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the platform is supported by 3 wood bars and 1 round metal rod(curtain rod left over from Ikea). The two middle wood bars will be permanently joint by middle board. Take close look the picture, the first wood is anchored by two twisted brackets, the two threaded holes are existing for the seats. Since the seat holes are with angle, you have to use pliers to bend the bracket in order to join to the 2x4. The second wood 2x4 attached two short legs which are sitting on sheet metal, for proventing from "jumping up", using tiewrap and metal wire hooked at existing square hole. The third wood bar is tied to two D rings by Velcro.
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  • 枫下沙龙 / 游山玩水 / My DIY COMPACT RV +3

    • 非常不错,用的什么材料,折叠起来占地方吗?需要非常handy吗?多谢分享!
      • 木材来自 homedepot其它都是現有的.这就是为啥颜色不一样 难度中等我都是车库做的
    • 换个角度 +2

    • 不错, 不过比三果的还差点儿啊 +1
      • 结论下得太早, 我 +1
        • 有进步的空间,多好啊。
          • 你等着, 会让你收回你的话 :D
    • 后两排座都拆了?
      • 必须的
    • 一次只能一张照片?两个backpacking air pad fit perfect +1

      • 弄的不错。。。用的时候注意开点窗子。。。
        • Suggesting window deflectors:
          • 这个合法吗?
            • Yes, it's legal. I've been using it for years.
        • 谢々提醒,不论啥天气至少一个窗打开半寸
    • 主体platform由四块组成,只有一块固定,其余的可拆卸。能看明白那块固定吗? +1

      • The one in the middle is fixed. Is that right?
        • Correct
    • 继续上图,真累! 猜到这块小的第二个功能了吧? +1

      • Cool design! Is it a Honda CR-V? Which model year?
      • 真棒!
        • 三果少上网吧,多花时间在生活上 +1
          • 上网现在已经成了多数人生活的重要一部分,手机已经成了很多人最亲密的伙伴,这个得改。。。
          • 网吧? 用我自己手机啦不花钱~~
    • 没看懂diy什么了
      • 出门玩当rv用,能休息,有点意思
      • 就是把后面的座位拆了,垫了些板子当床用。。。
        • 不是拆了吧 我的车后座放倒也这样 铺个毯子就这样
          • 那就更简单。。。我的车放到座位还不是很平。。。
            • 呵呵, 任何爱好都是从最小开始的,然后不满意了要修改,满意了要强化,一点点做大的。 我就是那样。 从caravan 到自己做rv 到 买个真正rv
              • 你的RV不用的时候应该租出去啊。。。
                • 有车保险问题。
              • Caravan改RV用复杂不?俩大人一小孩能挤下不?
                • Buy a Caravan Stow'n Go version, that's the most convenient vehicle for camping. Simple stow down the 2nd and 3rd rows, then you get a flat space!
    • 睡觉的时候是这样的 +2

      • 欧麦嘎,已经打成平局了!
    • 做的很好。我也研究过,在很小空间整出一个生活区是个艺术。 你也可以看看这个
      • 不错,你这豪宅,空间超大,我这townhouse不能比。
    • 非常实用于两个人用的小桌子特别是雨天或是在parking lot。三条腿会自己弹开,动力来自橡皮筋(有点儿丑哈)。一块桌布就藏在桌底下,两条反绕上来的橡皮筋会压住它,防风刮跑。这是我比较得意的设计之一。 +1

      • Holy moly +1
    • 不谦虚地说我把这个2011年CRV内部空间的利用发挥到了极致,platform上下空间的分配还是花了一定脑筋。headroom和platform下面的storage空问是一对矛盾,考虑到air flow 舒适性等问题,我还是偏向紧缩storage,况且我们有小而轻的backpacking装备。 +1

    • 这块板的下面就是新的trunk。铺上塑料布, +1
      边边角角、缝缝隙隙的空间都要利用好。支撑杆的一端由橡皮筋固定,防丢并自动收起,很方便。东西虽小也有科技含量哈。这个杆子是玻璃纤维材质,来自$30Canadiantire的screenhouse。 这个screenhouse让我给大缷八块, 对,橡皮筋都是从它来的,后面还有更多材料来自于它。

      • Did you raise the board a bit? I'd like to know how you keep the 4 boards flat and level. I've been thinking about a similar modification but I'm not handy enough to make it happen. :)
        • Yes, +1
          I setup about 3-4" inches above the base. this 3-4 inches gap allows your hand to go in to reach something. It is very useful, we put our clothes there, my wife use one side and I use another side. Generally, this project is not too difficult, if you house wood work, you should be able to handle it.
    • 第二个固定storage椅后床下主要放锅碗瓢盆和一个cooler bag,而固定板下有三到四寸的空间适用于放卷起来的衣服,如果利用好相当28寸luggage。还有floating storage---我们用二个75升backpack,睡觉时放到前座椅上。 +1

