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1. Stop worrying about visa granted or not, just sponsor by yourself, your own money. where you see your family one year from now?

2. prepare for the worst case: your wife and baby back to China after the child is born, maybe you will need a nanny help you in the first one week or two, but you guys should eb okay without mom's help, then you decide whether or not send them back in three month.

3. if you can't meet the visa requirement, would be really tough after child is born, no matter student loan granted or not, worse if your mom is here.

All the best.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 相约北美 / 探亲团聚 / 想申请妈妈来探亲,但我们没收入,银行存款也很少。若请我朋友以访友的形式来邀请妈妈过来,希望大吗?朋友经济条件还不错。或者,我们来申请,请朋友出个资金赞助的证明?——请大家给点意见!谢谢!
    • why not try to ask your friend deposit some money (2k-3k) in your account, get a bank statement, then return back the money to ur friend?
      • 这样行吗?我要申请贷款,银行里钱多了就申请不到多少了。
    • up
    • up
    • 知道的朋友请回答一下可以吗?着急啊!要生宝宝,想请妈妈来啊!!!555~~~~~怎么没人理睬啊!
      • I think it's hard for your mother to get the visa.
        1, Can you submit any documents which can approve that your mother and your friends have close relationship? If you can't provide enough evidence, it will be very hard to let immigrate officer believe that your friends would like to invite your mother.

        2, One form included in the application kits is Family composition Form. This form will be filled in with all family members of your mother. You should be on the list. In this case, the officer will ask why the sponsor is not you? Is there any thing wrong?

        3, You have to show the official that no financial problems will be caused because of your mother's coming. Bank statement should be for the past 4 months (or 6 months, I am not sure);

        4, You don't want to have money in your bank account because you want to apply the student loan. See, there is no free meal in the world. You have to pay what you did.

        5, Never heard about that a friend can be a co-sign sponsor.
        • 谢谢!我有一个和我妈妈有亲戚关系的亲戚在这里,不过估计证明起来有困难。你分析的有道理,我看申请是很困难了。:(
    • 让你父母自己担保自己呢?从国内开个银行证明,证明他们可以自己负担所有费用
      • 事实证明这样做没有用。当初父母来,开了存款证明,还有房屋的证明,都没用:移民倾向被拒。还是这边的job letter最好使。
      • 谢谢两位!!我打算这样试试,我想只申请妈妈一个人过来,移民倾向应该会感觉小一些。
    • 1.2.3
      1. Stop worrying about visa granted or not, just sponsor by yourself, your own money. where you see your family one year from now?

      2. prepare for the worst case: your wife and baby back to China after the child is born, maybe you will need a nanny help you in the first one week or two, but you guys should eb okay without mom's help, then you decide whether or not send them back in three month.

      3. if you can't meet the visa requirement, would be really tough after child is born, no matter student loan granted or not, worse if your mom is here.

      All the best.
      • 我来到这里才一年多,没想到这么着急的就要申请妈妈过来。:( 早知道这样还不如在国内生。实在不行只好做最坏的打算,自己带孩子了。谢谢你的建议!:)
        • 不应该认为"实在不行只好自己带孩子", 孩子是你们自己的, 本来就该自己带, 妈妈没有义务帮你们啊, 照顾不过来出钱请个人月子里照顾一下, 很多人都是这么过来的.
          • 说的有理。问一下,如果请人在月子里帮忙照顾一般一月得多少钱呀?
          • 您教训的是,我其实也觉得孩子当然应该自己带,只是心里很没底,身边没个人指点,有时想想会觉得很无助。
    • 探亲VISA 和收入没有太多关系。学生还何以申请呢。don't worry
      • 谢谢你的安慰!但愿我能申请成功!:)
      • 有关系!有个公式:if 总收入/(这边的人数+来访的人数)》=15000then approved else declined
      • 因为学生签证无法长期居住,所以到点都得回国。移民签证是永久居住的,所以必须要有收入,且至少连续工作六个月以上。不要似是而非,被表面现象所蒙蔽
    • 不好意思,借你贵贴。请问:我来多伦多半年多了,没找工作,想申请父母过来旅游, 如果只用我的存款担保的话,大概需要多少?这样办的希望大吗?还是让他们自己担保自己的希望大?谢谢大家!
      • 移民父母没有孩子的雇主信、有收入的报税纪录100%要被拒签,加国和中国的存款只是辅助材料
        • 谢谢zhylj。我只想让父母过来旅游探亲,并不办移民,这样也一定需要雇主信及有收入的报税纪录吗? 非常感谢!
          • 我来回答你吧. 不只是移民, 探亲也同样需要有雇主信及有收入的报税纪录,否则拒签的可能性很大. "爱谁谁"同学说的,也适用于探亲的情况.
          • 最近北京的申请材料要求有变,请上网查阅。父母方要求提供准假信和存款证明,邀请人要求提供雇主信和税表。-->
          • 多谢各位。我也查看了官方网页,上面只说“。。如果可能,提供雇主出具的说明你受雇时间和工资情况的受雇信;如果可能,提供自雇收入情况的证明。。”不过,如果我两个条件都是“不可能”的话,那被拒签的可能性应该很大。
            • 我们夫妻俩个加上刚生的孩子在这边,想让母亲来帮忙照顾,只有我在工作,但是收入不多,我想问一下,我的收入需要达到多少才能让母亲过来? 如果母亲自己担保的话,用房产证到银行抵押出个证明可不可以?
    • 我曾经接钱给朋友办银行证明, 用于申请.
    • 我和你的情况同样, 母亲在被拒签2次后, 第3次要求体检, 通过后,得到签证.
      1. 母亲自己提供经济担保,开银行证明, 有2万加币就可以;
      2. 提供父母婚姻证明,使签证官确信母亲一定回中国;
      3. 邀请母亲的理由为'团聚,思念', 不要以'生育'为理由;
      4. 陈诉自己不能回中国探亲的理由,例如: 工作,学习很忙.
    • 衷心感谢各位的建议!!!我会试试看,希望能成功!:)