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I support you!

I am tired of so many yelling each other on JP cars or US car, or what ever. It seems if we buy Jp cars, we don't love our conutry or I should China. Car is just a car, just a transportaion, it doesn't mean that much. US car can be made of Jps steel, Jps chip or plastic. If those guys really want to purely use every thing made in China. Use their Bus no.11. Do everything we want to do, that is one of the reason we are here, or why we are here. We were tired of being asked to do this or that in China by our boss or leader, we were tired of seeing so much unfair things in China. Now we are here, why we still argue each other just for a car?!

I am driving a jps car, a purely Jps made car, but I still love my country. I believe that there must be some body who is not dirving a jps car doesn't love China as much as me. So, guys, enjoy your life, buy a jps car because you like it, you can afford it, let thouse people buy US, korean or Germany cars.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / 这车看来我是不能再接着聊了,有人已经说出“该死的egg”这样的话了。朋友,犯得着吗?激昂和我还有侃头,你还差着行式呢。
    • 爱聊不聊.我早说过是鸡同鸭讲.
      • 你只会说“鸡同鸭讲”,
      • 呀! 别太认真嘛,我的boss 曾多次告诉我说:可以与任何人可以争论,但不涉及“人身性”,筷子可以掘弯了,但自己能控制不致掘折了,因为弯了一松劲又可恢复原状,但折了就不能恢复原状了,共勉,共勉。
    • u havnt answered the starter question i wait for ur highlighted answers, tx---very short sound
      • 启动机的原理是小电流控制大电流。钥匙点火时,小电流被输送到启动机内部的电磁继电器上,触点吸合,大电流(近百安培)通过触点使启动机转动,通过一个离合装置带动发动机主轴.有响声没转动,说明继电器有吸合动作,但大电流没有接通.
        • no , not 发暗, the engine just dosn't respond, that 'crispy' sound is
          just an analogy to msn sound, it is hard to describe, but the duration of the clicking sound is very shour, just a 'ka'--0.05sec, any possible cable/wire problem? or the plug charging gap is burned too wide?
          • 80%肯定是启动机部分的问题。检查电瓶大线(从电瓶正极出来的一根最粗的线)是否牢靠,沿着该线的走向找到接启动机的接头,看是否松动生锈。电瓶负极也有一根线接车身,也必须确认接触良好。
            • thanks, i appreciate your thoughtful explanation. some ppl say, for 'old' cars, there are all kinds trick to start a car, if it finally does, (like mine, sometimes 1 time, sometimes 3 times), it is ok,
              ---is this saying 'correct'? i mean do i need pay intensive attention to the starting?
              • 毛病虽小,终究是毛病,不会自愈,只会恶化。有空就赶紧整治,不然哪天路上熄火又打不着了....应该不是很复杂的问题。自己查查,或者找我来试试,先声明,没有100%把握呀。
                • again, I thank you, but the car is, to be frank, not mine, i will let the owner keep an eye on it. thx
    • 不能走, 还没给我比较Civic和Corolla呢, 习习习
      • 我来给你比较吧--两个都别买。
        • 你, 你...
          • 我是说真的。那么多车,不一定非买这两种吧。要是让我重新选择,我一定买辆SUV。
            • //hand. 不过我喜欢TOYOTA RAV4。我觉得RAV4的线条比HONDA CRV漂亮。
              • 以前的RAV4还行,今年这款不太喜欢。不够舒展,象没发育好似的。^_^. 只是自己的感觉,HOHO。。。
                • 呵呵,要买SUV,我觉得还是买4 RUNNER 或者HONDA的PASSPORT巴,或者EXPLORER,PATHFINDER。 RAV4 和CRV都太小了,SUV就是要大,重,这样比较安全,在风暴中比较稳定。当然他们便宜些,但要便宜还不如买个小车算了
                  • 对极了!我下一个目标是4RUNNER。
                    • 我要养老婆孩子,还有长辈,负担重呀,只求有个车开就行了,什么4runner, 5runner的,再说吧。
                      • 都负担重啊!有个目标总还是允许的嘛!你心里的下个目标是什么呢?
                        • 明天的649,1200万。怎样,这目标很现实吧。
                          • 呓, 怎么和我一样啊?
                  • I think AUDI Allroad is not bad, or Lexus RX300 or BENZ ML320
                    • BTW, the Lincoln Navigator is the best of the best except for the high, high price.
                      • 好车多的是。只是。。。我很穷,我很穷,我很穷穷穷穷穷。。。。
                  • my next target is Acura MDX now..can't afford it in Canada...poor money...:<
                • 我倒不是喜欢大的车,只是满街都是SEDAN,看得都厌了。况且我并不需要SUV的越野性能,一部MINI SUV就够了。如果有钱,当然首选是mercedes-benz的ML55 AMG,线条又好,又够COOL。
            • 什么是SUV? 农民吧?
              • 就是越野车,一般来说是吉普
              • sports utility vehicle, u could also call it sports-ute.
            • why all the girls like SUV? 开辟新战场吧?
              • 因为和比我高的人说话时要仰视,我要开个大个的车俯视他们。
                • 呵呵,有道理, 有性格
                • 我挺喜欢Toyota的Jeep, 同事有一个. 可惜啊, 没钱
                  • 我总觉得辛苦把钱都扔到一辆贵车里不值,车是消费品,过几年就完蛋了,还是放GIC里好(现在股市也不可靠了〕。我就喜欢看我的银行帐户的数字往上跳,嘿嘿
                    • 习习习, 小地主or 地主婆... (just a joke)
                    • GIC太低了,我觉得bonds和market security 或者是某些special saving account 好一点.
                      • 哥们也都太能熬了巴,你们那里应该是快两点了巴,我这才快一点,得睡了。呵呵
                    • 你的PATHFINDER花了你几两银子?好COOL啊,我喜欢。
                    • 钱是用来花的。我LG经常说:花掉的钱才是自己的,帐户上的是银行的。我觉得钱只要变成自己喜欢的东西的时候,才是最开心的。当然,喜欢在家数钱或看帐户上的数字的另算。
        • Corolla is reliable. However, it is the most boring car. If you are single male with out GF, never buy it.
          There is a joke said that on a corolla, when you want to speed up and press the gas, before the speed up to 60, you can have a small snooze.
          • Why do you say it's the most boring car? I'm not a bachelor.
            • 对一个单身的年青男子,你不觉得COROLLA太普通,太没用个性了吗?
              IF YOU really want a jap car, you can try a Acura 1.7EL. 3000 more. or Altima

