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你觉得伊斯兰教是多元文化?你有没有想过为什么中东那么乱?看看UK 穆斯林再干什么?你希望你的后代生活在这样的社会么?你一直拿 81:0 来说事,你有政治目的么?

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  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / 昨天抗议M103集会的“游记”. 多伦多抗议M103动议集会-任何禁止批评的东西必然是邪恶的 +41

    不久前,加拿大一位女穆斯林议员提出一项编号M103的动议,试图将批评伊斯兰定性为犯罪。很多人认为这是侵犯言论自由,一个名为canadian coalition of concerned citizens的组织,3月4日周6在加拿大66个城市中午12点同步举行抗议集会。也有很多人,也许更多的人,认为这是在保护穆斯林,他们也同步同时同地举行反抗议集会。



    我里三圈外三圈转了好几圈,发现现场的牌子全是支持M103,即禁止批评伊斯兰的。一半的牌子是向穆斯林示爱的,比如:refuge welcome,Muslim refuge welcome,fight islamphobia、要爱不要恨、穆斯林是我们的兄弟、伊斯兰是和平宗教等等.。另外一半牌子是帮穆斯林泄愤的,反对M103的是fascist法西斯、racist种族分子等等,顺带骂美国总统Trump。下面是部分牌子。





    我走到抗议M103的集会,警察已经迅速用自行车筑起了一道保护墙,把抗议者围在里面。大概看到我这中国人面孔,知道我不管支持哪一方,都不会吵闹打骂,让我顺利“入围“,还进进出出几次。但如果有白人和黑人要进,一概禁止,气得一个白人跟警察大吵了起来。下面是我在“inner circle”中拍的。里面只有大概30人,还没有另一方的十分之一,难怪无法占据广场舞台的“有利地形”,只能“龟缩”在一角。 








    我已经惊讶三度了,让我惊讶十度(不是四度)的,是这个支持言论自由的疑似华人老奶奶,正在和几个白人帅哥美女辩论,她的牌子也是我最喜欢的之一:free to criticize。我真希望她是华人,告诉世界华人也有胆维护自己自由说话自由批评的权利,而不只是旁观别人冲锋陷阵挨打挨骂,然后自己跟在后面坐享其成洋洋得意占了便宜。我也很高兴,只有30个维护言论自由的人里,还有一个东方面孔,但在支持M103的几百人里,没有一个公开举牌的亚裔!















    • 原创,无论观点如何,加精。 +4
    • 求加精 +12
    • LZ 好人&& 写的好帖子! +7
    • 赞,一个真正的 "The man in the arena" +8
      “It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”

      Theodore Roosevelt
      • Very accurate comment! +1
    • 赞!大顶! +3
    • 感谢楼主,辛苦了! 任何禁止批评的东西,必然是邪恶的。。。这个说的太好了! +10
    • 赞你 +2
    • 赞实际行动。支持M103是不是都是左左学生?应该问问他们有没有钱拿? +4
      • 连土豆都可以收买,撒点小钱毛毛雨啦 +7
    • 大赞!!!印度裔朋友成为这场博弈的强大力量绝非偶然,本身是少数民族有色人种,没有包袱,人口数量教育程度比我们只强不差,又比华人更热心政治更熟悉游戏玩法。 +9
      • If you look into the history of India, you will see why. +3
        • 参考这个视频 -- 伊斯兰历史:我们因何而恐惧,一个一千四百年的秘密 比尔·华纳博士 (15:10~20:10,列举了某教征服者的暴行,包括印度部分) +3
      • 印巴是世仇,而巴基斯坦是穆斯林国家。 +3
    • 主流媒体这种导向性报道,在互联网时代失去公信力有什么可抱怨的? +9
      • 要不然川普大骂媒体造假
    • 楼主,建议翻译成英文,注意措词。 +3
      • 这个主意不错,不过我英文不是特别强。要不你和其他网友一人来几段,divide and conquer,呵呵。 +1
        • 我觉得这不比直接参与差。 +1
        • 我试了一下,请指正。 +9

          No long ago a private motion M-103 was proposed by a Muslim MP, attempting to stop, probably eventually criminalize criticism to Islam. Many people believe that this is a threat to freedom of speech. An organization called Canadian Coalition of Concerned Citizens organizes rallies in 66 Canadian cities at noon of Saturday March 4. Also there are lots of people, maybe more people, believe that M-103 is to protect Muslim. They would hold counter-rallies at the same time in the same place.

