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  • 工作学习 / 外语学习 / 读了一段英文,欢迎大家提宝贵意见 +2

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    25. So now you should have a better idea about how this is connected.

    26. Drinking alcohol lowers people's anxiety. This lowers our filter and we become more relaxed and comfortable when it comes to speaking. Even if we're speaking a foreign language.

    27. However, there are some serious drawbacks to drinking and learning. Let me give you three.

    28. Number one. Any positive effects you feel alcohol is giving you from speaking is only temporary, and the last thing you want to do is to rely on alcohol to speak.

    29. Number two. Grammar and pronunciation mistakes that you make while drinking may become ingrained bad habits that you might continue to make when you become sober.

    30. Number three. Drinking is just not a very healthy activity. And the bottom line is that the seemingly positive effects that you think you might get from drinking alcohol are not due to alcohol whatsoever.

    31. They're due to the confidence in your own speaking ability. That means that everything that you need is already inside you. You just got to let it out.

    32. Here are four ways that you can lower your anxiety to help make you a more confident speaker.

    33. Number one. Don't expect perfection from yourself. You need to realize that you're going to make mistakes and that is perfectly okay. It's part of the language learning process.

    34. If you're speaking to somebody and they correct you, then try to keep that in mind and you move on.

    35. And if you're speaking to somebody and they don't understand you, then you know that's okay as well. It's going to happen. Just try to express your thoughts or your ideas in a different way.

    36. Number two. Don't let your nervousness make you even more nervous. Try to channel any nervousness into another emotion like excitement. Because every time that you speak, (you know) you're getting to practice. You're getting to use the language because that's how you improve and continue learning.

    37. Number three. Avoid translating all of your thoughts. Don't try to think of every single little word that you want to say before you actually speak. Just (you know) think of kind of the idea of what you want to say, that's perfectly fine, but then just try and say it. And let it come out naturally and unrehearsed.

    38. Number four. Identify what you think makes you anxious. Because when you have a clear understanding of what makes you anxious, then you have a better chance of reducing anxiety.

    39. So what you can do is just take a journal. You can write this information down and then go back and reflect on why it's making you anxious and then it will help you in the future reduce that anxiety.

    • 很不错,继续努力会越来越好。 +1
    • 好听。听不出缺点。词清晰,发音完整。 +2
    • 谢谢楼上二位的鼓励

      这个视频通篇下来我只有一个生词,ingrained,若干的半熟的词,比如inhibition, sober,不熟的短语好像也就一个,pumped up。所以说词汇量、发音不是我都问题,我要解决的是表达方式的问题。



    • 我的感觉是不用再继续学习了。:) +1
      • 也对 ,这发音词汇中国人能听懂,老外更不用说,也足够日常生活用了。
        • 我觉得还差得远。日常生活是能应付,可工作中有时要做presentation感觉力不从心。看个英文电影也只能理解大意,很多细节都抓不到。为了生活更美好,还得努力呀。
    • You pronounced in a very clear way, which is great! For the part to improve, according to my teacher, you may make more connections between words so it will sound more smooth. +2
      • Sounds link is very important in connected speech. Buy the teacher a smoothie +2
        To make his speech smoother.

      • 多谢多谢。争取下个版本改进一些。 +1
    • 不错,蛮清晰的发音。楼主是不是四川人 ? +4
      • 哈哈哈!谁➕的,为什么?也听出了川味? +2
        • 北方口音吧 +2
          • 怎么听出来的?
            • Just my gut feeling. +1
              陕甘宁 山西 河南?
              • 母语Henanese
                • I am glad that
                  It's one of my closest guesses.

                  • ● 基本可以肯定,是南部山区。
                    • 豫北吧,淮阳安阳一带
                      • 不可能
                        • 等着输钱吧,已经输了一句辣。
                          • 让子弹飞一会儿
                            • 只要你刀枪不入
                            • 你输了
                              • 太感谢了,范跑跑明天给我们买午饭。
                      • 怎么猜的?
                        • 从你念英文的口音
                          • 我的普通话没有丝毫口音,只有极个别人说有上海口音,因为毕竟在上海待过几年。
                            • 念一段儿,我的辨音能力还是不错的。
                              • 来了