      • There is a long black metal bar in this picture. Did you add it or it came with the car?
        • I added. That's one of four sport cross bars. I don't know how many people interested about it, if many like to know it I would like to post my pictures to show how to do it.
          • Sorry support bar not sport bar
          • Oh yeah,
            I'm very interested in it! I have a CR-V too, and have been thinking about such modification for long time! Please continue. If you need you can add more than one picture in a post. Just click on the "Upload Pictures" again after one is done.
            • later I will post details please wait
    • 我觉得如果做些木匠活儿,把五合板垫起来,底下做储藏空间,能充分利用空间,适合更远距离长期旅行。 +1

      • Before i setup the platform height,
        I do did some homework and research. My car is Honda CRV, not big as yours. If I setup high, I will not have enough head room. For the shortage of storage, not big issue, floating is one option, roof box another. I'm a kind of millimolist, for us no problem.
      • There is a young couple, they did the CRV that way. Search CRV + platform, will see it.
    • 防蚊通风的纱窗必不可少,而蚊虫肆虐的夏季,安收快捷,又是一项考虑的指标,还有一个前提不能对车造成永久损伤,如打孔。能实现这些的DIYer, 是不是该评个中级职称,想评上吗?看看怎么实现。 +2

      • Very creative! I guess you were using the tent mesh you mentioned earlier. :)
      • 哪用这么复杂,就买个大纱窗布,用时整个放前门,把门关上卡住纱窗布,用电动窗控制窗口大小,就是个可控纱窗了,晚上野外开一点点就挺凉了
      • 这个做的很好,如果只是为了夜间通气的话,我有更简单的解决方案,就是把纱网剪切成前窗 形状 更大 ,然后扎边 内嵌磁铁片,一元店都有, 从外面直接吸附窗户上。很方便
        • 别急等下文
      • 虽然防蚊了,私密好像也没有了。怎么解决?车尾对着丛林?
        • 我也是有这种感觉 睡觉的时候开窗还行 开门就觉得很不安全
    • 没风湿热的晚上,一面透风的墙,很受益。去年大烟山trip的一个晚上就是这么开着门睡的。这里得感谢一下羽成飞同学开辟的经典路线哈。所有的窗都有mesh。正如三果同学说的那样,我也用的是磁铁,快速收放不损车体,磁铁是个不二的选择。 +1

    • 这个自我感觉良好创意的卖点不是把mesh装上这么简单,它是打开车门mesh向动弹起,并门开车走人。不需动mesh。 +1

      • 关上时的样子
    • 二根细绳很给力,不仅增加了内部空间,看起来也更加sexy。这么大块的mesh磁铁已无能为力,mesh 周边用橡皮筋固定,为防止大风吹跑还加了两个clip。所有材料来自我可聆的screenhouse, 真是扒皮、抽筋、断骨(3 条桌腿). +1

      • good job
    • 太牛了!车顶得装个storage bin 吧?不然东西放哪里啊
      • Any space below the platform and behind seat is the fixed storage,
        see my previous pictures. Another storage such as bags, packs, I call them floating storage, you can leave them on the "bed" when you drive, move them to the front seat when you sleep. Keep in mind that sleeping bag/pad those stuff, you don't need to put in the storage, simply leave them on the "bed".
    • 太牛了。请问你每次出门是这样装好出去,还是到地方再拆座椅然后安装platform。
      • 平时一直装着,如想转换也不难。半个小时搞定,如不打包防尘,十五分钟。
    • 睡两人太挤吧? 好像适合一个人在北美大地上东西南北无拘无束地漫游。
      • It should be very comfortable for 2 people. :)
    • 继续上图 +1

    • 内部结构 +1

      the platform is supported by 3 wood bars and 1 round metal rod(curtain rod left over from Ikea). The two middle wood bars will be permanently joint by middle board. Take close look the picture, the first wood is anchored by two twisted brackets, the two threaded holes are existing for the seats. Since the seat holes are with angle, you have to use pliers to bend the bracket in order to join to the 2x4. The second wood 2x4 attached two short legs which are sitting on sheet metal, for proventing from "jumping up", using tiewrap and metal wire hooked at existing square hole. The third wood bar is tied to two D rings by Velcro.
      • I once was checking the layout after I removed the rear row seats, couldn't find a good way to place an extra board so I gave up. You are so skillful!
    • Different view +1

      Digged two nortches are for the trunk board toungues which plays like hing
    • Removable section support +1

