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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Thank you very much for all the information you are giving here. To be honest, I had never heard about Gnosticism(偌斯底主义) or Nag Hammadi Library (经书) before.
I recommend this video according to my personal experience. For some reason, I started to meditate seven years ago. And then I have gone through many stages exactly as the video showed. Even though there is still a long way waiting for me, I am already happy enough, no stress, no worries, just enjoy every moment what life brings me. I know I am an ordinary person, If I can do it, you can do it , Everybody can do it. I hope more and more people can join us to live happily and explore together. That's why I want to share this video with everyone. The only thing we need to do is to start to meditate.

Second, I would like to discuss some of the issues with you.
I am wondering how much you know about 偌斯底主义, whether you have read all the Nag Hammadi Library or not. If the answer is no, how could you get the conclusion it is 基督教异端与各种哲学思想的混合. Don't tell me you read it or someone told you. Once again, never make a comment or judgement for something beyond our knowledge or understanding.
Furthermore, even if you have read all the information you could get and you think you totally understand them, the conclusion is still your personal opinion. Don't mislead other people intentionally or unintentionally. Let them to make their own choice and their conclusion.

By the way, I am not religious, but I respect everybody, either religious or not religious, because that's his/her choice.

Thanks.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下拾英 / 心灵感悟 / highly recommended video "Spiritual Reality Power Of Meditation" (English and Chinese subtitles version) +5

    • 太好了!多谢分享
    • Everything is told, yet it is "untold", because the true understanding is only achieved in Higher Understanding. What we understand now is the only the projection of higher dimension on earthly plane, in other words, shadows.
    • 几年前看过。曾经秀给一印度同事看,她说怎么重印度口音。
      • I understand what you might think or feel after watching it. The only thing I can say is, if you want to know the flavor of an apple, taste it. The same, Try it, to see where it will lead to you.
        • 你在回我么?我纯粹是写俩字顶你的贴而已。好奇一下,你觉得我会怎么think and feel?
          • 普通人的think and feel在有打坐修炼能力面前是一览无余的。当然被看的人会觉得被侵犯隐私,会不舒服。
            当然一个人think and feel是多层面多角度的,观察者也只能说一点而已,但被观察者会找到自己未被说到部分,拿来反击观察者,以保住自己的面子。


            • 回我的帖子?你觉得哪部分需要反击?
              • 我说”反击吧“之前的内容,很多人会觉得不舒服。但我说”反击吧“把情绪化解了。
                • 反击前的内容我还真不会反击。因为你没写哪一方是成人哪一方是小孩。
                  • 对,可惜的是很多人会对号入座,引发大战。所以老外总说”Don't get personal“。你了不起,脑子清楚。
          • 突然深刻认识到,你真的只是单纯回帖而己,而己!
          • 何为"道"?平常心为"道"。何为平常心?赤子之心为平常心。何为赤子之心?刚出生之婴孩,末有分辩之心,为赤子之心。此曰"朴","返朴"才能"归真"。
    • Having several years meditation practice,
      my personal opinion is I can't agree it any more about the first part. As the second part(Started from Astral body to the end), I have to say I don't know, I haven't reached that yet. But I will continue to meditate to find out the truth. And I hope more and people join us to explore together. Thanks.
      • 一些西方人玩Astral travel,基本上是想象出来的幻觉,或者说做梦。真正的astral travel是道家修炼里面的出阴神,达到这个境界的修炼者基本上已稳定获得六通中的前四种神通,即




        根据我的经验,只要有希望体验astral travel的念头,得到的必然是幻觉,比如想象着有一条银线连着自己的灵魂到宇宙中去遨游,这种travel是假的,想象出来的。真的astral travel必须放空念头,只存一个最本真的”观“,才能真正”看见“。另外那根银线要小心,一旦断掉,人不死也疯了。没有相当深厚的修炼基础,不要乱玩astral travel,因为一,普通人体验到的是想象的幻觉,根本不是astral travel。二,真达到astral travel的水平,去travel也很危险,凡心一动,就可能银线断掉。还是要好好筑基,一点点修上去。修炼界有一句话:每过一关,尸横遍野。

        • 懒人,有个问题请教一下……
          • 佛家道家修炼的区别
            本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛佛家打坐就是讲静,不用意,你现在练的就是。道家的功法,包括打坐、站桩和动功,既讲静,又用意,不过功法的不同,静的深度和用意的强度和方法也不同。得到的最终效果一样,但得到的过程和方式不同。







