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饺子请进, 想知道这算是误解还是偏见,另外我也很想知道你老公的看法,我在这里也住了10几年了,对洋人还是看不透.

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛转自western guerillas in China mist\guest book

Found your site to be interesting. There's nothing new really. [GCM Editors' Response: We challenge you to name one other website that says that the Great Wall can not be seen from the moon]. People will always gripe about something when in a foreign country. Especially a backward poor one with an inferiority complex. [GCM Editors' Response: Mainland Chinese hardly have an inferiority complex. More like a superiority complex that contradicts with the facts]. About chinese mainlanders wanting revenge for european and japanese colonialism. Well, should of told your forefathers not to be imperialists. [GCM Editors' Response: Our forefathers were living in trees in Africa so they could not have been imperialists.]. But seriously, if you think westerners are treated badly, look at how japanese businessmen are pretty much shut out of china. [GCM Editor's Response: That makes us feel much better]. But you know what? The Japanese look down on the mainland chinese. [GCM Editors' Response: So do the Hong Kong Chinese and Taiwanese. By the way, we think that your use of a small letter "c" when spelling the word "chinese" shows that you look down on chinese people too]. So what do you want? For the mainlanders to treat you or the japanese as equals when all you want is to make money off of them and look down on them? [GCM Editors' Response: Yes, that is what we want]. If Russians are the same as the chinese and use whatever means they want to come out ahead with foreign investment perhaps fair's fair. [GCM Editors' Response: Look how well this strategy has worked for the Russians so far]. If you were doing business in China back when china was carved up, you probably wouldn't care about the chinese being second class citizens in their OWN country while you're treated as kings. [GCM Editors' Response: If our weak guerilla memory serves us correctly, during that same period there were large numbers of Chinese business owners (particularly in Shanghai) who were also treated like kings. Many of these wealthy Chinese eventually fled to Hong Kong where they again prospered. Perhaps they are YOUR forefathers?] If you still want that, then may I suggest South East Asia like Thailand etc. [GCM Editors' Response: Oh, thanks for reminding us. Some of the wealthy Chinese business owners also fled to Thailand where they again prospered]. Also, I didn't like your anti-chinese male attitude. I find it a bit insulting that you gush over cute chinese hotel counter girls while attacking chinese males. [GCM Editors' Response: First of all, where did you get the idea we are anti-Chinese male? From our comment about annoying Chinese male babies? You have to admit that Chinese boy babies are extremely spoiled and self centered. It is not their fault. It is their two parents' and four grandparents' fault. Secondly, cute Chinese hotel counter girls are much more attractive to us western male guerillas than hotel counter boys. Thirdly, why are you so sensitive? Do you take it as an insult if a guerilla compliments a woman on her looks but says nothing about your looks? OK, if it will make you feel any better, we think Huang Fei Hong has a good body. So strong and masculine. What a great defender of China. How's that? Better? Finally, as for all the other bad things we may have said about mainland Chinese people, we hereby offically declare that all these statements apply both to the men AND the women of China]. chinese men feel the same way about obnoxious arrogant western males only interested in dating chinese women and making money off their country. [GCM Editors' Response: Yes, that is what we want. This should make it easier for you Hong Kongers to get western women. Why don't you go for it while you have the chance?]. But then again there are chinese women who sure love western men and more importantly their citizen status or potential passport to the "first world." [GCM Editors' Response: Sounds like we touched a sensitive nerve in one of our Chinese male readers. Maybe the Chinese women just want us western guerillas for our hairy guerilla bodies?].更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / 饺子请进, 想知道这算是误解还是偏见,另外我也很想知道你老公的看法,我在这里也住了10几年了,对洋人还是看不透.
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛转自western guerillas in China mist\guest book