          It was a Saturday. I had nothing more important than freedom of speech. Therefore I decided to go to see who are supporting and who are against M-103.

          In Toronto, both the rally and counter-rally would be held at the City Hall Square. Where I arrived at 11:30, there were already many people, probably several hundred people, gathering around the stage on the square. There were speeches, applauding and drumming. It sounded very energetic. I walked around and found that all placards were supporting M-103. About half of them were to show affection to Muslim, such as refuge welcome, Muslim refuge welcome, fight Islamophobia, Love, No Hatred, Muslims are our brother, Islam is a peaceful religion, etc. Another half of placards were about fighting for Muslims. Below are pictures of some placards.

          Before I arrived, I was expecting to see lots of Muslims, black people and other minority race groups as M-103 supporters. To the contrast, most of the M-103 supporters at the square are white people, young white guys and girls! Among them there were many young white girls by themselves. I focused too much on the placards and somehow forgot to take pictures of the people. What I could found in my photos were only this one:

          I continued to walk around in the crowd. Interestingly I found a young guy showing his support to Donald Trump:

          It was almost 12pm, the scheduled time of the Anti-M-103 rally. But besides this young Trump supporter, I hadn't found any other people against M-103.

          Were they terrified already? Did they change the location? I checked their website from my phone, trying to figure out. Then I heard the sound of loud speakers from a corner of the square. Almost immediately, the crowd surrounding the stage turned and rushed towards that corner, shouting "Fascist".

          The anti-M-103 rally started right on time. The M-103 supporters also started to assault on time. Before I reached that corner, I already saw M-103 supporters beating M-103 protesters. The police arrested two young white guys right away. Later there were a few more assaults, all by those M-103 supporters.

          Also on the square, there were a number of people wearing black and having their face covered. They appeared to be ready to assault other people. Several policemen had been monitoring them alertly.

          (In the evening I watched TV news from two separate channels. Both mentioned the assaults, but neither channel mentioned that which side assaulted which side.)

          When I got close to the anti-M-103 rally, the police had already set up a barrier with police bikes, the M-103 protesters were surrounded. Seeing my Chinese face, the police let me go through the barrier without any question. Probably they knew that I would not make any trouble no matter which side I was with, they even let me getting in and out many times. But other people, white and black, were not allowed to get in. A white guy was obviously angry about that and argued with the police.

          Below are photos I took inside the "Inner Circle". There were only about 30 people.

          The M-103 protesters started their rally with the Canadian anthem. They also displayed Canadian flags. I noticed that although the other side, the M-103 supporters, were of hundreds of people, none of them displayed the Canadian flag.

          Following the anthem were the speeches. To my surprise, all speakers, all anti-M-103 speakers, were Muslim. There were no white people giving a speech!

          In this photo, the lady in front of the red hat was a Muslim. She was speaking about the truth of Islam.

          In the photo below, this face-covered Muslim lady was giving a speech. Don't assume that she was recommending Islam for being peaceful or tolerating or loving. She was accusing! She was accusing that she was forced to marry at a very young age, by Islamic law, to marry a man she never knew or met before; She was accusing that she had been beaten simply because she once refused to wear the robe and cover her face. To show her sarcasm she put on the full-cover dress today. Ironically, on the side of M-103 supporters, none of them wore a Muslim full-cover dress like her.

          One of my favourite slogan: Truth: the new hate speech.

          To my surprise again, among those who support freedom of speech and against M-103, there were East Indians. There were a few in the rally. Below is one of them.

          This photo was taken when I was outside the barrier. Another Indian was debating with a white. It's quite shocking to hear a white accusing an Indian being fascist and racist. It also sounded creative!

          Another surprise to me is an old Chinese granny. She surported freedom of speech. In the photo she was debating with a few young white people. What's on her placard was also my favourite: Free to Criticize.

          Outside the barrier, those shouting slogans and debating with M-103 protesters were basically young white people, while those M-103 supporters who were of minority races stayed behind them, drumming to support those young white people.

