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  • 技多不压身,工到自然成:安省技工证书特训班,点击咨询报名!
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  • 技多不压身,工到自然成:安省技工证书特训班,点击咨询报名!


• I am not satisfied that you will leave Canada at the end of your stay as a temporary resident, as stipulated in paragraph 179(b) of the IRPR, based on your travel history.
• I am not satisfied that you will leave Canada at the end of your stay as a temporary resident, as stipulated in paragraph 179(b) of the IRPR, based on the purpose of your visit.
• I am not satisfied that you will leave Canada at the end of your stay as a temporary resident, as stipulated in paragraph 179(b) of the IRPR, based on your personal assets and financial status.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 相约北美 / 探亲团聚 / 帮国内妹妹办探亲签证今天被拒了,原因见内。有坛友知道具体是什么意思?不知道下面该怎么办?谢谢先! +1
    • I am not satisfied that you will leave Canada at the end of your stay as a temporary resident, as stipulated in paragraph 179(b) of the IRPR, based on your travel history.
    • I am not satisfied that you will leave Canada at the end of your stay as a temporary resident, as stipulated in paragraph 179(b) of the IRPR, based on the purpose of your visit.
    • I am not satisfied that you will leave Canada at the end of your stay as a temporary resident, as stipulated in paragraph 179(b) of the IRPR, based on your personal assets and financial status.
    • 材料中旅行记录,访问目的,资产证明不足以相信,你会按时离开
      • 资产证明还可以补足,海外旅游(除了香港)没有,访问目的是探亲,还能怎么写?
        • 主要是护照旅游记录太少了。
    • 主要还是旅行记录。多跟团到主要西方国家走走吧。
    • 旅游就是旅游,干嘛申请探亲VISA?简单的事情搞复杂。
      • 好像旅游和探亲都是一种签证 Visitor Visa. +1
        • 目的不同。
    • 停留到期满的资金不充足。
    • 我觉得是走的地方太少,出国记录太少
    • 钱不够,你就帮她出;出国记录少你可以解释(工作忙啊);访问目的可以改为旅游,时间改为两周,这样是比较容易过关的。实际上你来了一般都是6个月,只要不超过6个月回去就可以了。
      • 邀请信里说了是我们出钱,还给了我们去年的T4表。现在在想是否还应该给我妹在国内的房产证明。
        • 有房产证为什么不提供?这个是非常好的证明不会留在加拿大的证据以及财力证明。 +2
          • 房产证明要翻译并且公证吗?考虑什么时候再申请一次。
            • 不用翻译的,原件手机拍个照就行。建议你也别偷懒,整个旅行计划,把车啊房啊给定了(你随便取消的呗),行程理好。酱紫他们没啥好说的。
              • 最好原件递上去,会还的。否则谁知道是不是作假?
                • 只要不是假的,人家看得懂的。网签不需要寄件啊,通过了才会让你寄护照而已。
            • 她那边的房产证,汽车证,其他资产,收入证明,工作证明,单位请假批准信等等统统地上交上去。你这边的资金证明统统没用,全都不用交上去。
            • 需要翻译不需要公证,翻译很简单,网上有相应的模板,东西不多。简单说明一下就可以。银行流水最好多做一点,看起来资金比较充足比较容易批。
        • 我之前有亲戚有类似1和3的拒签原因,后来补了房产证明,又去了趟日本,再签就下来了。