                  • 其实我的河南话不地道,从小只在家里说,自打上大学以后就说的很少了,现在更是不说,跟父母都打字了。
                    • 好像是
      • 不是
    • 很温油。 +1
    • 提个“宝贵”意见~ 略显生硬 ~ +1
      • 可楼上说温柔,该听谁的?
        • 温柔是音色吧,生硬应该是指语流语调略显生涩。
        • ta是懵懂少女来的,听男生的声音都“温油”
          我得快点逃了~ lol
        • 是。升调,降调也都正确。但升降调的时候,“想一想正弦波”,而不仅仅是线性地升降。
    • 我不知道你以前的水平,所以无法客观评价。就阅读本身来说,是一个正在学习英语的人的练习,其发音比大多数中国人都准,虽然仍然显示出“努力”的样子。长此下去,会做到轻松自如的。 +1
    • 鸡蛋里头挑个刺儿哈
      Better sounds like bad, anxiety is not properly pronounced.
      • 这真是个问题。我如果说得很慢,一个词一个词,基本可以挺准。放到句子里,一快就露馅了。还是不够熟练吧。
        • 你已经很不错的了,我就是太挑剔一点儿。熟能生巧,越来越好。
    • 非重读音节,非重读单词,只要读出辅音就行,元音几乎可有可无,这一点几乎对所有华人都很重要。另外 母语广东话的朋友特别会吞掉元音后面的辅音。千万别,宁可吞掉元音也别吞掉辅音! +1
      • 能否举个例子?谢谢
        • 没法举例子。原则就是:你如果读得慢 那所有音都可以发出来。但要读快了,在非重读音节上,首先想到的是缩短元音,一笔带过,甚至完全省略,但却要保证辅音。要再快,那辅音也开始模糊,但仍不能完全省略。
      • 酱油哥示范示范呗 +2
        • 这几条原则对你有用不?
          • 别谦虚辣酱油哥,亮亮你那漂亮的英语吧,让大家开开眼好不好? +1
            • 没办法。我耳朵灵敏。:) 如果这评论意见能对大家有所帮助,我就很开心了。你觉得怎么样呢?
              • 当然有帮助啦。不过你要是来个音频让听众欣赏欣赏,相信会有耳朵更灵的肉友呢。谢谢
                • 没什么漂亮的口音。我这辈子也不指望英语发音能达到 你我各位 的孩子们的一半好。------ 只不过就是:既然听出了别人的发音问题,帮着指出来,希望能有所帮助。
                • 听你孩子读英语绝对更为享受。:)
    • 另外,想听你读着几个词:measurement, pleasure。
      • 献丑了
        • 你那个-sure 的辅音带了卷舌,(但你的卷舌还不算太严重)。这是中国人(特别是北方人)的通病。------ 这个音节特点是:辅音不是卷舌音(发音位置与sheep 里的 “sh” 相同),但元音发完了以后,在结尾处舌头稍卷结束整个音节。结尾也可不卷舌,英国人就不卷。 +1
          • 实际上,目前,你最好 整个该音节 压根 不卷舌,就如英国口音。这样,你能更好地感觉到这个辅音该如何发音。
            • 再来


              • 试试 almond salmon enthusiastic comfortble jewellery word world work 吧
                • 除了jewellery别的没难度
              • 回你在录音下面写的那句话:这就是一个权衡。为了符合北美口音的卷舌,结果发音带上明显的,而且听着挺不舒服的外国口音;还是干脆不卷舌,成为类似于英格兰(或澳新)口音。你选哪个?
                • 现在这个版本的(近似sh音)是不卷舌的,有没有好点?我的追求是标准美音,如果权衡成英音,所有的er就都不能卷舌了。 +1
                  • 完美主义者。lol
                    • 算不上完美主义,只是把目标定的高点,万一实现了呢? +1
                      • 会的。至少,肯定会持续进步 。 +1
                  • 另外,你可以只需在难发音的时候,妥协成“英国音”。其它容易发的地方照样继续发美音。 +1
              • 好多了,但实际上还是在辅音上就已经有点卷。记住一点:英语卷舌是在发完元音以后,才接着带上一个小卷舌。而不是像汉语似的,整个元音都卷着舌头说。 +1
                • er的卷舌是一起的,比如work,word。分开的卷舌是在别的音上,比如for,far,ear。measure的卷舌跟元音是在一起的。
                  • 你说的 measure 是对的。即:虽然 最好在发完了这个辅音以后再卷舌, 但辅音 稍受影响 还是不可避免的。
                    • 今天又想了想,这个measesure最后的音跟shirt,sure应该是一样的,只不过一个是清辅音sh,一个是浊化的sh。另外你读快了,肯定所有音一起发出来。 +1