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people are different. some work hard because they are forced to do so. Others work hard because they love what they do and it is their passion.

In my company it is very common for some managers and VPs to work 10 to 12 hours a day. some has to travel most of the time and you rarely see them in the office.
we have the misconception that Chinese people are hard-working and the Americans/Canadians are not that working. in fact the Americans and the Canadians are the most hard-working people -- on all levels.
do you know how many Canadians work second job? or third job? One of my friends is the IT director for a small company and he works 12-14 hours a day. He is over 50. in today's world it is just routine to work 12-14 hours day, and for some people it is normal to work 6 or 7 days a week. you go everywhere with your cell phone and laptop and people can track you down even if you are on vacation in some remote area.
you may not want to do the same thing (take only 45 minutes to register for marriage), but you cannot say it is a miserable way of life. there are workaholics by nature and for them work is just another way of enjoying life.
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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 事业与工作 / 在美国的华人 vs. 在加拿大的华人. 一个真实故事. 牺牲午休时间讲给大家听.
    • Good story! But your title...??
    • FYI, 这个月公司美国总部大裁员, downsize 25%, 她的部门里走了几个, 没轮到她.
      • 没有绿卡的华人(不只华人)在美最头痛的是身份,没有一个是为生活(工作)发愁的.
    • 说得是, 在美国的很多华人为保一份工作不被赶出美国小鞋穿惯了, 哪有吃饱了抱怨的勇气.
    • 感动。生活真不容易。每周日新时代播的 <<寻找他乡的故事>> 总是让我沉思很久,说起来,比起阿根庭等国家,我们在加拿大真的很幸福了,至少没有饮食的不习惯。
    • 多谢你的故事!^_^ // 下午开会不会打瞌睡吧?
      • 头们都出去开会了, 如果没有系统问题, 下午应该可以放松一下. 近来狂看design patterns and ABAP, 累死了.
        • what is ABAP?
          • programming language in SAP. ABAP: Advanced Business Application Programming.
            • thanks :) I won't put it in my resume.
              • 可以看看, 不是极端难的那种, 要资料可以问我. 我公司招了个印度人, 自称懂SAP, 其实只是看过些installation guide.
                • far from my field now :) mainframe is my current area. thanks.
                • Please mail some docment to me. My e-mail is richardjyliu@yahoo.com. Thanks
                  • More than 100M, will blow up your mail box. But you can get some idea from this URL
                • 能给我介绍一些简单的入门知识吗?我看到 Business Analyst 的工作需要。KPI Report 是什么?
                  • KPI: Key Performance Indicators
                    • 多谢!
        • 使用过SAP Logistics 和 Quality模块的背景跟你们能扯上关系吗?不是IT.
          • Sorry, 我们没有生产, 所以没有Quality模块, Logistics 怕要到2年以后了.
            • 那你们有直接和使用SAP的客户有接触吗?
    • 烦人.
    • 我坚信一点:你努力,就会成功。无论美国,加拿大,还是在中国。抱怨无济于事。上帝只保佑积极向上者。
      • nod nod
        • people are different. some work hard because they are forced to do so. Others work hard because they love what they do and it is their passion.
          In my company it is very common for some managers and VPs to work 10 to 12 hours a day. some has to travel most of the time and you rarely see them in the office.
          we have the misconception that Chinese people are hard-working and the Americans/Canadians are not that working. in fact the Americans and the Canadians are the most hard-working people -- on all levels.
          do you know how many Canadians work second job? or third job? One of my friends is the IT director for a small company and he works 12-14 hours a day. He is over 50. in today's world it is just routine to work 12-14 hours day, and for some people it is normal to work 6 or 7 days a week. you go everywhere with your cell phone and laptop and people can track you down even if you are on vacation in some remote area.
          you may not want to do the same thing (take only 45 minutes to register for marriage), but you cannot say it is a miserable way of life. there are workaholics by nature and for them work is just another way of enjoying life.
      • 说了等于没说,励志上进的话,小学就知道了。
        • 的确是说来容易 做来难, 所以我讲故事给大家听, 实际一点.
    • 谁说加拿大工作压力不大?我老公在我刨腹生子时都没敢歇几天。刚干没多久的专业工作丢了可不是闹着玩的。
      • 是啊是啊,有工作的话,我干16*7都行!我是个闲不住的人
    • I don`t think so
    • Thanks for sharing.
    • 其实反过来想:45分钟结婚,人活到这地步,是应该佩服呢还是觉得可怜。有钱就有一切?很象那些香港的餐馆老板,怕是有命挣钱,没命花钱呢。这话怕又触动管理员叔叔的痛处了。大剪刀来啦。。
      • agree!!!!!!!!!!!!
      • 人家不是为了挣钱, 只是为了能在美国坚持下去.
        • 人生那么美好的一件事,45分钟午休就解决了,就是为了在美国能呆下去。为了这个美国值得吗。我很难理解,美国的吸引力那么大,什么样的牺牲都能做出?
    • hei, how r u doing these days?
    • 说不定人家打算简单注册一下,以后会国办喜酒呢。老外一定不会明白很多在中国的couple为什么“登记”一年多了还没“结婚”。
    • Same sujet.
      • Ooups...
    • It's very true that it's not coincidental that US is none to the second in the world. A country can either have tons of smarties who care nothing but their
      own backyard, or tons of hard-working bodies. There's a 3rd scenerio, tons of followers who do whatever their smarter managers say, that's how Beemer and Lexus were made. ;)

      Cheers, smarties. Cut your prices, loose your soles ;)
    • 根本没什么好感慨的,老外不懂,中国人也不懂?在国内登记也就两人去民政局半个钟搞定,也没家人一大帮去,至于摆酒热闹那是另外的.真不知和你想表达的有何相干?