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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

UW School of Architecture, the biggest by far in North America UW Pschology, ranked #2 in the World, after Oregon Univ. UW School of Optometry, the only English speaking Optometry program in Canada, keep going...

UW School of Architecture, the biggest by far in North America
UW Pschology, ranked #2 in the World, after Oregon Univ.
UW School of Optometry, the only English speaking Optometry program in Canada, keep going...

I think the school has very little to do with personal success, everything I have today, everything I achieved, I did it on my own. UW didn't help

Look at UW beyond CS, a good school comes from a well-rounded combination of faculty and program, Cs is merely a small part of the school

did you know Edward Mosley of the UW Pure Mathmatics won the Fields Metal? do you even know what the Fields Metal is?

did you know Lynn Taylor of UW History is the biographer of Anne Frank? do you even know who Anne Frank is?

lOOK beyond

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 求学深造 / 请教: 被U OF WATERLOO 的MATHEMATICS/BUSINESS(数学系)专业录取(本来申请的是ACCOUNTING,但竞争太激烈,败下阵来),不知道是否应该去读该专业,请各位网友帮忙分析一下该专业的就业前景;如果转到ACTUARIAL SCIENCE呢(都在数学系)?
    另建议,如果想去U OF W 读ACCOUNTING的第二学位,最好在申请之前问明白他们是否接受第二学位学生。我是被ARTS的ACCOUNTING以已有一个学位为理由而锯掉。以上学位均指本科。
    • 怎么没人理我呀!请有在北美上学经验的GGJJDDMM们出出主意!
      • 我有个同学的姐姐是学审计的,数学系,多大.工作很好找.一年之内已经换了几份工.越换工资越高.
        • 请问她都做的什么工作啊?跟会计审计有关的是么?
          • Yes. She is doing some kind of financial stuff for an insurance company now. I do not know much about her area.
      • 谢谢林妹妹的回答,请问你同学的姐姐是在多大还是滑铁卢读的? 给尚影:我是国内生物系本科毕业,因为毕业以后转行,没敢申请本专业研究生,只好再读第二本科。
      • math accounting is hard
        • 哈!两天没来,讨论可真热闹啊!大家在关注CS@U OF W的同时,再帮我出出主意吧。MATHEMATICS/BUSINESS PROGRAMME是干什么的东东?前途如何?读Actuary Science 又如何?
          • Actuarial Science is cut throat, it's hard to get out, answer, do you know what is ASA and FSA? if you don't know, then, go find out, I will be happy to answer your next question
            Math/Biz is just normal math coop

            Slim PIggy Know it all
          • Math/Biz applicant, here's what you are facing
            Comparatively speaking, math/Biz is a very good program in Canada, it's a BMath degree, which is very useful in North America in any given time, also, this program allows you to have coop term, you can apply for any job you want if you are a math major, one of my best friends did two years of Math/Biz, worked at IBM Homeproduct, and a Upjohn and Sutton, which is a huge medical company, that was two years ago and he got paid 63000K . and a friend of a friend who is also a Math/Biz, he is now a manager at 3com, he's still a student, last year of university,

            do a simply test, call up Microsoft Canada in Missisauga, tell them you are a Math/Biz grad from Waterloo, and you want a job interview with them, see what happens

            Slim Piggy tells the cold, hard reality, York is bad, sorry, hehe, me sorry, York is bad bad bad, naughty naughty
          • Haha, Slim Piggy , you are really naughty but lovely , and straight forward, and warm-hearted !
    • 请问你是什么条件申请的,托福,原来的资历,全是本科吗?我对滑大有兴趣。交流一下可以吗?
        • my girl went to waterloo, 88.9% entrance, absolutely all Canadian born, first job after graduation paid 72K, change job twice, now it's 109K with a golf club membership plus a 20% discount on Audi or 25% off on Jap cars
          • 请问她的专业是什么啊?是CO-OP吗? 谢谢!
            • co-op and Zhuan Yi? what is that? my roommate at waterloo, Com Eng, just graduated this april, works at Fujitsu Canada, two year contract, 250K, plus a expenses to move to Toronto, never heard of the IT recession, he got in with 97.3% avg in 1997
              • show off? you have such a proud girl, bless. but why did you use "f*cking" and "sh*t" in your post?
                • me sorry, me no speak no english, good job is easy to find in canada even for me
            • 谢谢你!SLIMPIGGY.我上星期收到WATERLOO的conditional admission offer(Math, 2A term,CO-OP). 条件是要在8月15好前学习完两门高中OAC数学^.^(呵呵,10年前就学过的).我还没有决定要不要接受,因为:...
              1.现在我已经在多大开始学习CS;2.WATERLOO的CS非常重视数学,而我的数学一般;3.学习时间很长,即使能转到5个学分,也还需要4年多才能毕业. 能听听你的建议么? 谢谢你!
              • math 2A coop, that very very good, good job is waiting for you,
                sorry me no speak good english, are you Math Accounting 2A? listen, your coop term, ask for 62K avg, no joke, small company pay good enough, CA students is few...

