes/states of matter one by one, in order to reach the physical. The lower planes have no power of their own, they only receive from the higher, and then may re-qualify what they receive. The more we turn to our Soul/Higher Self/IAm Presence, the more we establish a link, the more we build a momentum of energy streaming from it into the lower bodies. If we are not aligned in our behavior with the Higher Self's Divine Plan magnetized by Cosmic Love, it will not stream forth as much energy. The intention and attention and obedience to the Higher Self is the key.
      If we have built a habit, a momentum of a certain paradigm for many years, it is not going to change instantly unless we build a momentum of energy which is according to the change desired. No creation is ever automatic, it is always consciously intended somehow by somebody at some point, and it only appears faster sometimes because a momentum has been built by disciplined work. There are no miracles, only application of natural principles. What appears as a miracle is only the application of a principle not yet understood. The main key principle here is that everything always comes from higher planes.
      Therefore, physical circumstances are always reflection of the higher planes, of the energy, of the alignment with Higher Self. It doesn't matter what the circumstance is, what the technology is, what the paradigm is, it can always be changed by Light energy work. It may take persistence to build a momentum, which requires us to not destroy the momentum while it is building and nothing has appeared physically yet. Still, Light energy work can always change anything if we make it so, because higher planes/states of matter always have power over the ones below. Our Higher Self is the highest plane for us to tune into, so that's where our biggest attention should be, not at the lower, mental emotional physical etc.
      This is why mass meditation works to change the world :

      And this is why we can turn our reality and this planet and all of Creation into an experience of pure Light and Love, anytime and anywhere we choose to.
      Much Light 🌟
    • Dawn of the Akashic Age: Entering the New Era
    • ZT 你是你实相的创造者。但是,许多人还是会在实际体验和所意愿的结果不一致,不尽如人意的时候感到混乱,这就是今天我们希望分享的内容。
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    • ZT 我由无数的颜色组成,当它们融合,它会是宇宙中最纯净、最明亮的光。这就是我。这就是你。这就是ETERA(整体)【KejRaj】《事件:反射》
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛【新】【KejRaj】《事件:反射》
      分享: facebook PLURK twitter
      Greetings to You! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am KejRaj(KayRy).
      The information expressed here is that of my perspective my point of view. For all truth awaits you in your heart. We hope you FEEL our LIGHT and LOVE in this message.
      I AM a spirit. I AM an extension of the Great Spirit which today you call God.
      I am made from an infinite number of colors, that when they are blended, it is of the purest, the brightest light in the Universe. This is me. This is you. This is ETERA(The Whole).
      The essence of everything you see IS this purest light.
      This light, this force, has always been conscious of the self, conscious of the existence that it is. But this being started to wonder. At a point in Creation a thought sparked. Is there more to me, is there a deeper sense, is there a way of knowing more of the self.
      This is where Source became two, so to speak. Source expanded by creating, by breathing out in light form a reflection of the self’s very essence. Becoming Father/Mother God.
      The symbol in Sacred Geometry that is known as the Flower of Life is a key to understanding the expansion of the Universe.
      From the two original reflections, the beings you know as The Elohim were born. To over simplify things, the Elohim were/ are the first children of Father/Mother God.
      从两个最初的反射,你所知的神( Elohim)诞生。为了简化事物,神( Elohim)是父神/母神的第一个孩子
      From there, the Elohim went on creating, planets, stars, galaxies, Universes.
      从那里,神( Elohim)开始创造行星、恒星、星系、宇宙
      Throughout the Omniverse they left a ‘piece of theirselves’. They planted seeds in hopes that those too would grow, expand, create and eventually arrive to the realization that they too are of Source, Divine Essence.
      Millions of years ago they planted seeds that one day became known as the Hue-Man.
      This hue-man would contain within a blending of the energies of many, many star races. Making the hue-man one of most unique creations. YOU were one of the seeds they planted.
      So, you have one of the most unique creations, the hue-man. You have EARTA(the golden one)Earth, in the Universe no other like her. And you have what is being attempted for the first time in the history of the Universe, physical ascension, which is all ready deemed successful.
      所以,你有一个最独特的造物,人类。你有着 EARTA(金色的)地球,宇宙中独一无二的。你有着宇宙历史中第一次尝试的东西,物理扬升,已经被视为成功
      What happens on Earth will affect the rest of Creation, what YOU do here now will affect The Whole. This is YOU, this is YOUR power. This is YOUR TIME.
      There are many on Earth right now that remain unaware of the changes all ready underway. There are those aware but have doubt that anything will change for the better. And than there is YOU, Old Soul.
      You do not give up, you do not lose hope no matter what. You continue holding the light. It is your commitment that will bring this great change about. It is your trust in the Source within YOU that will bring about the Event and the return of Earth to her rightful place in the stars.
      The main trigger towards all of this is of course the Event. It is during this time that the veil will come down.
      In many ways the Event is the rapture, ascension, and the end of the world. Yes, that is the end of the OLD world of darkness, hatred, war and sorrow. Also undoubtedly the beginning of the new world of light, love, peace, and joy.
      The Event is the REAL RESET, because it is not just Earth that is changing, this is occurring Universally. Earth is however receiving more attention from the Galactic Community because as we said what happens here affects all.
      Everyday new portals are being opened. Pure light from the center of each galaxy is reaching all star systems. As we said this is a Universal reset. All is being uplifted to a higher octave. We can say in this moment Source is breathing IN, and on the OUT breath the wave of light we call the Event will manifest. New seeds will be planted, new worlds, new realities and dimensions will be created. Here on Earth, the veil will dissolve, and all will see the reflection of their inner most self, the essence they truly are.
      Humanity will feel like they just awoke from a nightmare, shake their heads, and still doubt what they are witnessing. But at the same time fined joy flowing from within and from without in their new reality. This is where the new way of life begins for all of Earth. This is where humans become a Service to Others society. This is where the building of the communities of light begins. All will take action and all will have the chance to make contributions for the good of all.
      As you continue to expand in consciousness, you will see the magnificence that you truly are. You will begin to see this magnificence in the outer world also. And you will begin creating miracles.
      You will see yourself in others, and others will see theirselves in you. You will see yourself in your Galactic Family, as they all ready see you in them.
      The Era of Light has commenced. Be the light and love that you are. Mirror love to all.
      That is all for today. From heart to heart, I am KejRaj.
      翻译:Nick Chan
      https://eraoflight.com/2018/11/12/the-event-reflections-2/更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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