              A lot of choice. Focus, Golf.
              • 话不是这样说,应该是“开COROLLA的人(不管男女)都一个得行”。 你若不辛开在了他后面你会恨不得跳下车走上去踹他两脚。
                • wrong! i drove corolla (even i don't like it), i think ur driving style is only comparable to me..otherwise, u may get 5-6 tickets already..//admire
          • Hope I can give you a ride with my corolla...heihei
            • Yours is auto, right???? It is a little bit slow for acc, but it is not because the horse power. It has 126hp if I am not wrong. It does not like a 126hp car.
              • 开自动波的车是有一点方法的。比如你要急加速,一定要将油门快速踏下,让电脑明确知道你的意图,转入“power”换档模式,否则,不太快的踏下,即使踏到同样油门深度,电脑还在“economy”模式下,速度当然加不上。
                • You are right, but I am not sure Corolla have this intelligence. Anyway, it is hard to find another car as powerless as a corolla. Even a civic with 106hp is better
                  • heihei, probably you are wrong. I've tried some cars, and I'm driving it day to day, I can feel the difference.
            • 我要去找你,
              • ok, welcome!
          • 其实我觉得买车只要性能可靠,买便宜的就好了。
            为什么要那末好的加速?车只是交通工具,你塞车啊?我最讨厌多伦多一些香港小孩,没钱买好的跑车,买辆CIVIC然后自己重新改装一下,把尾气管搞得跟炮筒似的,开车自恃加速快,随便CUT OFF 别人,害人也害自己。要让我重新选择,我会选HYUNDAI,开几年就扔掉,还省心,停车时候给人撞下也没事。 我在这里见的两个都是快百万富翁的同事,都开个小破车,什么HONDA CIVIC,什么PONTIAC GRAND AM。 我的车倒是让我脸红,感觉太奢侈了。车这东西,换过几辆也就没感觉了。除非是CEO之类,要用它来抬高身份,当然另当别论
            • 不同的人对车有不同的口味,有人只当它是代步工具,可是有人却有更多的要求 根据自己的爱好和钱包的大小决定吧
              everyone have some hobby. If you have no hobby, why you need extra
              money? If you think it is worth, it is.

              I am planning to get a good car next year, because I think I worth it.
              • If you have many hobbies, perhaps I could be one of your friend. Photography, skiing, skating, rollor-blading, swimming, fishing, classic music, repairing all kind of stuffs, digital video shooting/editing....
                • Of course. Last year I did fishing a lot. Skiing twice. Swimming a lot of times
              • i am eager to see ur new car then...:) give me a ride, even more, let me test drive it..haha
                • You may have to wait more than one year. My lease contract will be end of at end next year.
                  My preference is C320 or 325xi
    • hehe, 我们就是喜欢看egg and wjiang 咬在一起。起个名字, egg VS wjiang , Jap VS us, or 鸡蛋碰石头。演出开始了!!!
      • 嘿嘿,“狗咬狗,一嘴毛”。但是我人单势孤,大众都在沉默...
        • 我坚决站在EGG这边。偏爱日车没商量。
          • 谢谢。加个条件限制:新移民阶段
            • 不,一万年!!! hohoho!!!
      • 不敢!如果和Egg意见相左,Egg对。 如果Egg错了, 小Egg对。 把我放最后。
        • hoho, SLX!
        • you are a real mixer. BTW, what's meaning of SLX.
          • 双龙虾
      • 掐吧,掐吧,掐累了,不会失眠。而且有很好的负作用,我又对车多了解了一些,掐,继续掐,阴险吧,hoho.
    • 我也就是仅限*美日车的选择*一题才敢跟爱格较量。 爱格说到有关车子原理的时候, 我只能闭嘴。 嘿嘿!他是机械家。 我是外形, 安全, 经济,和政治的奴隶。
      • jiang总在半夜时分出现,象........午夜幽灵!^_^
        • 你也是...半夜女鬼
          • 鬼来了!就在你背后。。。别回头! HOHO!!
            • 净胡说, 那是俺媳妇
              • 咕咚!我笑倒了!
                • 倒了就倒, 别变成真鬼, 习习习
    • I support you!
      I am tired of so many yelling each other on JP cars or US car, or what ever. It seems if we buy Jp cars, we don't love our conutry or I should China. Car is just a car, just a transportaion, it doesn't mean that much. US car can be made of Jps steel, Jps chip or plastic. If those guys really want to purely use every thing made in China. Use their Bus no.11. Do everything we want to do, that is one of the reason we are here, or why we are here. We were tired of being asked to do this or that in China by our boss or leader, we were tired of seeing so much unfair things in China. Now we are here, why we still argue each other just for a car?!

      I am driving a jps car, a purely Jps made car, but I still love my country. I believe that there must be some body who is not dirving a jps car doesn't love China as much as me. So, guys, enjoy your life, buy a jps car because you like it, you can afford it, let thouse people buy US, korean or Germany cars.