                Once again, Congratulations, keep in touch, and perhaps we can meet in Waterloo this coming september,
              • 谢谢你!你的英语很好啊!不是会计,我申请的是COMPUTER SCIENCE,但通知信上只写了:
                Plan: Mathematics (not accounting )
                Program : Honours Mathematics
                AcademicLevel: Full time
                System of study: Co-op

                That is all,so I guess I can register in any of the math programs ( excluding CS,Accounting,Business and Bioinformatics) ,and then transfer to CS within two years. I won't take Accounting ^.^ , I like CS ,though accountant get pretty good pay.

                Are u a student in Waterloo now ? I hope to see u there ! My email is waterloo888@hotmail.com . keep in touch !
                • come in, Slimy Cat
                  Well, Math has Actuarial Science and Optimization and teaching, those are really really hot now, especially Optimization, I know a friend who got hired by the FBI (no kidding) and has a level 4 clearence at the Pentagon, yes, THE Pentagon, pay is about 75K us last time we talked, but plus Cars and Housing by the agency, that's good money, and you have to remember Waterloo is the one of the only 3 Universities in the world to offer a major in Optimization and Staticstics,

                  I am not a Math person so I don't know the technicalities of the program, but I can show you the trick to survice at Waterloo, everything you hear from the movies are there, labs are packed at 4 am and dirty looking genius roaming the MC building
                • Wow ! FBI hired one of your friends! Cool ! It is really sounds like in movie. Thank you for the trick. So it seems Faculty of math looks a place full of Grove-like "paranoia" (Intel CEO) ?
                  I like Computer Engineering but Waterloo doesn't allow me to do it(neither does U of T ) :-((( ! So I probably choose Queen's, though I LOVE co-op system of Waterloo (it is really great to study while get well paid ) !

                  Thanks so much for the information. ^.^

                  BTW,call me Wandering Cat , not slimy cat , though I am very slim , haha .
                  • Coop is vital
                    Not that Queen's not a decent school, but listen to yourself, 3 years from now, you are a CS grad from Queen's, most people don't even know Queen's has a cs program, Waterloo is not for the weak, you recall that dead woman at York? it's nothing compare to what happen at Waterloo, you didn't hear about it cuz it's not in TO.
                    • It sound like your know much about CS education in CA.What your rank for CS major in CA?
                      • see Slim Piggy's "don't blow" message below
                    • 说句你不爱听的话,历史长未必是好事,有些老教授本来学的就是MATH不知COMPUTER SCIENCE 哈SOFTWARE ENGINEERING为何物,教的东西使几年不变,这是加拿大CS教育的通病,新的学校反而是轻装上阵。没有人因为你是U OF Q就对你另眼相看。
                      • sorry U OF Q should be QU.
                      • I disagree, here's why
                        the IT professionals with 3 months training such as yourself won't know this, but Computer Science is developed under the fundation of Mathsmatics, if you don't know about Fuzzy Logic and Floating Point Hypotheses and basic math concepts like that, you won't go very far in the IT industry. the Math Professors I know are Pioneers of the CS field.
                        • how many IT professional work in math field? Yes, IT guy make a good money if they have very good math background,but how large is the market. Another question is, how old those new immigrants are?
                          • You still don't get it, computer technology is a mere branch of mathmatics, take your 3 months INSTANT IT PROFESSIONAL course again
                            • I graduated from a 2-tie univeristy this year, I still get a job offer in CS.I competed with students from UT and UBC.
                        • As I know,most of my friends are between 26~30 . Not young , but not VERY old ,eh ? ^.^
                  • You mean even more ppl in WAterloo Math got crazy or even sucided because of hard study and heavy burden/pressure ???? Don't scare me ^.^ , I know it is very very hard to get in CS,
                    coz an advisor of CS told me only 30% of transfer or 2nd degree students can be accepted into CS !!! Wow !!

                    I wanna do CE- Computer Engineering (not CS) in Queen's. Isn't Queen's a decent school ? Anyway ,it ranks 2nd in Maclean's .