          However in the TV news, on the side of M-103 supporters, the reporters only interviewed minority races people; while on the side of M-103 protesters, the interviews were only with white people. In the TV news you cannot see those Muslims, Indians, and the Chinese granny who were protesting and calling for freedom of speech, let alone the Muslim lady giving speech accusing Islam. If you only watch TV news, you would see only minority races M-103 supporters protesting against white people. However, the reality was exactly on the contrary!

          Kudos to the police, who effectively protected the right of peaceful assembly of those M-103 protesters. The other side, the M-103 supporters, were of at least 10 times more people. They had nothing to worry about.

          Besides policemen on foot and on bike, there were also two groups of mounted police. It was really effective. The big horses were able to calm down the chaos immediately.

          At the end, the police escorted M-103 protesters leaving the square and made sure they were not traced. After the protesters left, all M-103 protesting placards were destroyed by the young white guys from the other side.

          In this photo, the policemen were protecting the last few protesters.

          Personally I regard this anti-M-103 rally a big success. They didn't use any so-called extreme slogan at all. None of the speakers were white people. Obviously the media have been trying to label this rally as anti-muslim or anti-immigration, they were not able to do so to this rally.

          Being at the scene, I deeply felt those young white people who labelled themselves as "Love, Not Hatred", actually showed tremendous hatred towards "fascists, nazi, racists and far righties". Hoever, even if all M-103 protesters were "fascists, nazi, racists and far righties", Have they thought about the follow questions:

          Was the September 11 attack in New York, which killed 2996 and injured another 6000+ innocent people, done by someone who believed in Fascism?

          Were the November 2015 Paris attacks, which killed 130 and injured 368 people, done by racists?

          Were the mass sexual assaults in four German cities in the 2016 new year's eve, with nearly 2000 female victims, done by people believed in Nazism?


          It's so unbelievable that so many people are supporting M-103, which would lead to prohibition of criticism to Islam. It's not only an IQ issue or a mental issue. It's also an educational issue. Because,

          Anything not criticizable must be evil.

          You may find the Facebook page of CanadianCCC for more articles, photos and videos of protests across Canada.


          • 天哪牛人,这么快就翻完了。我中文都写了一上午呢! +2
          • 好啊,你们都是好样的!这个可以转到英文坛了
          • 我也尽点力,加个标题,hehe ,看看怎么样? A Chinese’s observaton in the couter rally and rally against M103 in Toronto
            • 觉得是否华人不需要强调,个人建议啊
              • 改为guy,呵呵
          • 睡觉前加一段到最后的部分
            It looks to me those who support M103, don’t worry about a dog that is biting them, but are very worried about another dog that is not biting them at this moment, may bite them in the future. It seems to me they are so weizard, either have a IQ issue, or a mental issue.
            • Personally I'd suggest not to add this. It's not very wise to assimilate your opponents to dogs. +1
              • 言之有理。你全权定吧,包括标题。这种事情有实效性,尽快定稿尽快传播是王道。定稿后贴个完整的可能其他网友也有想帮转发的。辛苦你了!多谢!
                • How about this? "An observation of the counter-rally and rally against M-103 in Toronto"
                  • 更简洁,就这样吧。正文你定就行。
                • You may copy/paste the text as HTML when you post to other websites:
                  本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛<p>
                  No long ago a private motion M-103 was proposed by a Muslim MP, attempting to stop, probably eventually criminalize criticism to Islam. Many people believe that this is a threat to freedom of speech. An organization called Canadian Coalition of Concerned Citizens organizes rallies in 66 Canadian cities at noon of Saturday March 4. Also there are lots of people, maybe more people, believe that M-103 is to protect Muslim. They would hold counter-rallies at the same time in the same place.
                  It was a Saturday. I had nothing more important than freedom of speech. Therefore I decided to go to see who are supporting and who are against M-103.</p>
                  In Toronto, both the rally and counter-rally would be held at the City Hall Square.
                  Where I arrived at 11:30, there were already many people, probably several hundred people, gathering around the stage on the square. There were speeches, applauding and drumming. It sounded very energetic.

                  I walked around and found that all placards were supporting M-103. About half of them were to show affection to Muslim, such as
                  refuge welcome, Muslim refuge welcome, fight Islamophobia,
                  Love, No Hatred, Muslims are our brother, Islam is a peaceful religion, etc.

