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History will agree with me on this: Today, marks the darkest day in American politics

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Today, it becomes official...two very bad choices for American's 2016 Election: between a big money backed, business as usual, left leaning Hilary Clinton; and a Joker - Donald J. Trump.

It's almost unimaginable, less than six months ago -but now a very real possibility of President Trump.

By November 2016, if Trump doesn't become the next President, GOP will be further dragged into a far far right fairy land of no return to main stream politics, by two forces - the religious right and the Tea Party movement.

If Trump doesn't become the next President of United States, the Democratic will gain enough momentum by stopping this "evil" figure, and go rightfully so into a far far left land - where if you have a distaste of today's political correctness , wait until 2017.

And by doing so, there is no stopping of big money pouring into the political arena and wall street will have the last laugh.

After all this, Trump still comes out a winner, while the biggest losers, are American People.

This logic seems so illogical to me, even yesterday. But, should I hope for a Trump Presidency?

Hell, no!

But I don't have an answer any more.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / History will agree with me on this: Today, marks the darkest day in American politics +5
    • 赞忧天 !
      • 活着明白
    • what is going to change?
      • Everything and nothing
    • The US President's power is actually quite limited. No matter who is elected, he/she can't go too far though.
      • "US President is effectively a dictator "
    • 要打仗啦,快跑!
      • To where?
        • Easy
          Outer space
    • 二坏选一,你选谁?
      • 可惜好人都没能剩下来出来参选。按说这次该GOP的turn了,其实Paul Ryan虽然挺右,说起话来还不错: 他说Trump关于墨西哥裔法官是textbook definition of a racist comment +1

        • 搞到现在这样,奥巴马心里可能最爽,估计他一走全美国都怀念他的好了
          • 不用将来,就现在,Obama现在的approval rating 比里根这个时候还高了
            • do you think O8 is totally inocent before this chaos? what has he been doing in his 8 years?
              • 奥巴作为总统是失败的,做了很多事与身份不符,为进一步种族隔离作出了巨大贡献。 +1
                • The Early Winner of the 2016 Campaign: Obama. Obama's approval stands at 52 percent; Ronald Reagan, by comparison, had 49 percent approval at this point in his tenure.
                  • Regardless of the number if I think he is a loser he is dead then...
    • 其实这合情合理。老床和卡森是GOP候选人当中,
      屁股上屎最少的。老床显然在Dog Fight中轻松获胜。老吸在DEM候选人当中,是最黑的一个。DEM的Super Delegate有很大一部分是lobbyist,老吸显然在权钱交易大赛中轻松获胜。可以这么说,老床老吸的对决,是米帝政治经济发展的历史必然。
    • very good English!
      • and a very insightful idea +1
        • An creative one as well.
          • 像我这么纠结的是沉默的大多数
            • 先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐.
    • 床铺当选美国总统这个事儿让大家知道以后,
      是不这人就活不了了? 就已经是身败名裂了,有这么狠嘛? 楼主你把你的整个性格你调整好了,让我也放心了,就好办了;你现在是不让我放心,而且床铺当选总统本来这个事儿是个很美好的事儿,你现在非要把他当成个丑闻,要把他弄身败名裂.....
      • Newt Gingrich 一直是Trump坚定的支持者,如今也指责 Trump Attacking Judge 'Inexcusable,' One of His 'Worst Mistakes'
        • 教皇闹翻了,法官也无所谓了
    • 物竞天择. 你为什么要逆历史潮流?
      • ...because the decline of America will take Canada with it...
    • 找到那个保加利亚老太的预言:OBAMA是最后一个美国总统
    • feel sad for you,四年内再也没有“巴掌都拍红了”的喜悦了。
    • 有时间担心美国。不如多关心一下加拿大,没发觉身边越来越多土豆他爹他妈,明年邻居开始合法种的/LCBO买的娱乐用大麻, 还有帮助教育孩子们性生活及彩虹性世界的正常人。 +1
    • 看今晚加州的结果吧,如果老三大比分赢希拉里,老三到底退不退?数学上,老三还是有希望
      • 桑叔现在能以独立候选人身份参加总统竟选吗?
        • 好像好多州要提前多少个月登记才能参选,老三一直以民主党候选人身份参选,现在改对好多州来说来不及了!期待床铺和希捷的撕逼大战,3D眼镜和爆米花已经买好
      • 理论上还有一点希望,三哥就不会退。酱紫