                    You are right -- Co-op is really critical to help you get a good job . How wonderful if Waterloo allows me to do CE !!!! Sign , a dream , would never come true ........
                    • this piggy behaves weird, look her/his strange/rude language, UW CS is good (i was the neighbour), but looking down on others is NOT UW's nature.
                      • Actually looking down upon anothers is not a Canadian style, not limited to Waterloo. UW has also good program in ECE, Stat/Act, C&O. Its Stat/Act is no.1 in Canada, and some professors even have their private air planes.
                        • UW School of Architecture, the biggest by far in North America UW Pschology, ranked #2 in the World, after Oregon Univ. UW School of Optometry, the only English speaking Optometry program in Canada, keep going...
                          UW School of Architecture, the biggest by far in North America
                          UW Pschology, ranked #2 in the World, after Oregon Univ.
                          UW School of Optometry, the only English speaking Optometry program in Canada, keep going...

                          I think the school has very little to do with personal success, everything I have today, everything I achieved, I did it on my own. UW didn't help

                          Look at UW beyond CS, a good school comes from a well-rounded combination of faculty and program, Cs is merely a small part of the school

                          did you know Edward Mosley of the UW Pure Mathmatics won the Fields Metal? do you even know what the Fields Metal is?

                          did you know Lynn Taylor of UW History is the biographer of Anne Frank? do you even know who Anne Frank is?

                          lOOK beyond
                          • I do not know what "Fields Metal" is. I only know "Fields Medal". Moreover, ...
                            本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛What I said about UW Stat is from their Web Page. In fact, the Dept. of
                            Stat has a lot of good professors well-known in Canada.

                            And I just doubt what you said. First, UW School of Architecture is not big,
                            so that it is hard to imagine it is the largest in North America.
                            UW Psychology is also not so good, either. The best US school in the
                            psychology is Stanford, and Oregon ranks only about 50 in the states.

                            I am sorry I do not know Fields Metal. It seems that you are unique person
                            in the world who know that. By approximite guess, I think you mean "Fields
                            Medal". Come on. Nobody named Edward Mosley is in Pure Math Department.
                            Nobody with that name ever got Fields Medal. (http://www.emis.math.ca/EMIS/mirror/IMU/medals/).

                            I happened to know who Anne Frank is, as a lot of people know her diary.
                            And there is a Prof. Lynne Taylor in Dept. of History. However, there is
                            no record that she wrote something about Miss Frank. (Do not challenge me
                            in history. If you know who Seyss-Inquart is without searching google
                            or yahoo, I will appreciate your history knowledge.)

                            The only thing you said that is correct may be about the Optometry.

                            I just doubt your knowledge about UW, although I am sure that your success
                            has nothing to do with UW.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
                            • hehe, me stupid, my bad, it's Fields Medal, sorry hehe okay, here's where you've gone wrong
                              first thing, ranking means nothing, if you dispute the ranking of some of the programs then by all means, believe what you want

                              Edward Mosley was around when I was there, simply as that.

                              About Lynn Taylor's work, refer to the Globe and Mail, Oct 22, 1999, and rent a copy of the NBC miniseries "Anne Frank", watch for the credit

                              see here's a discussion

                              again, Slim Piggy no speak no english ar, my bad my bad, it's the Fields Medal.
                              • Rank means nothing in principle. But it is something wrong if you put Oregon Univ. ahead of Stanford Univ. That is too misleading. If you stayed in Oklahoma State Univ. instead of UWaterloo, I am sure you knew Edward Mosley well.
                                The Math Building is of only one arrow's distance from my office. So do not
                                fool me by telling something I can make an easy check.