            需要指出的是,不要执着于”走河车“,因为”走河车“只是个感觉,感觉的强烈与否不能说明水平高低,因为阻塞厉害的”走河车“效果最明显。我发现另一个指标更能说明问题,就是性欲和性生理。当气脉通畅,性欲会减退,女性的月经会越来越轻,甚至停止,这叫”斩赤龙“。男性即使长时间没有性生活,也不再遗精。这时女人的血,男人的精,全都在自身循环吸收,不再泄露。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
            • 解释的太清楚了,十分感谢你的回答!
          • I would like to answer you question. 用意念is only useful when you just started to practice meditation to control your thoughts. With more practice,
            you are already in thoughtless stage, you don't need it any more. Even at the beginning to meditate, I don't think it's a good way to use it. Because there is a potential danger which we all know is 走火入魔. The best way is when any thought come, just watch it, don't follow it, observe it and let it go. In Taoism, the highest practice is called "静功 " , the same as meditation, not "气功", it never 用意念.
            • 也十分感谢你的回答,我也正是这么做的!
    • 这才正经的国粹。源于中国,长于中国。
      • 这是印度佛教。国粹是道教。视频中内容只相当于道家修炼的前半段。 +1
        • One of the knowledge I got from meditation is never to make any comment or judgement for something beyond my knowledge or understanding. By the way, +3
          the video, is nothing about religion, it is the final question which we all face as human being and the reason all the religion originally come from. It pointed out you can found the truth, the answer by yourself through meditation, not by a monk, a priest, a guru or someone else. Believe in yourself, practice it,
          you will get it.
          • Yes, but without judgement, there will be no road-signs and stepping stones. Judgements are not concrete when people has overtaken them, but for travellers they are necessary.
            Buddhism calls it 权说。
            • What you are talking about is choice, not judgement.
            • Actually, If people stop to make any judgement, they will have more choice.
              • Right. Judgement is dead and rigid. Choice is live and fluid.
                When you see judgement as choice, you are beyond judgement, you are free.

                When you see choice as judgement, you are below judgement, you are crashed.
        • 很好的修行入门教材,我看过有三遍吧。
    • This video,
      is nothing about religion, it is about the final question which we all face as human being and the reason all the religion originally come from. The most important thing is it pointed out you can find the truth, the answer by yourself through meditation, not by a monk, a priest, a guru or someone else.
    • You can chose to believe it or not, +2
      but you can always try it before you make any judgement or decision. It doesn't matter whether you are a Christian, Muslim, Taoist or Buddhist or not religious at all, just try it, give yourself more choice, have your own experience and to see where it will lead you. Thanks
    • 2000年前的偌斯底主义的现代图像解释。
    • 建议参看Nag Hammadi经书的《三形的普渃特若尼亚(XIII,1)》篇,比这个视屏全面许多。只不过这是属于基督教异端与各种哲学思想的混合。
      • Tiger真是博学啊!拜读了,的确和佛教说的一样。但我们不能因为佛教象诺斯底主义就否定佛教,也不能因为早就发生了而否定。这些其实都对,只是解读的人的见解不同。
        • 因为我在写东西批判偌斯底主义。它在第2,第3世纪也流行过,只不过是用当时时髦的哲学或科学用词表述宗教的体验,特别是基督教的。它是个大杂烩,缺乏哲学价值,信仰价值,随意可写,属于意念各表。过了2百来年消失了,部分流入其它宗教。
    • First, +2
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Thank you very much for all the information you are giving here. To be honest, I had never heard about Gnosticism(偌斯底主义) or Nag Hammadi Library (经书) before.
      I recommend this video according to my personal experience. For some reason, I started to meditate seven years ago. And then I have gone through many stages exactly as the video showed. Even though there is still a long way waiting for me, I am already happy enough, no stress, no worries, just enjoy every moment what life brings me. I know I am an ordinary person, If I can do it, you can do it , Everybody can do it. I hope more and more people can join us to live happily and explore together. That's why I want to share this video with everyone. The only thing we need to do is to start to meditate.

      Second, I would like to discuss some of the issues with you.
      I am wondering how much you know about 偌斯底主义, whether you have read all the Nag Hammadi Library or not. If the answer is no, how could you get the conclusion it is 基督教异端与各种哲学思想的混合. Don't tell me you read it or someone told you. Once again, never make a comment or judgement for something beyond our knowledge or understanding.
      Furthermore, even if you have read all the information you could get and you think you totally understand them, the conclusion is still your personal opinion. Don't mislead other people intentionally or unintentionally. Let them to make their own choice and their conclusion.