      The most challeng part of building the platform is how to deal with the removable section. This section has to be securely supported when in bedding, also need to be easy setup; secondly this section including supports must be not interference with the slide back seats, and also no interference when seat back tilt down when in driving mode. I over throw a couple of different solutions, this one I believe is the best to me. This removable section(2 small piece, one of is table) one side is supported by first 2x4, the other side is supported by metal rod ( not shown in this picture , see previous post). The metal rod two ends hanged to existing metal knob ( for hang up folded back seats). I'm afraid the rod and two knobs not strong enough to take the whole weight, my option is adding middle support. See the pic, that why first 2x4 attached a T. On the T, there is arch shape cutoff it is for he rod swing when seat tilt or move back. (rod will swing around the hanging point) Generally speaking, as long as throw the two boards away, the seats are freely move back forth, tilt up down, the rod will follow the seat moving. When setup for bedding, simply move seats forward, put two small boards in position, that's it! Ready to go.
    • 睡不下俩人?实践说话 +1

      • 完全可以睡下两个人 我试过 非常宽敞的。
    • 感谢各位的关注与支持,给与我动力能完成这个话题

      BOM Ply wood 4x8' Homedepot Scree house for material of mesh, rod etc. 2x4 2 Fleece 2 Megnets ~100. Buy from Aliexpress Curtain rod from Ikea Duct tape TOOLS cutoff saw, circular saw, jig saw, drill, ... Skill: medium+ Length:200cm Head room (highest):100cm Weight Chang: Reduced >50lb (Yes I'm not wrong, it's Reduced) Because it is lighter, better fuel economy, I keep it on all the time if possible.
      • The boards appear to be wrapped with a layer of fabric, how did you do it?
        • staple, pa pa pa fast and easy. 3/8 or 1/2 +1
      • 这个方案很好. 赞一个。 我的车后排放倒就是平的, 放倒酒可以了, 对于下雨天露营时很好的。为了防蚊子,特意去dollar店买了一种纱帘。准备上painter‘s tape,就可以放心睡了。
        • 强烈建议你用磁铁,能反复使用,而且方便快捷,还能解决胶带雨天不粘的问题。
      • 你这个适合没有孩子的。。。人数多了,就没有戏了。
    • 赞一个,
      • 我一直觉得用suv或者van简单的改成有轻便“RV”功能,有省油,道路限制少,投资少,维护保养简单,,,的优点 +2
        • 不需要额外parking; 不需要额外保险; 不需要预定旅馆; 理论上讲可以睡在任何可停车的地方; 理论上讲可以不需要进麦当劳; 减少油耗,因为车变轻了; 延长假期,因为头一天晚上就可以出发。 +1
          • 嗯,自驾游camping搭拆帐篷也很烦人 +1
    • 昨晚你睡哪儿了?尽管我一番解释,尽管我说我有帐篷睡在车里更舒服方便,对面site的老外还是一脸不解,就这车还能睡下两人? +1

    • 讲一个题外的小故事儿

      就在这个营地(大烟山),起的比较早正准备早饭,大多数人还在睡梦中,有一大汉说话声音特别大,毫无顾忌,直到这人走到我附近,我才弄明白怎么回事,他手里拿着一个有18寸长的长把大饭勺,嘴里不断重复:I think it's five, I think it's five......在他从我面前经过的时候,看在那个勺子的面上,我都没敢正看他一眼,我心里暗自嘀咕:If you think it's five, it is five, it is five... 好书归正传,仔细看图,看到车门上的纱窗了吗?收装非常方便快捷,很喜欢磁铁snap on的手感。

    • 什么都好,就是万一夫妻俩想那个了,这个车内床板会很发出很响的声音吗?
      • 靠,有响声?上次忘了那手闸,这车就这么蹦哒蹦哒到了隔壁的camping site上,居然都没有人发现, 你说,这床板会有响声吗?
        • hahaha
    • 请问您这是SUN还是MINI VAN?
      • see previous post. Honda CRV crossover
    • 好帖子,我也想这样改装一下。你这个帖子给了很好的借鉴,谢谢!
      • 现在就动手吧!完工了,天也暖和了正好用上。这个改造非常实用,不仅仅适用于野营。我上次从多伦多到蒙特利尔参加一个重要的活动,就开着这车住在camping site里,免去了订旅馆的麻烦和费用。
    • 很想知道你这个与Caravan Stow'n Go相比哪个大?我的Caravan后两排放倒后整个就是平的,但目测睡俩没问题,睡仨还不知道行不行,最大问题是俩大人俩小孩,不知还能否整出些空间?
      • Caravan 比我这个大多了,我的是Honda CRV, 几乎是最小的SUV. 四个人恐怕挤不下, 带个帳蓬吧,俩个睡车里两个睡外面,记住车窗不能完全关死。