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送你一首 Red red wine

Red Red Wine

Red red wine goes to my head
Makes me forget that I still need you so

Red red wine
It's up to you
All I can do I've done
Memories won't go
Memories won't go

I have sworn every time
Thoughts of you would leave my head
I was wrong, now I've found
Just one thing makes me forget

Red red wine
Stay close to me
Don't let me be alone
It's tearing apart
My blue blue heart

I have sworn every time
Thoughts of you would leave my head
I was wrong, now I've found
Just one thing makes me forget...

Red red wine
Stay close to me
Don't let me be alone
It's tearing apart
My blue blue heart

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下佳缘 / 情爱悠悠 / 知道他已经不喜欢我了, 却还很喜欢他, 伤心。。。
    也许他觉得我COME TOO EASILY,---我只是想, 爱他, 就不该为难他。。。
    • 所谓失恋就是你的心没收回来, 他的先收回来了。
      • JP. :))
      • At the beginning, I thought it was a game, but I lost in the game, he played my heart...
        • 你错了
          • Maybe, I get penalty now...
            • 除非你是很洒脱的人,否则女的玩游戏通常都是最后陷进去的那个,还是不要的好.
          • right. especially to girls, don't play game on this issue.
            • you mean men can play this game without hurt anyhow?
              • of course.
          • 玩GAME我觉得除非你是高手, 佛则不能和陌生人玩。
            • 现在的年轻人看不懂他们。:(
      • 双方的心都不可能收回的,只是一方更改了方向,而另一方没有改。 改变一下方向就好了,水易引而不易堵,情易移而不易收。
    • let it go.....
    • 本来想请你喝酒,发现你已经喝上了。。。。那就慢慢品味巴。
    • 你对他太好,他就不在乎了。
      • 比较赞同,还有这个贴#1112917
    • 天下牛粪太多了. 让这堆牛粪走吧.
      • 如果他真是牛粪, 我就不用伤心了。他是那么成熟睿智,富有爱心
        • 也许我能帮你
          • you are funny!
            • I'm seriously.
              • 可不可以知到你怎样帮这个忙?
                • come on, I haven't asked him yet...
    • lit a candle, drink a glass of red wine, enjoy today :-)
    • 太容易得到的东西,是不会珍惜的!人,奇怪的动物!
    • 这位MM, 为了不爱你的人伤心,不值得不值得呀不值得~~~所以只伤心一下下就好^_^
    • 早知道伤心总是难免的,你又何苦一往情深
      • 是不是在这样的夜晚你才会这样的想起我?
        • 加拿大的红枫叶里有我们血染的风彩
          • 还记得年少时的梦吗,象朵永远不凋零的花!你我经过那风吹雨打,看世事无常,看沧桑变化!
            • 下次一起去卡拉OK?
              • 呵呵,这是哪一首歌里的啊?
                • 没有新移民,就没有ROLIA.
    • 送你一首 Red red wine
      Red Red Wine

      Red red wine goes to my head
      Makes me forget that I still need you so

      Red red wine
      It's up to you
      All I can do I've done
      Memories won't go
      Memories won't go

      I have sworn every time
      Thoughts of you would leave my head
      I was wrong, now I've found
      Just one thing makes me forget

      Red red wine
      Stay close to me
      Don't let me be alone
      It's tearing apart
      My blue blue heart

      I have sworn every time
      Thoughts of you would leave my head
      I was wrong, now I've found
      Just one thing makes me forget...

      Red red wine
      Stay close to me
      Don't let me be alone
      It's tearing apart
      My blue blue heart
      • 这是你们的楼歌吗?
        • :-O 我是很深沉,很认真,很有爱心地, 很关心人家, 献一首与人家名字一样的应景歌词....被你们这样搅水///
          • 时间会疗治人家的感情创伤,可是专家人家的问题,是一定要医生看的,不是光唱楼歌就可以的。
          • 你 的 歌 应 景 么 ? 我 怎 么 觉 得 你 要 ''乘 人 之 危 "
            Don''t get mad---just kidding. I admit I liked him at the first glance, really hard for me to get rid of the feeling...
            • 专家,你看到了把!
              • 乘 人 之 危, hoho, 冷汗都下来了...
                • 你还是老老实实回去做3楼楼长吧。
                  • “大腕”?
                    • 你去关税区看眼吧。
                  • 他是伪劣楼长。
      • 专家这首歌选得真好,相信红酒会喜欢的。