                  Another half of placards were about fighting for Muslims. Below are pictures of some placards.</p>
                  <p><img src="https://halfpercent.files.wordpress.com/2017/03/dsc_0026_2-640x360.jpg?w=640&amp;h=360"><img src="https://halfpercent.files.wordpress.com/2017/03/dsc_0027_3-640x360.jpg?w=640&amp;h=360"><img src="https://halfpercent.files.wordpress.com/2017/03/dsc_0031_3-640x360.jpg?w=640&amp;h=360"></p>
                  Before I arrived, I was expecting to see lots of Muslims, black people and other minority race groups as M-103 supporters. To the contrast, most of the M-103 supporters at the square are white people, young white guys and girls! Among them there were many young white girls by themselves. I focused too much on the placards and somehow forgot to take pictures of the people. What I could found in my photos were only this one:</p>
                  <p><img src="https://halfpercent.files.wordpress.com/2017/03/dsc_0030_1-640x360.jpg?w=640&amp;h=360"></p>
                  I continued to walk around in the crowd. Interestingly I found a young guy showing his support to Donald Trump:</p>
                  <p><img src="https://halfpercent.files.wordpress.com/2017/03/dsc_0032_2-640x360.jpg?w=640&amp;h=360"></p>
                  It was almost 12pm, the scheduled time of the Anti-M-103 rally. But besides this young Trump supporter, I hadn't found any other people against M-103.

                  Were they terrified already? Did they change the location? I checked their website from my phone, trying to figure out. Then I heard the sound of loud speakers from a corner of the square. Almost immediately, the crowd surrounding the stage turned and rushed towards that corner, shouting "Fascist".

                  The anti-M-103 rally started right on time. The M-103 supporters also started to assault on time. Before I reached that corner, I already saw M-103 supporters beating M-103 protesters. The police arrested two young white guys right away. Later there were a few more assaults, all by those M-103 supporters.

                  Also on the square, there were a number of people wearing black and having their face covered. They appeared to be ready to assault other people. Several policemen had been monitoring them alertly.

                  (In the evening I watched TV news from two separate channels. Both mentioned the assaults, but neither channel mentioned that which side assaulted which side.)

                  When I got close to the anti-M-103 rally, the police had already set up a barrier with police bikes, the M-103 protesters were surrounded. Seeing my Chinese face, the police let me go through the barrier without any question. Probably they knew that I would not make any trouble no matter which side I was with, they even let me getting in and out many times. But other people, white and black, were not allowed to get in. A white guy was obviously angry about that and argued with the police.

                  Below are photos I took inside the "Inner Circle". There were only about 30 people.

                  <p><img src="https://halfpercent.files.wordpress.com/2017/03/dsc_0049_2-640x360.jpg?w=640&amp;h=360"><img src="https://halfpercent.files.wordpress.com/2017/03/dsc_0050_2-640x360.jpg?w=640&amp;h=360"></p>
                  The M-103 protesters started their rally with the Canadian anthem. They also displayed Canadian flags. I noticed that although the other side, the M-103 supporters, were of hundreds of people, none of them displayed the Canadian flag.

                  <p><img src="https://halfpercent.files.wordpress.com/2017/03/dsc_0045_2-640x360.jpg?w=640&amp;h=360"><img src="https://halfpercent.files.wordpress.com/2017/03/dsc_0046_1-640x360.jpg?w=640&amp;h=360"></p>

                  Following the anthem were the speeches. To my surprise, all speakers, all anti-M-103 speakers, were Muslim. There were no white people giving a speech!

                  In this photo, the lady in front of the red hat was a Muslim. She was speaking about the truth of Islam.

                  <p><img src="https://halfpercent.files.wordpress.com/2017/03/dsc_0037_2-640x360.jpg?w=640&amp;h=360"><img src="https://halfpercent.files.wordpress.com/2017/03/dsc_0039_2-640x360.jpg?w=640&amp;h=360"></p>

                  In the photo below, this face-covered Muslim lady was giving a speech. Don't assume that she was recommending Islam for being peaceful or tolerating or loving. She was accusing! She was accusing that she was forced to marry at a very young age, by Islamic law, to marry a man she never knew or met before; She was accusing that she had been beaten simply because she once refused to wear the robe and cover her face. To show her sarcasm she put on the full-cover dress today. Ironically, on the side of M-103 supporters, none of them wore a Muslim full-cover dress like her.

