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I thought there were loud and clear protests around the world in the past decades.., otherwise there won't be such movies made in good quality, widely available and highly acclaimed..

Killing of whales, dolphins and seals were well documented and condemned around the world...

The killing of whales by Japanese has generated outcry and people risks their lives fighting against whale hunting ships ... That episode was a national shame of Japan

I also think it's time we don't turn a blind eye towards the "cruelty " elsewhere in the world, and yes, that should also include what's "currently " going on inside China, which by comparison, has been very little documented and not sufficiently made aware by the media... We protest , we fight , we make people aware "cruelty" is wrong.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 宠物乖乖 / 这个视频拍的非常好。在我们是中国人,印度人,泰国人,美国人,加拿大人,男人,女人,LGBTQ人之前,我们首先是“人”。

    • It all depends on who sees it... +3
      • together, we can do it +1
    • 那些狗狗太可怜了, 看得我只掉眼泪.
      • 应该把这个视频放到广大中国人民能看到的地方.
        • 没用,国内论坛上的主流声音都是这些动物保护主义者装x
          • 国内主流问题是保护人,刚才解决一胎化
        • 没有用,他们会问你,你吃猪吃牛吗?一样的
          • 不是吃什么,
            而是(1) 怎么杀,这里的鸡,debeak是cruelty,然后带隐形眼镜什么的。中国杀猪也不是拉倒大街上活剥的。(2)health and safety,猪什么的有检疫标准,狗也需要,那是为了吃的人好。猪肉用个抗生素什么的,被说是奸商,狗随便抓一个,杀了就吃,狗瘟,狂犬病,吃得人就没意见了?
        • 凤凰说了
    • 很难 韩国人有吃狗习惯 玉林就没法说了 不明白他们为什么偷来各种品种的狗来吃
    • 痛恨残忍, 对所有的动物, 不仅是狗。你看过日本专门屠杀海豹的记录片吗? 希望全世界也来制裁, 他们丧心病狂的屠杀海豹的举动。
      • 对,还有挪威
        • 还有加拿大 +1
          • 对,反对野蛮猎杀海豹
            • 还有鸡
              • 猪牛马羊从农贸市场发来贺电 :)
      • 倭人主要是捕杀鲸鱼,而且打着科学研究的旗号。
        • 高鼻子白皮肤的上等人杀鲸鱼才是科研 -poptest(▰˘◡˘▰); 20:47 (#10166747@0)
      • 北欧人杀海豚就被华丽丽的无视了?或者,高鼻子白皮肤的上等人杀鲸鱼才是科研
        • 我也是认为人们不应该选择性忽视, 另一部分人的野蛮残忍的行径。看过《The Cove》后, 不明白这种行为为什么没有引起全世界人的声讨。
          • I thought there were loud and clear protests around the world in the past decades.., otherwise there won't be such movies made in good quality, widely available and highly acclaimed..
            Killing of whales, dolphins and seals were well documented and condemned around the world...

            The killing of whales by Japanese has generated outcry and people risks their lives fighting against whale hunting ships ... That episode was a national shame of Japan

            I also think it's time we don't turn a blind eye towards the "cruelty " elsewhere in the world, and yes, that should also include what's "currently " going on inside China, which by comparison, has been very little documented and not sufficiently made aware by the media... We protest , we fight , we make people aware "cruelty" is wrong.
            • 同意。一切 cruelty 和 torture, 无论对任何动物, 或者是对人类自己, 人都是应该不能容忍的。人发展到今天, 应该已经脱离了愚昧蛮荒, 那样的野蛮残忍是一种可怕的病态。
          • 问题是,The cove是说日本人杀海豚的,日本人屠鲸这不是新闻。然而这个地球上还有一个民族,每年以屠杀大量海豚虎鲸为节日庆祝却鲜为人知,这件事情本身是不是一个悖论
    • 猪牛马羊从农贸市场发来贺电 :) -poptest(▰˘◡˘▰); 20:48 (#10166749@0) 话说三文鱼何其无辜啊,给人做成刺身卖高价
    • 真是个难题。今年的Toronto Ribfest 到底还该不该去呢
      • 想起Greek wedding里的一个段子:You eat no meat? OK, let's make lamb:)
      • It's about "cruelty"... 如果咱们被外星人入侵,成为食物,你是想快速少痛的死掉,还是被活着剥皮抽筋砍去手脚,活着放到水里煮熟油炸, 活着被棍棒打死,被外星人吃的时候还被它们享受你死的过程和痛苦。两者选其一,就是我在说的事。 +3
        • 主贴视频看不出是个反酷刑的
          • 视频说的全部是“Cruelty ” +3
            • It all depends on who sees it... -redneck(Cracker); 13:15 (#10166056@0) And of course illiteracy, the inability to understand the English language... +4
            • 我觉得所有的屠杀都是cruelty , 残忍的剥夺了生命。酷刑是更加的残酷
          • 视频一直重复是,stop torture。 +1
          • It is about compassion. +1