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To Jacky2000 ...

请问我父母现在加探亲,我应该选择哪一种Application Kit?
>> See <http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/applications/family.html>, download these guide and forms.
Read the guide carefully, and complete all required forms following the instructions. Do NOT forget filling out the item C-8 in Form IMM 1334 A (Visa Office (optional) ) with Buffalo, NY USA. Then get the completed sponsorship application mailed to Mississauga for approval. Waiting ... ... Once gets approved, they will reply you with a set of immigration forms enclosed for your parents to fill out. Then have the completed immigration application to Buffalo, NY USA. Waiting again ... ... ..

>>Most likely your parents will get visa extended for purpose of waiting for final decision. I would say they should stay in Canada in case an interview is required.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 相约北美 / 探亲团聚 / 请教各位:我父母刚来加拿大,持半年探亲护照,我想现在给他们开始办移民,是否可行? 如果可以的话,我应该往哪儿递表?如果办不成,是否会对他们的下次探亲申请有影响?多谢!
    • 我也有同样的问题,真急 境内到底能递申请吗?
      • 请各位好心的DX帮忙给看一下!感谢!
      • Up!
        • what 's mean? Thanks
    • 现在必须在加国住满一年以上才可境内申请,但探亲一般只允许呆一年,最多一年半,所以……具体查以前的讨论
      • 我搜过了,没找到相关的信息,请问应该以什么关键字来搜?在什么类别里搜? 多谢!
    • 境内能递申请, 我给父母办移民的进程:
      父母2002年10月初来加探亲,我们2002年11月填SPONSORSHIP申请表时看到可以选在哪个领事馆,于是就选了BUFFALO, NY, USA。SPONSORSHIP申请表于11月上旬寄往 Mississauga,2003年1月中旬收到批复,同意父母在BUFFALO申请。1月底将申请材料寄往BUFFALO。3月初收到回复,免面试。明天父母去体检。再往下,我也不知道要等多久可以拿到移民签证... ... ...
      • 你能告诉我在哪个网站能找到给父母办移民的信息、要求以及申请表格?父母在这儿递了申请,如果到了探亲签证期满还没有批准移民,回国等可以吗?
        另外,一个永久居民可以担保几个人移民过来(我指的是父母、亲戚等)?还有一个担心,如果在申请期间,Sponsor被lay off 了,会怎么样?多谢!
      • 请问父母在等待移民批准期间,是否一定要呆在加拿大境内?如果在等待期间回国,然后想再过来探亲,探亲签证是否就不易批准?
      • 请问我父母现在加探亲,我应该选择哪一种Application Kit?
        "Applications for Sponsorship and Immigration to Canada from Abroad" or "Applications for Sponsorship and Immigration from within Canada"?
      • To Jacky2000 ...
        请问我父母现在加探亲,我应该选择哪一种Application Kit?
        >> See <http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/applications/family.html>, download these guide and forms.
        Read the guide carefully, and complete all required forms following the instructions. Do NOT forget filling out the item C-8 in Form IMM 1334 A (Visa Office (optional) ) with Buffalo, NY USA. Then get the completed sponsorship application mailed to Mississauga for approval. Waiting ... ... Once gets approved, they will reply you with a set of immigration forms enclosed for your parents to fill out. Then have the completed immigration application to Buffalo, NY USA. Waiting again ... ... ..

        >>Most likely your parents will get visa extended for purpose of waiting for final decision. I would say they should stay in Canada in case an interview is required.
        • Gel, can you pls provide some information re medical exam?
    • 请问,今年申请探亲还要工资单吗?