      By the way, I am not religious, but I respect everybody, either religious or not religious, because that's his/her choice.

      Thanks.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 我只是好奇,你的id ONENESS, 你看过LAW OF ONE一的法则 吗?
      • It's an interesting question. I use this ID because I have experienced it while meditating and I consider it as one of my greatest experience. During that state,all in the Universe is united in one, +1
        no " body", no mind, no myself. Only from that moment when myself doesn't exit, can I really understand who I am, what "unconditional love' and "慈悲" mean.

        The experience is also a milestone for meditation practice. I know I am on the right path, nothing can stop me to find the truth. With more practice and the third eye opening, more and more knowledge and understanding comes naturally. Only after that in recent years I started to read the Bible, Buddhist sutras and some spirit books to verify my knowledge and understanding from meditation is correct.
        In my opinion,The Law of one series are some of the greatest books we have ever had. The thing is, in spirit field no matter how great a book is , how many times you read about it, you can never get enlightened by reading it, you just know it, you can never really understand what it talk about without higher dimension experience.

        • 赞。
        • 受益匪浅,多谢分享!
        • 修行的人确实不少了。我几年前练习传统的打坐,有了见性---所谓consciousness shift的经验后几乎不做传统的meditation,只在生活中修觉照,最彻底简单的无为法。
          • With more and more meditation practice,
            when all seven chakra open (heart chakra open-明心见性, the third eye open-慧从天启 ), a rainbow will 冲破顶轮,腾空而起, ( That's how 气贯长虹 originally come from) then the ability of awareness(觉知) is fully developed, everything we are doing is meditating. We don't need the traditional meditation any more. 终于从有为到了无为, 开始从妙有到空无 (in Taoist, it's called 炼神化虚). At this stage, 修行才真正开始.
            • 能不能根据自己的经验,再讲一讲,打坐过程中的要点以及注意事项,谢谢先!
              • Sorry, +1
                I'm afraid I can't give any tips here about meditation. Because everyone is different, even the same person at different states, the difficulties he will go through are totally different too. I need more information before I could give any effective advice.
                Actually, I start to think maybe we should form a meditation or 修行 group, then we can discuss in more details, grow up together and encourage more and more people to join us to pursue for spirit. Is anyone
                interested? 我爱生活, nazacalines(天王盖地虎宝塔镇河妖), 懒人, string2(反正死不了那就活着吧),statstar(tiger), what do you think about?
                • 好主意,我报名!
                • sure, I'm in.
              • 打坐只是路之一,因为比较安全,所以推荐大多数人采用。其它方法很多,“八万四千法门”,旁门左道也是法门,可能速度更快,效果更好。


                • 说的是,其实打坐是最多资料能找到的。"参话头"是禅宗的,以前自己看过些,很好玩,只是我道行浅,很多参不透。
                • 无论何种法门,他只是帮你渡河的那条船, 不管船内多么舒适, 沿途风景多么美好,切勿贪恋. 你的目的是到达彼岸. 我们可根据自己的特点,找到最适合自己那条船.
                • 如何参"禅"?老和尚说:"离一一一(停顿三秒)心,意,识一一一(停顿三秒,大吼)参!"。就是这么参。佛祖为什么拈花微笑?!
                • 又明白了,为什么说是"指月的手"。太多,太多的人,只看到了"手",而没看到"月",也没关系,谁不是先看到手呢!只要不是一直深沉在"手"上,飞越出来,就见到"月"了!
            • :)无论坐禅,丹道,还是修觉知,最后殊途同归。
        • Thank you for your reply. yes,
          very good point. by the way, there's another book "Simply Wisdom and Love – Venusian Spirituality”, It's also meditation, mantra, but different way, not projection. if you are interested, maybe you can read that as well. i think that's same teaching as eckankar (originally from tibet).
          • Thank you very much for your recommendation, I will read soon.
      • Only meditation can help us to get the higher dimension experience.
      • Only through Meditation can we get the higher understanding and the truth. Meditation is the path to the spirit.
        • 是的,只能自己体验,别人说是没用的。
        • Yup. Meditation is one way and also very effective way to the path of spirituality