                                By the way, thank you for telling me your source of information about "Ann
                                Frank". However, UWaterloo is never a good school in history, even compared
                                with York.
                          • You are really a mysterious person. First, you know sth. about UW; second, you pretend to know something about UW, which does not exist at all; third, you know a lot of English slangs; fourth, you make some unimaginable errors in English.
                            • Slim Piggy is a chinaman who just got off the boat ar, no speak no english ar, all the joking aside, I was surfing and typing at work, gotta watch my back constantly, didn't get a good read on what I typed before sending off
                            • btw, Pretence is a very serious accusation, no need to discredit me totally,
                    • To:UofWEngr. Are u doing CE/EE ? So envy you . I want to do CE but U of T , Waterloo don't allow me to do that coz they think I've already had a engineering degree (Chemical Engineering) .Sign , take care man ! ^.^
                      • no i was a mechanical, good luck
                      • btw, QueensU is a very very good univ too.
                        • Thanks, UofWEngr. Yeah,u are tight ! Queen's is a very prestigeous school-- but how do you think of its Engineering ,especially CE ? I guess you know more of that than me coz you are doing engineering.
                          It's a pity Queen's doesn't has a Co-op system , though it has a intership for 2nd/3rd students. Any advice is highly appreciated ^.^ !
                          • i only know my field, especially i am not aware of any undergraduate programs. my best guess is that its CS or CE will be very good, traditionally, QueensU is not focusing much on engr as UoW does, but i would say it is at the top.
                            • Thanks ! hehe , seems Queen's is a school that is good at everything -- but no very exceptionally excellent program (like EE in U of T, CS in Waterloo).
                              • medical/law/even MBA...
                              • yeap ! And its Undergraduate Commerce ! As for Science,Engineering , it's not the best but surely in the top level.
                          • Intern no pay, coop pays 56000 a year on avg, sure, not much difference there eh?
                      • UW CS is very tough, but this makes it not suitable for all Chinese immigrants. I know sb. working deadly hard there and it will take them long time to graduate. (Moreover...)
                        For the reputation, Queen's is not bad. Its overall rank is 3 in Canada (after UofT UBC but before McGill)

                        For Software Engineering (Graduate Program), McMaster is even better than
                        UofW, it has some world-class professors, such as Parnas, who worked in
                    • No need to blow, here's the truth
                      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛I don't want to argue, obviously if you go to york then York is the best school there is, if you go to Ut then, that's the best

                      Here's the truth according to Slim Piggy, CE at Waterloo is inhumane, I applied back in 97 with a 93% avg and got shot down, my roommate, who's been in canada for a year at the time, applied with a 96.4%, this guy also score 700 even on the Toefl, and ranked Number 4 national wide on the Sir Issac Newton Physics Open, I didn't do Toefl, so I don't know how difficult the thing really is. Therefore, the cutoff line for CE must be somewhere above 93% and a hair under 97%
                      I don't think any body at Rolia can get 96% in English for the entrance exam

                      Waterloo is only 40 years old, about 1/5 of UT's age and about 1/5 of Queen's age, it's a unarguable the best school because it has accomplished what the other school acheived in only 40 years.

                      Waterloo started as the Chemistry college of Waterloo, most of you think CS is the big deal at Waterloo, however, the best assets are the people at Chemical Engineering.

                      I personally think school ranking is useless, meaningless and stupid and nothing but a ego trip, but if you've been following the ranking of MaClean's in the past 5 years, you will see Waterloo is the overall number one since the late 80's.

                      little known fact, UWaterloo is the largest source of Microsoft's employee source, also Fact, Corel cut 600 people last year, none of the 40 Waterloo coops were removed.

                      Queen's is not a good CS school, simple as that, believe what you want.

                      there are things in UW that didn't get much press, I rather not bring them up again in respect the fallen.

                      I can tell you stories after stories about how big UW grad's become, but none of them are important更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
                      • Thank you so much , Guest and Marriner for giving so much useful information. Yeah, it is a pity Queen's is not the best choice for CE , but seems it is the only choice for me since U of T and Waterloo won't let me do CE . ........
                        Accodring to what you two said , Waterloo is really a excellent school in CS and Chemical Engr., I'm really eager to know how hard it is on earth to study there. But I think I won't get a chance to experience that unless ....... I choose to take CS there instead of CE in Queen's.

                        Wow,it is really a pity to lose a chance to get into such a school full of lengend !
                        • What guest? it's Me, Slim PIggy, I am surfing with my Labtop in the Dungeon at work. Slim Piggy is telling the reaility what you don't want to hear, since the world is basically a ugly place
                        • Canada has no Ivy League school, yet UW will put you once cut above, for your benefit, take the Bach. Math offer, you will be grateful in about six months
                        • Ha,Slim Piggy , you come back! ^.^ I know your kind words and you wanna tell me Waterloo is exactly the best choice to do CS. But ...... sigh! I think CE is better for me , coz I don't like to do programming and math all day and night ! .....
                          Are you doing CO-OP now ? That is great ! Co-op is really a wonderful system , I love it !
                          • I am saying do a Math Coop like you being offered
                            Here's the deal, not just CS major gets cs jobs, for example physics major are very popular to IT firms, you can take any course you want beside your major requirement. What you can't do, are Eng course, which are only offer to PRO ENG student, can't take Acct courses, which are only offer to School of Accountancy students

                            Slim PIggy is no IT professional, I speak objectively, me me me trying to help out fellow chinamen ar?
                      • 700 in TOEFL, terrible. I do not even know there is such a score like that in TOEFL. My suggestion is...
                        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛1. First, UW is good in CS/ECE/Math. But its undergraduate program in CS
                        is too tough. And not all graduates got very highly-paid jobs.
                        I know an Indian undergraduate student in CS Dept.failed to find a job
                        when he graduated, and had to make a living by assemble PCs for a local
                        company. However, finally he got an offer from California.

