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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

Have you ever had an affair with anyone? If not, it is hard to say how you are gonna react by yourself..............................

<h2>Have you ever had an affair with anyone? </h2>

If not, it is hard to say how you are gonna react by yourselfYou can hardly put your feet into the girls/boys' shoes.

So let's be openminded and tolerent. Let's ask why they need to seek for love/sex from another partner? Let's keep ourselves from blindly blaming others, shall we?

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下佳缘 / 情爱悠悠 / 和已婚的jj们讨论一个话题:如果老公背地里和年轻女孩偷情,会怎么想?作为一个处在男孩和男人中间阶段的我(本人23岁)是这样认为的:男人没有背叛爱情,只是成为了性欲的俘虏。
    • 你还没结婚就已经开始为以后的出墙找理由啦?这么花心,那个MM愿意嫁给你?
    • 写手啊,最近新时代缺少关于男欢女爱的稿子啦?你要拉稿可以,不过得请大家吃一顿!:)
      • he only has such a boring topic. nosense.
        • 这个弟弟喜欢搞一点热点讨论,颇有国内电台热线节目的味道:-)
          • boring man. @@
            • if you wasn't boring, you wouldn't be here. hehe..
            • actually,I am at the age between boy and man, so don't call me boring man.
            • he is still young. probably he won't be interested in this topic at fatboy's age.
          • so how old are you ?fatboy, I 'll bet one million dollars, I will still be interested in this topic at your recent age. but hope don't have to wait so long , I can reach at your recent age in 10 years?
      • 苏州妹,你和他逗?他是“网络写手”,收集感情题材逗闷子玩的。 -fatboy(大胖墩儿厨); 1.5 13:38 (#957527)Reply
    • 嗯,jm门,还得多鼓励鼓励bf/lg, 不断地用你们的爱情战胜他的情欲。因为不输给性欲的才会是爱情
      • 人的感情有不同的需要,不只是性和爱情那麽简单
    • 未婚的你想想,如果女朋友跟结婚的男人偷情,你是否认为女朋友没有背叛爱情,只是成为了性欲的俘虏。如果女朋友回头是岸,则说明爱情最终战胜了性欲。或许她被他吸引只是单纯的性欲而非爱情。不输给性欲的才会是爱情。 sexuality
      • 心情是复杂的,还是不偷的好。别说情输给性,总之少了任何一样,都会出问题。有的时候性只是一种心情的表达方式,不是为了欲,我们不知道该说什么了,心里很忐忑,希望可以靠在对方的身上暂时忘却那些挥之不去的烦恼。
    • 可你能保证就偷一次吗?
      • 一次检验不出来的。
    • 难道你是联想集团的?
    • 这哥们讲的有道理,别把偷吃跟背叛放在一起,两回事,女人不必过分计较!!!!
      • 既然你明目张胆地强调偷吃,去我朋友那里吧。别怕,jj背后支持你
        • rate
        • 你朋友在哪里?给个电话号码,我想去
    • 引用此贴支持我的观点。一个文章 URL -iamconfused(世界很乱,我也很糊涂); 1.22 09:37 (#992173)Reply
      • 我还以为没有人看这个文章呢,:)))
        • 看了好几遍呢!
          • 什么感觉?有道理?但好象有些不现实,怎么能找个一个无所求的人呢?
            • 我情愿把这种女孩娶为自己的老婆。
    • 23 years old? you are too young to discuss this issue. I mean you don't really understand this issue. you know sex, but you don't know ture love and feeling, at this age.
      • I know true love , and I know what I really felt . donn't think 23 as a naive age, I am old enough
        • Hi, DD, if you think you know everything, it means you are still young and naive :-) In your age, I think I know everything too,but now I realize that I know nothing
          • but when were u born? in my mind u are a successful sample, may I ask how old are u?
            • what do you think about true love and how to define the emotion between you and your lover?
              • hehe,hard to describe, because I got everything im my brain,but cann't show ,
                • if you can not show it, how can you say that you know it? only when you make clear you mind and know exactly what you want and what you will do can you say that you know love.
                  else, you are only in the process to know sth. in chinese only“四十而不惑”.
              • there is no accurate language to picture love.
                • you give yourself an excuse that whatever you do are love.
                  • 爱本来就很抽象,无形,我们懂得只是其中的一部分,懂不了全部,只要我付出的爱能令别人感到愉快,我就很满足了,我不会勉强自己去理解什么是爱的真谛。真的,即使你能说出什么是真爱,那也仅仅是你个人的体会而已。
        • Have you ever had an affair with anyone? If not, it is hard to say how you are gonna react by yourself..............................
          <h2>Have you ever had an affair with anyone? </h2>

          If not, it is hard to say how you are gonna react by yourselfYou can hardly put your feet into the girls/boys' shoes.

          So let's be openminded and tolerent. Let's ask why they need to seek for love/sex from another partner? Let's keep ourselves from blindly blaming others, shall we?
    • i had sex with some other girls when I just got married, nice, it is different from your wife, dirty loving makes me crazy! haha
      • good point
    • 忠诚,体贴,宽容
      • 如果你明白什么是伤害
    • 如果你以后的老婆, 和别的男人有染, 但她没有背叛爱情,只是成为了性欲的俘虏。 现在她回头是岸,则说明爱情最终战胜了性欲。你会认为她被他吸引只是单纯的性欲而非爱情吗???!!! 请说出你的真实想法!
      • 如果我结婚了,我有信心不会让上述的情况发生。另外男人习惯于用下半身思考,所以容易发生单纯被其他女人的外表吸引的事情。兴奋劲儿一过,就会冷静地重新衡量。
      • 这部就对了吗? 想清楚了,就好!