                  <p><img src="https://halfpercent.files.wordpress.com/2017/03/dsc_0052_2-640x360.jpg?w=640&amp;h=360"></p>
                  One of my favourite slogan: Truth: the new hate speech.

                  <p><img src="https://halfpercent.files.wordpress.com/2017/03/dsc_0041-640x360.jpg?w=640&amp;h=360"></p>
                  To my surprise again, among those who support freedom of speech and against M-103, there were East Indians. There were a few in the rally. Below is one of them.

                  <p><img src="https://halfpercent.files.wordpress.com/2017/03/dsc_0057-640x360.jpg?w=640&amp;h=360"></p>
                  This photo was taken when I was outside the barrier. Another Indian was debating with a white. It's quite shocking to hear a white accusing an Indian being fascist and racist. It also sounded creative!

                  <p><img src="https://halfpercent.files.wordpress.com/2017/03/dsc_0063_1-640x360.jpg?w=640&amp;h=360"></p>
                  Another surprise to me is an old Chinese granny. She surported freedom of speech. In the photo she was debating with a few young white people. What's on her placard was also my favourite: Free to Criticize.

                  <p><img src="https://halfpercent.files.wordpress.com/2017/03/dsc_0070-640x360.jpg?w=640&amp;h=360"></p>

                  Outside the barrier, those shouting slogans and debating with M-103 protesters were basically young white people, while those M-103 supporters who were of minority races stayed behind them, drumming to support those young white people.

                  However in the TV news, on the side of M-103 supporters, the reporters only interviewed minority races people; while on the side of M-103 protesters, the interviews were only with white people. In the TV news you cannot see those Muslims, Indians, and the Chinese granny who were protesting and calling for freedom of speech, let alone the Muslim lady giving speech accusing Islam. If you only watch TV news, you would see only minority races M-103 supporters protesting against white people. However, the reality was exactly on the contrary!

                  Kudos to the police, who effectively protected the right of peaceful assembly of those M-103 protesters. The other side, the M-103 supporters, were of at least 10 times more people. They had nothing to worry about.

                  Besides policemen on foot and on bike, there were also two groups of mounted police. It was really effective. The big horses were able to calm down the chaos immediately.

                  <p><img src="https://halfpercent.files.wordpress.com/2017/03/dsc_0067_1-640x360.jpg?w=640&amp;h=360"><img src="https://halfpercent.files.wordpress.com/2017/03/dsc_0068_1-640x360.jpg?w=640&amp;h=360"><img src="https://halfpercent.files.wordpress.com/2017/03/dsc_0074_1-640x360.jpg?w=640&amp;h=360"></p>

                  At the end, the police escorted M-103 protesters leaving the square and made sure they were not traced. After the protesters left, all M-103 protesting placards were destroyed by the young white guys from the other side.
                  In this photo, the policemen were protecting the last few protesters.

                  <p><img src="https://halfpercent.files.wordpress.com/2017/03/dsc_00078-640x360.jpg?w=640&amp;h=360"></p>
                  Personally I regard this anti-M-103 rally a big success. They didn't use any so-called extreme slogan at all. None of the speakers were white people. Obviously the media have been trying to label this rally as anti-muslim or anti-immigration, they were not able to do so to this rally.
                  Being at the scene, I deeply felt those young white people who labelled themselves as "Love, Not Hatred", actually showed tremendous hatred towards "fascists, nazi, racists and far righties". Hoever, even if all M-103 protesters were "fascists, nazi, racists and far righties", Have they thought about the follow questions:

                  Was the September 11 attack in New York, which killed 2996 and injured another 6000+ innocent people, done by someone who believed in Fascism?

                  Were the November 2015 Paris attacks, which killed 130 and injured 368 people, done by racists?

                  Were the mass sexual assaults in four German cities in the 2016 new year's eve, with nearly 2000 female victims, done by people believed in Nazism?


                  It's so unbelievable that so many people are supporting M-103, which would lead to prohibition of criticism to Islam. It's not only an IQ issue or a mental issue. It's also an educational issue. Because,

                  Anything not criticizable must be evil.

                  You may find the Facebook page of CanadianCCC for more articles, photos and videos of protests across Canada.

