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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

Rooming- house的定义,Toronto: Multi-tenant houses, also known as rooming houses, can include a house, apartment or building where you share a kitchen and/or washroom with four or more people who each pay individual rent.

Markham 2016年的PDF,section 2.1,“A building that does not exceed 3 storeys, with a building area not exceeding 600m2, where
lodging is provided for more than 4 persons in return for remuneration or the provision of
services (or both); and where rooms do not have both bathrooms and kitchen facilities for the
exclusive use of individual occupants2
Residential dwelling units with 4 or less lodgers are not considered rooming houses according to the Fire

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 房东 / Rooming- house的定义,Toronto: Multi-tenant houses, also known as rooming houses, can include a house, apartment or building where you share a kitchen and/or washroom with four or more people who each pay individual rent. +2
    Markham 2016年的PDF,section 2.1,“A building that does not exceed 3 storeys, with a building area not exceeding 600m2, where
    lodging is provided for more than 4 persons in return for remuneration or the provision of
    services (or both); and where rooms do not have both bathrooms and kitchen facilities for the
    exclusive use of individual occupants2
    Residential dwelling units with 4 or less lodgers are not considered rooming houses according to the Fire
    • 知道了,反正这两天你很紧张,那你还不如赶紧的给的租客上一堂防火防盗自救的课程,告诉他们一旦起火,不管大小先逃命,房子没了无所谓,老娘有的是。 +12
      • 做饭忘记关火,烘干机,国内买来的电器,手机冲电宝。。。最容易起火。 +3
        • 有的人神经很大条,当然也有人自夸说有胆略,6间房子,分租给没有自理能力的学生居然能晚上睡得着。。。now it is totally paid back. +4
      • 我发知识贴,你发攻击贴。感谢您,让坛友们更了解涨派和跌派间的区别。 +7
        • 分租屋还要什么知识,常识就能判断,非法分租的房东现在如何向死者家人交代? +10
          • 说的是。 如花年华的大好青年说没就没啦。 房东有6个房违法分租 +5
            • 传说中的投资高手,你不懂。
              • 确实不懂,赚这种昧心钱毁了别人的家庭,会被判官抓 +2
                • +1 +2
            • 这个帖子讨论还挺热烈的,估计非法分租的不在少数 +3
          • Hoped you had common sense. +2
    • 可不可以这样理解, 楼上租3户共用厨房的, 地库租一户独立的,这样不算rooming?
      • 不算。实际上就没有一个算。
      • 不是户,文里说的是人。地库一户独立计算的前提是独立洗手间那些条件等等,有permits符合fire code要求
        • 那就一楼加装一个浴室租三个单人,二楼装修一厨房再租三个单人,地库还租三个单人?
          • 难办的是厨房,permits。。。
            • 一切照BUILDING CODE设计申请PERMIT。 +3
        • 那问题只租一个家庭超过4个人算不算? 或租两个家庭超过4个人的呢?
          • 我理解,1,不算吧。。。关键词and 。。。individual occupants。2,两家庭超过四个人共享一个厨房的算吧。3,厨房已成关键点。
      • Toronto,居然,还加了个,pay individual rent,这样的定义。可是估计真去了法庭,还是用前判例为依据的,没这么容易解释的
        • 有什么难解释的? 不就各PAY各的嘛。。
          • 那如果房东在出租合同上写,tenant family only。那些family 之间的关系需要租客提供证明给房东么?
            • So,漏洞颇大。这么大的漏洞长期存在是不合理的
              • 这种跟安全无关的管制本身就不合理。
            • 可以一大帮学生合租只交一份租金。
      • 我的理解是 互相不认识的4个人住在一起就算