                        2. If you take UW CS undergrad, whether to choose coop or not is a tricky
                        problem. Without coop, you lose some working experience in your resume for job
                        hunting. But taking coop will prolong your time before graudation.

                        3. coop is a one term out of three terms in a year. That is, you do not
                        take courses in that term but go out to work. And the payment for coop term
                        is not so high, otherwise the companies will not accept the students.
                        What is important for students is working experience. Those students
                        who get high payment are those also take part-time job during their normal
                        terms. Of course, that is hard to handle, especially for Chinese students.

                        4. If what you want is a Canadian degree for job hunting, any university
                        among UofT, UofW, UBC, UAlberta, McMaster, McGill, Queen's, Simon Fraser will
                        be a good choice, and even UWO, UGuelph, UWindsor will give you some
                        help as well.

                        5. Graduate study (master) is preferable to undergraduate study, because
                        it takes less time. Most Canadian schools give you some kinds of financial
                        aid once they accept you for graduate program. To study for undergrad. from
                        the start is not a trivial work if your age is about 28 to 30.

                        6. Finally, now UofWashington contributes to the most new enrollment of Microsoft, although UofWaterloo was for years before.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
                  • UofW's Combinatorics and Optimization Dept. (under Math) is very famous mainly because of its leading research in Crytographics. Its research comes to some techniques used by Visa and Master. But the major require that you have great math talent.
                    • Now Marriner knows what He/she's talking about, btw, Crytographics can also be used in Securities measures, such as the entrance guarding at the Pentagon
              • I suggest you stay in UofT.
                • All right, you win.
                • 谢谢MARRINER和SLIMPIGGY!SKIMPIGGY是个很热心的好宝宝啊,说话也很直率。真的很谢谢你们的意见!
                  U OF T、WATERLOO、QUEEN‘S都是不错的学校,不过既然WATERLOO不允许我修COMPUTER SCICENCE:DIGITAL HARDWARE OPTION,而且只有QUEEN’S允许我学COMPUTER ENGINEERING,我也只好去QUEEN‘S 啦。不过放弃WATERLOO、U OF T,心里真是舍不得啊-- 我还是很想上CO-OP的,边学边工作,效果好啊(当然时间会长些,但是美办法啊!)。 希望我不会后悔啊!^-^

                  • SIGHHHHH, Coop is only 8 months longer than Normal Undergrad, should go for it, once in a life time kind of deal. Congratulations, Getting into Queen's is without a doubt a big time achievement, proud of you fellow chinaman,
                  • 再次谢谢你,SLIMPIGGY,真幸运在这里碰到象你这么热心的人! 真羡慕你是WATERLOO的学生啊!SIGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH。。。 鬼使神差啊,专业和学校不可两全(仅仅对我啦)! 。。。。
                    希望我明天早上醒来不要改变主意--不过即使改变也好象来不及啦:OUAC收到恢复的DEADLINE是明天,再要寄通知也来不及啦! GOOD NIGHT!
                • If your age is beyond 25, better find some school which let you study in a better major (e.g. CS, EE), and which is not too hard to graduate. If you accumulate enough working experience, you will find school is not crucial.
                • To:marrinee, unfortunately I am already 28, ^.^ , hehe . That is why I am hesitating to do CE in Queen's or Math in Waterloo. Maybe this kind of hesitating has indicated I'd better give up this offer from Waterloo.
                  Thank you so much for your kind words , I guess you are doing your master in Waterloo, eh ? Hope see u there , but maybe not .... ^.^
                  • HEYHEY, me Pig does Masters at school ar, why assume me is little kid ar
                  • To:Slimpiggy , oh , Great! Are u taking master now or have completed ? That is great , whatever . I thought you are very young la coz your naghty way of talking . Being recognized young is not bad , eh ? ^.^
                    BTW,piggy, Math CS in Waterloo is really VERY hard ? Do you know how much percentage of CS guys get degree at last ? Just tell me what you know , no matter it's accurate or not . Thanks!
                  • piggy,piggy ,where a u ? I waiting for u , come on .....
                  • What degree I am pursuing is not so important, right?
                    • Right!right!^.^ Just curious,hehehe.....
    • 虽然来得晚,但还是建议你去UW. Co-op是相当不错的.