                  <p><a href="https://www.facebook.com/CanadianCCC">https://www.facebook.com/CanadianCCC</a></p>更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
                  • 我怎么就不知道呢?我还写了不少前台code呢,呵呵。
    • Canada: School Board Shuts Down Question on Arabic Hate Speech -- Journalist Kevin Johnston was not allowed to ask if Arabic sermons in Canadian schools would be monitored for hate speech. +1
      • 又是满堂印度哥哥,赫赫 +2
      • 我有点不明白,Mississauga 也有很多华人,怎么没有看到呢?
    • 多谢上面网友美言! +1
    • 赞真相,赞身体力行。 +5
    • 如果喜欢,欢迎转帖到其他网站,我不care版权,呵呵。 +5
      • 我要转帖,会注明原作者。:)
        • 多谢!也一并致谢下面几位。
    • +1
    • 我们确实应该和三哥联合起来。三观基本一致的两个最大的移民阵营,力量不可忽视。 +8
    • 楼主辛苦了,赞。 +2
    • 为你点赞! +2
    • 安省81:0通过类似法案,一小撮抗议反对的别丢人显眼了 +2
      • 什么叫丢人现眼?哪怕就是一小撮人也有表达自己意见的权利。 +18
        • 我什么时候说没有丢人显眼的权力?
          • 人数寡就叫丢人现眼?你是不知道当年反对新性教大纲时,穆斯林社区罢课率超过90%,学校几乎都空了。你现在冲他们去说个“丢人现眼”去。他们好多还不上性教育课呢。 +5
            • 81:0是所有安省加拿大人的民意代表,别偷换概念了,反对性大纲的人是一小撮?而且性质不同,这次反对是挑战加拿大宪法设定的基本准则,所以觉得大陆华人真的很丢脸,period
              • 扣除一个空位,安省还有106名在职省议员。也就是说,有25名议员不支持M103
                • 不投票就代表不支持?不能是中立,不能是病假事假无法投票?华人反对这个提案和在有些华人出国后小孩大庭广众大小便一样,缺乏文明素质
                  • 什么叫中立?没有投赞成票,你可以认为是不反对,也是不支持,除非你有其他强有力的证据。
                    • 难道你有证据?
                      • 投票记录就是议员的立场 +3
                        • 81:0,0票反对
              • 你的脸丢了,真为你难过,你可怎么办呢?我是一个华人,但我一点都不觉得丢脸,一点都不自卑,我的同事好些是穆斯林,并且好些都包着头巾,我一点都没觉得愧对于她们。我一个包头巾的客户对我说 : You are so Nice, so friendly. 并表示下一次再来还要找我。 +4
                • 你肯定没敢告诉她们你多么厌恶穆斯林厌恶包头巾,你这样说只能证明你虚伪 +1
                  • 实话告诉你,我有一次问一个刚毕业的穆斯林小姑娘,上学时有没有被人欺负过。我是想知道她作为女生,有没有被欺负过,结果她的回答是“我从高中时就开始戴头巾了”,我说,好事啊,女孩子戴上头巾,就没人敢欺负了。
                    • 你有没有告诉她你很讨厌穆斯林?
                      • 我啥时候说我讨厌穆斯林了?我还一直指望着我的穆斯林同事代表大家去和老板们争权益呢。他们说的话有些我是不敢说得,我语言也没人家好。
              • 越是自卑的人,越是动不动就觉得自己被丟了脸。觉得华人永远都做聋子,做瞎子,做哑巴,并且永远不要让人看到华人的脸,就是最自豪的了。 +3
                • 随地大小便的人也很自信,你可以继续自信,我觉得丢脸
                  • 那你得多准备几张脸。觉得你太容易被丢脸了。 +3
                    • 不需要,但做人不能太无耻
                      • 也就你整天觉得自己可耻。 +4
                        • 我觉得反穆的可耻,我觉得丢脸,不要胡扯,谢谢
                          • 你搞错没,那些去游行的哪个举牌子说反对穆斯林了。人家是说要言论自由,这不是加拿大价值观?就你没完没了把“反穆”的罪名往人脑袋上扣。 +4