    Found your site to be interesting. There's nothing new really. [GCM Editors' Response: We challenge you to name one other website that says that the Great Wall can not be seen from the moon]. People will always gripe about something when in a foreign country. Especially a backward poor one with an inferiority complex. [GCM Editors' Response: Mainland Chinese hardly have an inferiority complex. More like a superiority complex that contradicts with the facts]. About chinese mainlanders wanting revenge for european and japanese colonialism. Well, should of told your forefathers not to be imperialists. [GCM Editors' Response: Our forefathers were living in trees in Africa so they could not have been imperialists.]. But seriously, if you think westerners are treated badly, look at how japanese businessmen are pretty much shut out of china. [GCM Editor's Response: That makes us feel much better]. But you know what? The Japanese look down on the mainland chinese. [GCM Editors' Response: So do the Hong Kong Chinese and Taiwanese. By the way, we think that your use of a small letter "c" when spelling the word "chinese" shows that you look down on chinese people too]. So what do you want? For the mainlanders to treat you or the japanese as equals when all you want is to make money off of them and look down on them? [GCM Editors' Response: Yes, that is what we want]. If Russians are the same as the chinese and use whatever means they want to come out ahead with foreign investment perhaps fair's fair. [GCM Editors' Response: Look how well this strategy has worked for the Russians so far]. If you were doing business in China back when china was carved up, you probably wouldn't care about the chinese being second class citizens in their OWN country while you're treated as kings. [GCM Editors' Response: If our weak guerilla memory serves us correctly, during that same period there were large numbers of Chinese business owners (particularly in Shanghai) who were also treated like kings. Many of these wealthy Chinese eventually fled to Hong Kong where they again prospered. Perhaps they are YOUR forefathers?] If you still want that, then may I suggest South East Asia like Thailand etc. [GCM Editors' Response: Oh, thanks for reminding us. Some of the wealthy Chinese business owners also fled to Thailand where they again prospered]. Also, I didn't like your anti-chinese male attitude. I find it a bit insulting that you gush over cute chinese hotel counter girls while attacking chinese males. [GCM Editors' Response: First of all, where did you get the idea we are anti-Chinese male? From our comment about annoying Chinese male babies? You have to admit that Chinese boy babies are extremely spoiled and self centered. It is not their fault. It is their two parents' and four grandparents' fault. Secondly, cute Chinese hotel counter girls are much more attractive to us western male guerillas than hotel counter boys. Thirdly, why are you so sensitive? Do you take it as an insult if a guerilla compliments a woman on her looks but says nothing about your looks? OK, if it will make you feel any better, we think Huang Fei Hong has a good body. So strong and masculine. What a great defender of China. How's that? Better? Finally, as for all the other bad things we may have said about mainland Chinese people, we hereby offically declare that all these statements apply both to the men AND the women of China]. chinese men feel the same way about obnoxious arrogant western males only interested in dating chinese women and making money off their country. [GCM Editors' Response: Yes, that is what we want. This should make it easier for you Hong Kongers to get western women. Why don't you go for it while you have the chance?]. But then again there are chinese women who sure love western men and more importantly their citizen status or potential passport to the "first world." [GCM Editors' Response: Sounds like we touched a sensitive nerve in one of our Chinese male readers. Maybe the Chinese women just want us western guerillas for our hairy guerilla bodies?].更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • could you pls tell me the exact meaning of "guerillas ", i checked it, only found the meaning as You2 Ji1 Dui4.
      • I'm pretty sure the author is an illiterate moron. I guess he had "gorilla", a giant chimp, in mind when he was saying "guerrilla", the small group of armies. The two words pronounce the same, less educated Americans tend to mix'em up.
        In this sense I feel they are more like gorillas, stupid, threatening, and arrogant.
    • i agree that most westerns think about our Mainland Chinese not as we think they should do. something about 一相情愿
    • 我发现这个SITE AMUSING. 1.有些说的是实情, 有些很客观, 有些很偏激,有些不咋地 2. 可以看"老外"怎么看中国(但不能代表全部) 3. JERKS, RACISTS那里都有 4. 如果"老外"看看我们的论坛, 嘿嘿.... 5. 中国有IDIOT, 外国也有.
      美军飞机冲突那回, 比这偏激的更多. 如果我们不能堵住他们的嘴, 我就去POSITIVELY地去看
    • 我LG的看法? 美军飞机冲突那会, 美国电台说把所有中国人关到集中营去, 我问LG, 他说, THOSE JERKS? WHO CARES ABOUT THEM! 他们无非是ATTRACT ATTENTION, 说极端的话是其中一个办法.
    • 其实让我痛心的是, 放下愤怒, 仔细读读, 有些现象也确实存在. 这世界总有一群人不喜欢另一群人, 如果你不能封了他们的嘴, 就让他们去说吧, 如果你气不过, 咱们也骂骂他们, 嘿嘿
    • 喝喝,看了这个东西后,我现在对丁大卫那个老实木纳的面具下的真实心境开始产生疑问. 还有那个大山什么的. 不是每个在中国的洋人对我们来说都是那么和蔼可亲.彬彬有礼吗? 而切好象他们都热爱中国.喝喝...
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Comments:
      Hi, I read all the articles in your website. I thought it was really interesting, and very funny in some parts too. I just finished working for 1 year in Chengdu, Sichuan province (July 97 to July 98). I was a teacher at small tech. college in the city. [GCM Editors' Response: You sound like just another greedy westerner making a financial killing in China. Shame on you!] First of all, in order to truly appreciate the humour of your web page, I really think you would need to live in China for awhile. A lot of it really hits the mark. I hope I can figure out some way to send this file to the foreigners living in Chengdu. [GCM Editors' Response: We don't know any foreigners there. But go ahead and forward links to anyone you want. Guerillas appreciate any free publicity they can get.] Obviously, you have had some tough times in China. I remember that there were some days when I was really pissed off at the country and everyone who lived in it. I could tell you some stories (and I might do that in another letter to you). [GCM Editors' Response: We smell a new website section idea: "Letters to the Western Guerilla Editors"] I lived there for 1 year, and that is enough for me. Still, I am happy I went there; it was quite an adventure and I learned a lot about the country and made some good friends (and met some cute babes too) [GCM Editors' Response: Zhe zhong "cute" de "babe" de gushi, women zui gan xingqu! Gan kuai xie!]. I'm not really angry at China now; mostly I feel pity for a lot of the people who live there. OK, that's my 2 cents worth for now. I really look forward to seeing more articles on your site. I will write to you again later. By the way, I have added a link to your site from my homepage. Regards, Edmund Murphy [GCM Editors' Response: Thanks for the feedback and support. By the way, isn't it annoying how this comments page makes the written sections very narrow sometimes. If we were not lazy guerillas, we would fix this bug. Anybody up for a banana marguerita?]更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • haha, check out this line about KTV : "Don't let the Chinese choose a hostess for you. They will invariably choose the worst looking one of the bunch for you. ".
      This explains why most girls we saw with white guys on the street are not that good looking. They have completely different definition of "beauty"