                            • 都不是傻子,谁骗谁啊?
                              • 你的意思是,包括那些批准游行活动的有关政府部门也是傻子?如果活动不符合加拿大价值观,能被批准通过吗?既然能通过,就说明它受法律认可。
                  • 至于随地大小便,我的孩子们在这里没有这样做过,因为这不符合这里的文化。但遭罪的其实恰恰是那些个娇嫩的小屁股,被尿布捂的烂兮兮,流血流脓。还有被废弃尿布污染的环境,得亏加拿大人少,要是象中国那人口,光尿布都不知堆出多少垃圾山。还整天环保环保呢。
      • 你应该去质问政府有关部门为什么批准同意举行这种你认为"丢人现眼"的活动,当官儿的都不嫌丢人,你操个什么闲心。 +16
        • 你肯定不知道这些官都是选出来的,掩耳盗铃?如果说所有安省民选代表都是邪恶,那么谁才是真正邪恶?道理不明自言,如果你还认为自己是讲道理的话
          • 我看不懂你在说啥,读你的句子真累,对于我这种没有政治头脑的人。我就是觉得你说反对的人就是"丢人现眼",感到你非常不包容持不同意见者。你不能因为人家是一小搓人,势单力薄,就往人身上泼脏水,骂人难听的话,对吧。 +5
            • 你不觉得丢人就好了,作为华人移民和绝大多数加拿大人的价值观相悖,还赖在这,我觉得很丢人,不以为耻,还满大街叫喊,咳
              • 什么是绝大多数加拿大人的价值观?
                • 人权宪法,平等自由,免受歧视
                  • 那禁止别人出声是不是剥夺了别人的人权? +1
                    • 不是,言论自由是基于平等的基础上,否则我是不是有侮辱你的权力?损害你名声的权力?
                      • 你从哪里看出不平等了?我们有时也是被歧视的对象,我们要求过对我们族裔的特别保护吗? +4
                        • 你不要求保护难道别人就不能要求,看看这里满频的反穆言论,这法案很有必要,你见过哪个网站满频的访华?
                          • 我建议你好好了解一下前因后果,再看看欧洲,然后再思考一下何去何从。来这的华人移民都是自豪于加拿大的价值观的。 +3
                            • 我真没看出来,你为81:0的投票骄傲吗?我看到的都是没有根据的反穆,和刻薄对待无家可归的妇女儿童难民
                              • [请善待你身边不认同古兰经中暴力血腥内容的穆斯林,因为他们是伊斯兰教改革的力量。 对那些把古兰经奉为圣典的穆斯林,至少不需要尊重他,因为他必将不尊重你] 看到网上这段话,跟您分享,随便提醒你,穆斯林里有10%是极端穆斯林 +1
              • 你忘了我们的总理说过一句话:a Canadian is a Canadian is a Canadian. 就算杀人越货的都不能被驱逐出境,你凭什么赶别人走?就因为和你的观点不同?
                • canadian先要学会尊重加拿大价值观,
                  • 总理的话都不能代表加拿大价值观?
                    • 一知半解,先学会做个CANADIAN,文化上的
                      • 你竟然这么看不上总理的这一句话,
      • 你这么喜欢穆斯林,搬到中东去住啊,借你100个胆你都不敢去。我们反对M103 并不是反对穆斯林,是觉得挑战了言论自由。你要是觉得做华人自卑,我建议你改信伊斯兰教,然后你老婆女儿也蒙面。我觉得这个主意不错。你可以慎重考虑。这样你就觉的不自卑了。yeah! +6
        • 你不喜欢多元文化,可以搬出加拿大,赖在这干嘛?安省议员81:0支持M103,你还赖在?难道你想把大部分加拿大人都赶出去?你的狂妄不是一点点啊
          • 您错了。伊斯兰教的教义是反对多元文化的。 +4
            • 81个议员都错了?哪个宗教支持多元化?你可以不认同伊斯兰教,认为它是错的,但你不能歧视批评穆斯林,这就是M103的目的,生活在加拿大的穆斯林和我们一样都是守法公民,凭什么就因为他们的宗教选择被歧视被侮辱?
              • I don't know the exact content of the one that you mentioned, so I'm not able to say whether they are right or wrong. But I did read something from Quran and made my point.
                • 我也不认同伊斯兰教义,但我不会去侮辱一个信的人,人有信仰自由,相信伊斯兰教的人有免受侮辱和恐惧的权利
            • 如果有个穆斯林要求我一定要信伊斯兰教,我也同样会劝他离开加拿大,目前没有穆斯林干涉我是否信,但我却看到大陆华人各种侮辱穆斯林
          • 你觉得伊斯兰教是多元文化?你有没有想过为什么中东那么乱?看看UK 穆斯林再干什么?你希望你的后代生活在这样的社会么?你一直拿 81:0 来说事,你有政治目的么? +1
            • 81:0代表了安省绝大多数的民意,中东为什么乱是有其政治经济原因,把问题推给伊斯兰教或者穆斯林甚至是在加拿大生活的穆斯林违背了加拿大的价值观
    • 谢谢你!你这是原汁原味不加料的真实货,媒体那儿出来的都是经过加工的再造品。 +9
    • 我对您佩服的如涛涛江水连绵不断 +4
    • 反对者会不会遭到打击报复?媒体已经把反M103定性为极右,而自由党可是要持续执政数届的。
      • 搞到被砍头那天,自由党都自身难保。 +2
        • 部长已经下令禁止向持不同意见者提供邮政服务。 +1
          • 消息来源?
            • Men banned from using Canada Post over controversial publication challenge minister's order +1
              • 离割喉还远着呢
    • 好贴收藏了,照片太震撼了,我们肉联才是真媒体呀!谢楼主 +6
    • 我现在突然明白职场上为什么印度兄弟强了。因为他们知道如何正确表达自己的观点。华人缺少这种文化和精神。 +4
    • 我认识的伊朗人他自己不说,看起来跟白人一样。楼主是不是把伊朗伊拉克的木木认成白人了。。 +2
      • 您也去现场了,是哪伙的?
    • 楼主个人倾向性太多,可能自己都搞不清楚赞扬什么反对什么,为什么。。。 +1
      • 这才是公正的信息输出啊。把事实尽可能地呈现给民众,让大家自己去思考,判断,去选择。如果有了倾向性,不就成了什么什么的喉舌了吗?你是想知道真相呢,还是想吃嚼过的馒头呢( 抱歉这个比喻,不过想不出别的了,能更贴切表达意思)? +5
        • 几张有选择的照片就是真相,别开玩笑了
          • 那你给出点一手资料让我们看看。
            • GOOGLE一下大把,难道81:0还不够?
              • 我问你的是那天游行的一手资料,没问你什么议会投票(这东西还用问你?)。楼主在这里提供的是那天游行的信息,你说楼主的照片是开玩笑,是不是你有什么现场真相一直尚未透露? +5
                • 这个freeway要么是穆斯林要么脑子太七八,能天天振振有词的胡扯,别给他较真。我一般无聊时逗他一下,从不跟他认真讨论什么。 +10
                  • 我很难理解的是他/她动不动就说华人无耻,丢人,其实对他/她的政治观点我没太多所谓,人各有志嘛。可是身为华人,这样得反复攻击本族裔,真是不知道为什么。 +5
                    • 见怪不怪,有些会中文的不认同“本族裔”。某些台湾人、新加坡人、早期英联邦香港移民,尤其是口袋里没有几个钱的,更把大陆移民恨得咬牙切齿,宁可捧MSL也看不得大陆人直起腰板。也划线为界就是了。 +3
                    • 我认为他/她是自由党的高级黑。。。。。哈哈。。。 +6
                    • 别动不动代表华人,一小撮而已,不就是肉联有几个抱团就以为代表了华人?既然来到加拿大,就提高自己素质,少动不动就代表这代表那,你配吗?你要配就去选议员,看看真正代表是什么?81:0,作为0的代表,我觉得这些人可以离开加拿大
                      • 有没有新东西?老是81:0 就没啥意思了。 +3
                        • 大多数的安省民意,
                      • 我哪有你配当议员呀,
                        就我这没点政治头脑的人。我也就知道个 a Canadian is a Canadian is a Canadian。我怎么总觉得,你动不动就赶这个走,赶那个走的论调,好像是在挑战和践踏基本人权呀。还有你非常歧视缺乏政治头脑的普通老百姓。
                      • A Canadian is a Canadian is a Canadian. Citizenship is a Right, not a privilege, even for convicted terrorists. --- Justin trudeau. 你让这个离开加拿大,让那个离开加拿大,没问过总理同意不?
                      • 一小撮就是丢人显眼,0就是都可以离开加拿大。别的俺不可以判断,俺可以判断 你 离 作 一个 自由公正礼貌的 加拿大人 还差很远 +1
    • 好奇问一下,有没有网友把verano的英文贴到鬼佬网站的? +2